if you take away guns, would it be 100% guaranteed that those same people you see on the news for shootings couldn't still get ahold of them? yeah i didn't think so. it's not the guns themselves it's the people they're selling them too, the only thing gun control laws do is take away the right for people to lawfully own them for their own protection and jobs.
for this reason i think gun activists just aren't that smart since they can't see the bigger picture, if a guy robs your house and has a weapon, for example, a gun, then gun control laws would prevent you from protecting yourself and family from this violent criminal.
in short, gun control laws would do nothing and gun control activists are weak-minded and incompetent.
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if guns were more monitored it would 100% stop some people from getting their hands on guns to kill themselves/ others as easily which would deter some people. I'm not saying no one should have guns but it should be harder to get and there should be a process so not every crazy person who wants to kill people just has to stop by Walmart to grab one.
personally i think it's also something to do with the people selling the guns to these dangerous and obviously deranged mentally ill people but even then with the people who really do want to get their hands on guns, they would get them regardless of control laws. think about drugs, fent is very illegal and is barely ever prescribed yet you see people on the streets with it and people still dying from it just like guns.
i dunno, just something that i personally have noticed
by B4RR3TT / SC0TCH; ; Report