I just wanted to rant about sum shit that happened lolz.
so, first of all i wanted to talk about the "cringe" thing, because tbh it lowkey pisses me off- about certain things.
sum thingz like how u dress or express yourself should never be said as cringe because what even is that lolz, is like sum people just started to tell you the way you are is embarrassing like- that's not good.
and the fact that now it's normalized is even shittier cause okay lets bully random people on the internet??? honestly it was even something completely stupid cause now we call cringe how people dressed in 2020, but then the same people loved tht linda style if u know wth i mean :( its lowkey sad lolz
idk i just wanted ti say this cause istg if hear "that cringe" once again im gonna fucking jump !!!!!
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