Basically it all starts in New Mexico where three brothers are born named Grey Mann (who was a runt and raised by eagles) Redmond Mann and Blutarch Mann. Redmond hated his brother Blutarch but they both loved their dad who is named Zepheniah Mann which they both convinced to buy most of New Mexico and live there. Awhile later Zepheniah dies and left the company to Barnabus Hale and left his gold to his maidservant named Elizabeth who is also known as The Administrator later on while his sons were only left with the land that they were going to share which did not slide with both of them so they fought over it until the day they died! Then one of the brothers bought nine mercenaries to overpower the other brother and since they were fighting for the land the other also bought nine mercenaries! Years have passed and it’s now 1890. Blutarch hires an engineer named Radigan Conagher (who is Engineers father) to build him something that can make him live forever basically he could outlive his brother so that way he would win. But Elizabeth convinces Radigan to build Redmond the same machine so now they both were immortal and yet no one knows why she did this but she probably wanted to keep the drama going lol- but they basically used this ore called Australiam that can provide strength, intelligence, immortality, and makes someone able to live longer. Now it’s 1930 the brothers are still alive but now they hired newer mercenaries which are the classics and we are introduced to Bilious Hale who is Saxton hales dad. And now years passed and we are in 1972 where Saxton Hale is introduced and so are the nine mercs that we know today are also introduced. Then we are shown Administrator and Miss.Pauling who is the Administrators assistant and they both handle and coordinate the land war that the mercenaries fight on. Then we are shown Grey Mann and Saxton says that he was abandoned at birth by his father because he was weak and like I said was raised my eagles and is now trying to take over Mann Co which is the company Saxton Hale owns.

Yapping to you about TF2 without your consent for me to yap <33
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Shack Man
Where is the part where I charge with an ullapool caber and wipe out like 4 dudes cause I'm a cool and epic demoknight
by Secret_Shampoo_Potion; ; Report
That's right respect your elders
by Shack Man; ; Report