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Category: Games

My brain is melting at a rapid pace.

Top ten dookie waters you could be treading in right now, at this moment, at this very second while reading this and not be aware of it all!

Number one: pool water. If you really think about it who knows how many two year olds let it go mid swim. Don’t drink it.

Number two: Sewage water. The real question is, what the hell are you doing in that sewer?-

Number three: Lake water. You do realize you’re swimming in fish excrements right? DO NOT DRINK.

Number four: Pond water. Same as lake water but with more algae.

Number five: Ocean water. Now you know why the ocean is salty.

Number six: Swamp. Why are you even there? Do you want to be bitten by big bad lizards?

Number seven: Red Sea. It’s not even red. Do not trust.

Number eight: peptobismal. Peptobismal.

Number nine: muddy puddle. You ever wonder why Peppa can talk? There’s stuff in the water.

Lastly number ten: rain. You assume only water is in it but don’t be so sure. You never know.

That’s all the waters that could have possible dookie in it! See you next time buckaroo!

2 Kudos


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