Mikey Madness♫'s profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

150 questions - this took forever

Personal Basics

  1. What’s your full name?    Michael Steven S. Jr.
  2. Do you have any nicknames?  Mikey, Maj, Plebby
  3. How old are you?  32
  4. What’s your zodiac sign?  Virgo
  5. Where were you born?   In a city far far away
  6. Where do you currently live?   In a log home
  7. Do you have any siblings?   13 in total if we're counting step siblings
  8. Do you have any pets?  So many pets - cats, dog, chickens, rabbits
  9. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?  Introvert all the way
  10. What’s your favorite color?   Green, pink, black, white
  11. What languages do you speak?  English like a basic bitch


  1. What’s your favorite food?   Heart potato bacon chowder and pizza
  2. Favorite drink (non-alcoholic)?  Coffee!
  3. Favorite alcoholic drink?  Rum and coke or seagram's wine coolers. NO BEER
  4. Favorite movie? Kill Bill vol. 1 or Just Friends
  5. Favorite book?  I don't read books often anymore.
  6. Favorite TV show?  Big Brother or Vikings - I've watched all of it
  7. Favorite season of the year?  Spring
  8. Favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla with coffee dumped in it
  9. Favorite type of music?  Uhhhhh, Rock. I like a lot of pop these days, but my roots are rock
  10. Favorite band/artist? Magdalena Bay!!
  11. Favorite song of all time?  Too many for me to pick just one.
  12. Favorite holiday?  Independence Day
  13. Favorite video game?   Factorio or World of Warcraft
  14. Favorite place to relax?   At my desk, comfy right?
  15. Favorite dessert?   Ice cream
  16. Favorite time of day?   5PM

Childhood & Growing Up

  1. What was your dream job as a kid?  I wanted to be a hockey player, lmao
  2. Who was your childhood best friend?  Still is my guy, a dude named Jason
  3. What was your favorite subject in school?  Science because it was interesting
  4. What’s your earliest memory?  Fleeing in terror from an alarm clock LOL
  5. Were you a good student in school?  A good boy, but too distracted to get good grades
  6. Did you have a favorite teacher?  Not really
  7. What was your favorite toy?  I had a TY beanie baby that was a monkey. I named it super monkey and threw it into a tree. Gone forever
  8. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?  Ed, Edd, n Eddie
  9. What was your first video game console?  First played Super Nintendo, but N64 was mine.
  10. What’s something you miss about being a kid?   I was innocent and didn't know about the world


  1. Do you believe in ghosts?   No
  2. What’s your opinion on aliens?   They're out there, and we will never reach them, and they won't us
  3. Do you think people are born good or bad?   No
  4. Is there such a thing as fate?   Potentially
  5. Do you believe in karma?   Yeah in a way
  6. Are humans the most intelligent species on Earth?   Yeah dude, look what we're using right now
  7. What’s your take on religion?  Its there to help people have belonging
  8. Do you think we’ll see flying cars in our lifetime?   Not a chance, there are airplanes for sky travel
  9. Are people too reliant on technology?   Well yeah
  10. Should pineapple go on pizza?   Not really... Pineapple can be juicy and that would make bread soggy
  11. Is social media good or bad for society?   Very very bad

Hypothetical Scenarios

  1. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?  I would invest it in a way that I would never have to work again. So probably a financial advisor.
  2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Probably in northern Michigan.
  3. If you could have dinner with any three people (dead or alive), who would they be? The buddha, Matt Lewin, and _____.
  4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Pizza
  5. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?   I'm looking for a profound answer but there are too many things wrong.
  6. If you could time travel to any period, when would you go? The start of the 1800's
  7. If you had one superpower, what would it be?  Flight
  8. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?  That sounds fucking horrible
  9. If you had to live in a video game world, which one would it be?  Super Mario, I thought Zelda at first, but Zelda is all tragedy
  10. If you could read minds, would you?  No

