sydney🍉's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey


Personal Basics

  1. What’s your name?  sydney
  2. Do you have any nicknames?  my family and one friend call me syd!
  3. How old are you?  3teen
  4. What’s your zodiac sign?  pisces
  5. Where were you born?   america 🦅🦅🦅🦅
  6. Where do you currently live?   america 🦅🦅🦅🦅
  7. Do you have any siblings?   1, a little sister  :3
  8. Do you have any pets?  nope..
  9. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?  ambivert
  10. What’s your favorite color?   PINK!!!!!!!!!
  11. What languages do you speak?  english and i'm learning sign!


  1. What’s your favorite food?   sushi mmmmm
  2. Favorite drink (non-alcoholic)?  dr pepper or ramune (i just recently realized how good ramune is)
  3. Favorite alcoholic drink?  i'm a miner
  4. Favorite movie?  kamikaze girls!
  5. Favorite book?  any good non fiction books that aren't just "fact 1 fact 2 fact 3", like, ones that make u think
  6. Favorite TV show?  i don't watch a lot of TV but saiki k!
  7. Favorite season of the year?  autumn
  8. Favorite ice cream flavor?  mango or cookies and cream
  9. Favorite type of music?  i have a lot of favorites, but generally i like rock and folk-esc music
  10. Favorite band/artist?  BJÖRK!!!!!!!!!
  11. Favorite song of all time?  i really can't choose, sorryyy
  12. Favorite holiday?  christmas bc free stuff, God, and my dad's extremely over-the-top christmas lights
  13. Favorite video game?   tlou/tlou2
  14. Favorite place to relax?   swingset with some music or a comfortable chair
  15. Favorite dessert?   cheesecake
  16. Favorite time of day?   when i get to talk to my friends hehe

Childhood & School

  1. What was your dream job as a kid?  robin hood?? T_T i wanted to steal from the rich and give to the poor
  2. Who was your childhood best friend?  my friend katie !
  3. What is your favorite subject in school?  art class!
  4. What’s your earliest memory?  my parents teaching me to walk (vaguely remember)
  5. Are you a good student in school?  no, i'm pretty sure i have ADD so that is most likely the factor making me a horrendous student
  6. Do you have a favorite teacher?  yeah, it's typically the really nerdy male teachers for some reason
  7. What was your favorite toy?  monster high dolls. LOVED THEM!! STILL DO!!
  8. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?  monster high
  9. What was your first video game console?  a really old nintendo 64
  10. What’s something you miss about being a kid?  nothing i was lowkey a cunt HELP


  1. Do you believe in ghosts?   yes! i think it's likely they exist and it's just a fun thing to believe in.
  2. What’s your opinion on aliens?  i think they for sure exist, but i do have the belief that the reason we don't see fully evolved aliens or get invaded by aliens is because once a species reaches a certain level, it just destroys itself.
  3. Do you think people are born good or bad?   hmm.. i think sort of, but leaning towards yes. some people are born to just manipulate and be horrible to others and it's not technically curable - disorders like psychopathy and grandiose narcissism are not possible to cure or "fix". i, however, don't believe people are born evil, like in their soul. just handicapped in a way that prevents them from being a good person.
  4. Is there such a thing as fate?   i find fate hard to believe, but it's a fun belief to feed into sometimes.
  5. Do you believe in karma?   not really, honestly. not much has happened to me and i used to be a total bitch when i was little.
  6. Are humans the most intelligent species on Earth?   on earth? definitely
  7. What’s your take on religion?  i like to believe in it but it takes a lot of effort for me to actually have faith most of the time.
  8. Do you think we’ll see flying cars in our lifetime?   there's no need for them. i feel like there are better things for humans to advance on
  9. Are people too reliant on technology?   i think we are reliant on technology, but i don't see the inherent harm in that. i think that technology being used as a tool is very useful and understandable. however, i do think that stuff like social media is affecting the more recent generations very negatively.
  10. Should pineapple go on pizza?   no.. lol
  11. Is social media good or bad for society?   i think it's horrible for society generally, but fun when used correctly or wisely. it's nice to post photos and catch up with friends, but stuff like tiktok is in my opinion, very bad. that being said, i think tiktok is pretty necessary to be educated on pop culture so i do have it.. T_T

