Entry #43

agghhAGHHHH AHHHH i was talking to the guy i like right and he was like "im bored lets have a deep convo" so we started like talking about our families and his ex boyfriend and stuff like that and i enjoyed it because it feels like hes really the only person who understands me in a way. and i was listening to jeff buckley and i was sending him these stupid ass lyrics cuz we both like jeff buckley and i was like "you and the girl you like" cuz it was something about being afraid to love and he was like "ehhh i dont even know if i like her like that" AHHHHHHHHH AND THEN HE WAS TALKING ABOUT HOW HE THINK HE DOESNT EVEN LIKE GIRLS ANYMORE AND IM LIKE OHMY GOD OH MY GOD IS THIS. IS THIS. MY SIGN. AHGHAGAAHAHAJbadjs im probably just being crazy but like. MAYBE I HAVE A CHANCE?!?!@>!3//21 he makes me soo fucking happy and i just want to hold him close so bad and smother him in pecks. and he was sending me so many pictures of him and hgnghgsn god hes so perfect in every way i just want to bite his neck and watch him squirm. ahhaggh im getting so many horrible thoughts of him im so embarrassed. but he just has that effect on me its crazy. im gonna stop typing now before i get too open, lol. 

3 Kudos


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