Rae's profile picture

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Category: Friends

Claim lists…

Okay, friend of mine okay SWEETEST PERSON EVER IRL so litch no hate to his irl person.


His online persona makes me want to rip my hair out! He made a discord server as a safe space for LGBTQ+ people which is really cool and its really active so im happy for him! But…i hate it so much, you can not do anything on there even swear!! And swearing is litch in my vocab, i get excessive swearing like, but its so strict i hate it on there AND EVEN WORSE.

they have this chat called ‘alterhuman lists’ which isnt bad cause yea that can be a thing but its the rules that piss me off, basically you cannot say you are that character e.g “im so (insert character)” cause you will get told off, cant even have my profile as a character i like and relate to BECAUSE THEY CLAIM THIS CHARACTER which annoys the hell outta me. And many others of our irl friend group theyve shown annoyance to this and even expressed it but got brushed off with “ill sort something out” words of the sort, so yea i love this person irl but online they are my worst nightmare. 🔥🔥🔥 I just dont get why people claim characters, i mean i go out of my way to hide my interests from that person so i can have something of my own, its not like you made that character, it isnt yours in a sense. But could never say this to them as he is dating my bsf 😀. YIPPEE oh i also keep my pfp as i want im not changing it cause they feel like this character! LOL

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Frost-Bite's profile picture

the worst discord server i've ever been in you weren't allowed to send smileys

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DAMN that one werent to bad but something similar was emoji claims… you couldnt use the emojis someone claimed

by Rae; ; Report


Izzy's profile picture

It's giving "oh..so...[character] is my favorite character...I'm not really comfortable sharing them with others because they mean a lot to me. but it's okay if they're your favorite character too..!" lolol.

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Real but this person feels like THEYRE PHYSICALLY THIS CHARACTER and theyve just had massive beef with someone over a pfp

Context: the person was @ed and told to read the rules over his pfp, he has did and that was one if his alters aswell as matching with his bf. But this dude would not shut up and did guy obv refused amd explained but then the friend started having a panic attack over the pfp 🧍

by Rae; ; Report

Real but this person feels like THEYRE PHYSICALLY THIS CHARACTER and theyve just had massive beef with someone over a pfp

Context: the person was @ed and told to read the rules over his pfp, he has did and that was one if his alters aswell as matching with his bf. But this dude would not shut up and did guy obv refused amd explained but then the friend started having a panic attack over the pfp 🧍

by Rae; ; Report

Sounds like a big scoop of delusion with a side of trip to the therapist's office!

by Izzy; ; Report