Hypothetical Scenarios

  1. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?  a shit ton of clothes!
  2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? norway
  3. If you could have dinner with any three people (dead or alive), who would they be? BJÖRK!! kathleen hanna!! and some random medieval person just to see what their reaction would be to modern society
  4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?  a burger. patty for protein (bean, beef or other), lettuce for vegetables, tomato for fruit, cheese for dairy, and the bun for grains.
  5. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?   i would fix global warming. it would save funds that governments spend on global warming, it would save lives taken by increasingly common natural disasters, and it would save the natural world from getting worse.
  6. If you could time travel to any period, when would you go? the 2000s. i would take pictures of everyones outfits lol
  7. If you had one superpower, what would it be?  mind reading
  8. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?  putin. i would withdraw all troops form ukraine, say on live television that i'm madly in love with donald trump, and then shoot myself in the head.
  9. If you had to live in a video game world, which one would it be?  animal crossing!
  10. If you could read minds, would you?  YES!!!!!!

Love & Relationships

  1. Are you single, taken, or it’s complicated?  single and will be forever (by choice)
  2. How long was your longest relationship?   never had one
  3. Have you ever been in love?  nope
  4. Have you ever had your heart broken?  nope
  5. Do you believe in soulmates?  not really, but i do believe that everyone that feels some form of attraction has someone that is perfectly compatible with them out there somewhere. i don't believe in the meant-to-be, love eachother forever,  fate-related stuff, though
  6. How do you show someone you love them?  i'm not very good at this, but most of the time i just hang out with them a lot and sometimes just tell them i like them
  7. What’s your ideal first date?   uh i don't date lol
  8. What’s a dealbreaker for you in relationships?  for platonic relationships, i feel like drugs and people going through phases i'm long past
  9. Do you prefer to be the one pursued or the pursuer?  pursued i guess, but mainly because i just can't talk to people well
  10. What’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you?  confessed to me i guess?? but i said no, obviously (he was a guy.. i'm GAY.. AND ON THE AROACE SPECTRUM)
  11. Have you ever been cheated on?  no
  12. Have you ever cheated on someone?  NO??

Random Fun Questions

  1. What’s the last song you listened to?  passage brady (poison girl friend)
  2. What’s your guilty pleasure?   true crime (NOT TCC)
  3. Do you have any weird habits?   doing parapara when i get tired of standing still
  4. What’s something that always makes you laugh?   my friends telling any joke ever
  5. What’s your most embarrassing moment?   some jokes i've made in the past that could've been been funny but i made unfunny
  6. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?   eel sushi (i don't eat a lot of weird things)
  7. What’s a conspiracy theory you believe in?   i believe in a couple of health-related theories
  8. Do you have any secret talents?   does parapara count? T_T
  9. What’s a talent you wish you had?   i wish i could animate and draw really well
  10. If you were a superhero, what would your name be?  sybney
  11. What’s the craziest dream you’ve ever had?  i don't remeber
  12. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?  i haven't had enough to have a worst
  13. What’s a fear you’ve never told anyone?   i'm terrified of a popular guy liking me. it would just be hell and become the only thing i'm known for once i reject him
  14. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?   too hard to choose!!
  15. What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received?   "i like your facial structure"
  16. What’s a fashion trend you wish would come back?   unbuttoned henley shirts
  17. What’s your hidden talent?   didn't u already ask this lol
  18. What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to pick up?  sewing and diy-ing clothes
  19. What’s the last thing you Googled?  google translate
  20. What’s your dream car?  one of the cute little ones, and i would put eyelashes on the headlights

This or That

  1. Coffee or tea?  tea
  2. Cats or dogs?  dogs bc i'm allergic to cats
  3. Night or morning?  morning
  4. Sweet or salty?   the savory kind of salty
  5. Winter or summer?   winter
  6. Pizza or burgers?    burgers
  7. Chocolate or vanilla?   vanilla
  8. Books or movies?    books but i tend to watch movies more
  9. Ocean or mountains?    mountains
  10. Hot or cold showers?    in-between
  11. Sunrise or sunset?    sunrise
  12. Introvert or extrovert?   ambivert
  13. Netflix or YouTube?    youtube
  14. Marvel or DC?    marvel
  15. Batman or Superman?    batman
  16. City or countryside?    countryside

