Pls send help ;.;

I've recently created a YouTube channel where I create Short analog horror videos, and I have no idea how to build my channel, So If anyone would consider giving me tips, that would be awesome :D

( I'll also link my channel if anyone wants to see :3)

Thank you in advance!!!

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Chaos Conspiracies

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Start by making 10 videos, don't worry about viewers, just make them the best you can. Watch them over and try to improve on one thing with each one. Once you have the 10th one watch your first. If you notice an improvement then your in a good spot.

People don't really sub to channels with 1 or 2 videos unless they are top notch so having 10 or so videos will re-assure people that your channel is active.

Then hit up some YouTube channels/ Reddit threads that analyze channels (such as andyhhhdx on YT) and ask for their advice. They will generally be honest and as much as it may feel like a kick in the teeth take it like a champ and work on what was wrong.

Make 2-3 more videos with their suggestions and then watch the 10th video and the 12th+13th video and see which one appeals to you more.

Then make 2 more videos.

Now that you have 15 videos you have content on your page, you should understand how much work a video takes. This is the moment where you decide if YT is your thing or not .... It may simply not be fun but hey you put in an effort.

At this point you should have 3 strong videos to promote. If you want to move forward hit up reddit or Facebook groups and promote your content. Maybe hit up friends who are into the subject that little extra polish on the content should get you a full view rather then just a quick 30 sec watch. Hopefully this will get the ball rollingTry to collab, but respect rejection. Collaborating with bigger channels is probably one of the best ways to spread your brand, just remember, they're under no obligation to collaborate with you. You might look into joining a horror narration community. I, for example, am a part of The Horror Hive, we're quite a small group though.
Have a social media presence. Self marketing is a big thing, and with narrations, social media is probably your best self-marketing tool. If I have two primary reasons as to why my own efforts aren't growing faster, the first would be lack or regular uploads, but the second would be terrible self marketing.
ASK PERMISSION This is a big one, some stories are released with Creative Commons licenses, focus on those, or ask permission to narrate someone's story, or better, do both. The NoSleep community, at any rate, is cracking down on people who don't ask permission to narrate.
Figure out why you want to do this, and build from there. If it's just for fun, or to keep your voice skills honed, you'll have a different approach than if you're expecting this to be a gateway into the world of voice acting, or full time Creator status.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Again, don't expect to make a living via YouTube add revenue, that ship has sailed, and even if you managed to swim out and climb aboard, it's a leaky boat in stormy seas. When you get to thinking about money, work Patreon, that Coffee thing, merch, sponsors, affiliate links, etc. Don't rely on any one thing

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Aggghhh Ty so much!!! This is really gonna help me omg Ty :D yea I really overdid it at first but I’ll definitely take ur advice :)

by Skullywillcry; ; Report

Aggghhh Ty so much!!! This is really gonna help me omg Ty :D yea I really overdid it at first but I’ll definitely take ur advice :)

by Skullywillcry; ; Report

every1 starts off new (: gets better in time

by Chaos Conspiracies; ; Report