Idk how to put trigger warning but i need help. I've been sitting in my pitch black room all day exploring the internet and i haven't spoken to any of my friends. Its already 5 in the afternoon and i have not ate a single thing and im feeling depressed i rlly need someone to talk too and its very depressing for me rn.

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I went through a similar experience in my life that lasted way longer than It should have so if you want someone to talk to I'm here and I'm sure a lot of other people can be there for you to id say this is a pretty safe space and most people are nice here :)
yes yes people are nice. im just lonely and need friends because everyone ghosts me and its just exhausting and annoying. But im thinking of going back to the psych ward i was in because idk if i can hold it in any longer. Im starting to get those thoughts again
by Azrael; ; Report