Deep Questions

  1. What’s your biggest fear?   being hated
  2. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life?   i'm still yet to learn it
  3. What’s your biggest regret?   i don't really have big regrets, just little regrets about embarassing moments
  4. What motivates you to keep going?  my friends!!
  5. What’s your proudest accomplishment?   i don't really have huge accomplishments, just good moments
  6. What’s something you would change about yourself?   probably my emotional processing! i'm low emotion and very low empathy, so sadly i have to mask and fake that stuff a lot. generally just a pain, i could live without it lololol
  7. What’s your most treasured possession?   my clothes!
  8. What’s something you’re still trying to understand about yourself?   what exactly is wrong with me
  9. What’s the meaning of life to you?  friends and self-improvement. simple, but it's just how i live life!!
  10. What’s one thing people always misunderstand about you?   for some reason people think i'm intelligent..... i UUUUSED to be, but then tha internet brainrot got 2 me #thuglife
  11. What’s a goal you have for the future?   i would like to develop empathy!

Would You Rather

  1. Would you rather live in space or underwater?   space is cooler
  2. Would you rather always be hot or always be cold?  cold, sweat is grosss
  3. Would you rather have a million dollars or a million social media followers?   dollars, are you kidding?
  4. Would you rather have no internet for a year or no phone for a year?   no phone, i already don't have a phone
  5. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?   invisible
  6. Would you rather have free travel for life or free food for life?   free food mmmm
  7. Would you rather be famous for something bad or never be famous at all?   never famous at all!!
  8. Would you rather never be able to watch TV again or never be able to listen to music again?   NEVER WATCH TV
  9. Would you rather have unlimited time or unlimited money?   unlimited money

Fun Facts About You

  1. What’s a random fun fact about you?  i listen to albums and review them for fun!
  2. What’s the weirdest fact you know?  putting your tamagotchi in rice does NOT save it from being dunked in orange juice
  3. Do you collect anything?   i wishh
  4. Have you ever been on TV?  nope! in a news article though
  5. Have you ever broken a bone?  no
  6. Have you ever been in a fight?  technically yes? in martial arts and with my sister
  7. What’s your most-used emoji?  heartbroken emoji
  8. What’s your favorite app?   safari bc I LOVE BROWSING THE WEB
  9. Do you play any instruments?   i wish!!
  10. What’s something you wish more people knew about you?  hmm.. that i don't really think badly about people and i almost never feel hate towards people. i'm psychologically cursed to like almost never actually gaf HELP

Travel & Adventure

  1. What’s the farthest you’ve traveled from home?  colorado
  2. Where would you love to travel next?   norway or shibuya!!
  3. What’s the best vacation you’ve ever had?   probably the cruise ship i went on when i was like, seven
  4. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?   walked away from home without really knowing where i was going (i traveled about 4 miles)
  5. What’s one place you’d never want to visit?   any war zones
  6. What’s your dream travel destination?   THE BJÖRK CAFE 
  7. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?  with friends but i don't do it a lot
  8. Do you prefer road trips or plane rides?   plane rides alone, road trip with friends or family
  9. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?  a summer camp i went to had this beautiful destination on a mountain with a natural water slide and a waterfall

Closing Thoughts

  1. What’s one thing you’re grateful for today?  my mom!!
  2. What’s something you’re looking forward to this week?  clubs are opening up so i'm gonna go to a ton of after school clubs :3
  3. What’s something you learned today?  i listened to a podcast about the science of testosterone! that gave me some new information
  4. What’s one thing you’d tell your younger self?  absolutely nothing!
  5. What’s something you want to achieve by the end of the year?  hmm.. a better wardrobe for winter!!

4 Kudos


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Sam ⛧

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56 is so real vro

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trutin is CANON !!!

by sydney🍉; ; Report