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Category: Blogging

9.23.24 - Refreshing... !!



A REFRESHING CHAT: I talked to ☆L today, which I usually never do. We are mutually friends with my best friend ♡H, although I went to middle school with ☆L (so, technically have known her longer). As much as I sometimes get a strange vibe from ☆L, I'm sort of coming around to her. At least in middle school, she was known for being sort of problematic, but it's at least clear to me that some things have changed. Plus, she was never gossip-y or drama-y to me, so I have nothing against ☆L. (・∀・)

What made our conversation special was us talking about a certain friend group drama from middle school. Specifically about a group of girls I'll call the OG group. This group included mostly K■■■, M■■■■, S■■■■■, A■■■. Again, ☆L was never directly my friend but she was certainly in the loop with my friend group. For the longest time, I've needed closure about this group. (〒﹏〒) None of my current friends even know who they are, which is a good thing because it helps me move on from past drama, but it sucks because they don't really understand how any of it felt. 

I'm using this to vent, so here's a tidbit about the OG group. I've known most of these girls since kindergarten. Our families were very close. It's the sort of thing that I wasn't always hanging out with them, but if I had ever needed a group to go to in the time of need, they were always there. In fact, they never really became my main group until 8th grade. These girls all, for the most part, came from very good families. They were all Asian, and not to employ any stereotypes but many of their parents had high expectations for them.

Like, I remember how the OG group all did tennis, language lessons, math tutoring, art classes, etc. all at the same time even back in 3rd grade. (@_@;) They had no-nonsense parents, which sounds very unloving from the outside. In reality, their parents were just really hard-working, down to Earth people. They had worked very hard, usually from immigrant roots, to provide for their kids and give them the best life they could. In such a fake ass state that I live in, they were the real ones for sure. ^^

Big thing to mention was that we were all weird kids. o.0 The kind of loud, annoying girls who talked about anime too loud, cosplayed at school, and known for drawing in class non-stop. We dressed strange, and some of that was because of the time period (2020-22 was rough let's be real ಥ‿ಥ ), but it was also because none of us were scared to show off our interests. 

I won't say that they were always perfect. M■■■■ was constantly problematic (making fun of my appearance, from the least down-to-Earth family, just generally mean/stand-off ish), A■■■ had joined our group late when she was socially kicked out of her old school for spreading gossip O.O , and all of them at one point was disrespectful/rude to me. We had friend group problems, but they were not big enough for me to ever cause a problem. 

Until high school hit...

Don't let anyone tell you that things won't change once you reach high school because that has never been true EVER!!! Within the first week, these nice, hardworking girls got caught up in the wrong crowd. Slowly they started changing their clothes, ditching the stranger/unique styles for what every basic popular girl at our school would. That usually wouldn't be a big deal but then their personalities began to shift too. Ó╭╮Ò All of a sudden, when I would joke about something they wouldn't laugh, but they'd stare at me like I was crazy. It was the same nerdy humor, except now they believed they were fully above it??

They started vaping too, hanging out with kids who I knew showed up to school baked (and later were expelled for drug-related problems =_=). The worst of it was when I was meant to carpool both A■■■ and K■■■ to our homecoming. For 1. they were an HOUR late to my house, (then complained when we were late to the dance) 2. Weren't picking up my calls when I was trying to locate them and worst of all 3. were extremely rude to my parents in the car. This sort of disrespect was unheard of from them. Especially with their kind of parents, who were no bullshit people. How did they even let their daughters act like this? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Me and ☆L spent all of 5th period talking about it. And, man, it felt so good to have someone agree with me. To validate the way these people switched up. (。•́︿•̀。) It never seems as interesting or deep written down, but truly it led to a big turning part in my life. And being able to chat with ☆L about it was so relieving. 

That's the end of this rant? It was rambly, and makes no sense because you don't know anyone I'm yapping about. But I needed to get it off of my chest. :D

Yapping OVER!

- KB ☆

SONG OF THE DAY! https://open.spotify.com/track/6kWJvPfC4DgUpRsXKNa9z9?si=36151915f5a84a51

(All That She Wants- Ace of Base)

2 Kudos


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