A few of my friends on here have posted these & I wanna feel included
Name: Olivia
Nickname: Liv/ Livi
How old are you?: 19
Zodiac sign: Cancer :3
Current location: Usa, the KFC state
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black w red roots for now !
Hair type: Straight, like annoyingly straight
Height: 5'3
Your heritage: Idk tbh
What's your middle name: Nichole (It's my mommas name <3)
Shoes you wore today: Converse
Your fear: Bugs and birds 0.o
Goal you would like to achieve this year: Get a higher paying job
First thought when you wake up: 'Where my vape at?'
Who is your bestest friend?: My childhood friend Em
Your most cherished memory: Watching my daddy ring the bell after his last chemo treatment <3
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke 4 life
McDondald's or Burger King?: Taco bell>
What is the last song you sang?: Honey, this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us- Mcr
Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive?: Without fail
What is your biggest pet peeve?: A lot tbh but I can't stand when people are rude for no reason
Do you drink?: Eh not really, maybe on special occasions
Ever been drunk?: Ya
Do you smoke?: Ya
Do you "SMOKE"?: Ya
Do you sing?: Strictly in the car
Do you want to go to college?: Yea, but I ended up moving out first and can't afford it rn
Have you ever been in love?: Ofc
Do you want to get married?: Depends on my day tbh
Do you believe in yourself?: I'm scared, but yea
Do you believe in others?: Eh, depends
Do you like thunderstorms?: Hell nah, storms make me nervous
Do you play an instrument?: No :(
What country would you like to visit?: Japan, I have to see the 7/11s
How many CDs do you own?: Maybe 10?
How many DVDs do you own?: Jesus too many
How many tattoos do you have?: 7, hopefully more soon!
How many piercings do you have?: 2, my ears and my nose, contemplating a vertical labret :3
How many things in the past do you regret?: Too much prob
Shoes: My black converse
Radio station: 97.1, mostly listen to CDs/youtube music
Drink: Original redbull, sprite
Car: 2004 Lexus, thx dad <3
Place: My parents' house, love my apartment but it's different
Song: Honey, this mirror isn't big enough for the two of us- Mcr, constantly changes tho
Movie: Prob still Brokeback Mountain, anything to cry to tbh
Moment: Not sure tbh
Color: Pink !
Meal: Beef friend rice (You're telling me a beef fried this rice??)
What is todays date?: 9/25/2024
What time is it?: 10:27pm
Who are you thinking of?: Fuck idk, lost my vape again
What are you listening to?: Rotten Mango, she's a true crime youtuber
Does someone love you?: Everyone has people who love them <3
Is it raining?: Nah
How many Spacehey friends do you have?: 51 I think, idk
Are you happy?: Overall yea
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stealing cause im bored
Feel free! I stole this too xD
by Emo Prince$$; ; Report
lolol WOW that took 20 minutes, crazy
by NewPancakeMan; ; Report