Love & Relationships

  1. Are you single, taken, or it’s complicated?  Single
  2. How long was your longest relationship?   3 or 4 months.
  3. Have you ever been in love?  Yeah
  4. Have you ever had your heart broken?  Yes
  5. Do you believe in soulmates?  Yes
  6. How do you show someone you love them?  Being there for them, even if only to listen so they're not alone
  7. What’s your ideal first date?   Watching a movie at the theater.. simple, but you can learn a lot if you pay more attention to them than the movie.
  8. What’s a dealbreaker for you in relationships? No cheating or hard drugs; and please consider my feelings
  9. Do you prefer to be the one pursued or the pursuer?  Pursuer but I usually don't.
  10. What’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you?  Wrote and sung me a song.
  11. Have you ever been cheated on?  Not exactly, just played with
  12. Have you ever cheated on someone?  No

Random Fun Questions

  1. What’s the last song you listened to?  Cry For Me - Magdalena Bay
  2. What’s your guilty pleasure?   Kpop and other girly music
  3. Do you have any weird habits?   I turn my soda can tabs to the left
  4. What’s something that always makes you laugh?   One of my brother's voices
  5. What’s your most embarrassing moment?   Too many
  6. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?   Deer heart
  7. What’s a conspiracy theory you believe in?   That's more of my friend's bag. I don't believe SHIT
  8. Do you have any secret talents?   I think I dislocated my jaw when I was like 13, now when I move my jaw or open my mouth it pops. Fucking talent
  9. What’s a talent you wish you had?   Playing the piano like the dude from ABBA
  10. If you were a superhero, what would your name be?  Not a fucking clue
  11. What’s the craziest dream you’ve ever had?  I was exploring a forest, and I came across a small shed with a steel garbage can in front of it. The can had a dead body in it
  12. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?   I haven't had enough to have a worst
  13. What’s a fear you’ve never told anyone?   These aren't fun questions, holy shit
  14. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?   I Never Told You What I Do For A Living - My Chemical Romance or Golden Mummy Golden Bird - HORSE The Band
  15. What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received?   I do not remember
  16. What’s a fashion trend you wish would come back?   Oh it never went away
  17. What’s your hidden talent?   See #78
  18. What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to pick up?  Music Production
  19. What’s the last thing you Googled?  Factorio vs Satisfactory
  20. What’s your dream car?  None, I don't like cars

This or That

  1. Coffee or tea?  Coffee 1000%
  2. Cats or dogs?  CATS
  3. Night or morning?  Night
  4. Sweet or salty?   Sweet
  5. Winter or summer?   Winter
  6. Pizza or burgers?    Pizza
  7. Chocolate or vanilla?   Chocolate
  8. Books or movies?    Movies
  9. Ocean or mountains?    Mountains
  10. Hot or cold showers?    HOT
  11. Sunrise or sunset?    Sunset
  12. Introvert or extrovert?   Introvert
  13. Netflix or YouTube?    Youtube
  14. Marvel or DC?    No
  15. Batman or Superman?    Superman
  16. City or countryside?    Countryside

Deep Questions

  1. What’s your biggest fear?   Needles-- I will lose all color and get close to fainting if I see them poke me
  2. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life?   People are thinking more about themselves than you.
  3. What’s your biggest regret?   I don't regret much, it all helps build to who I am today
  4. What motivates you to keep going?  Hope for the future
  5. What’s your proudest accomplishment?   Meh
  6. What’s something you would change about yourself?   My ADHD so I can be normal like everyone else
  7. What’s your most treasured possession?   My computer
  8. What’s something you’re still trying to understand about yourself?   How I can know what's wrong with me but still not fix it.
  9. What’s the meaning of life to you?  To try and reduce the inevitable suffering of yourself and everyone you love
  10. What’s one thing people always misunderstand about you?   I'm not lazy, I have ADHD
  11. What’s a goal you have for the future?   To meet the love of my life!

Would You Rather

  1. Would you rather live in space or underwater?   Underwater, space has radiation that will kill
  2. Would you rather always be hot or always be cold?  Cold
  3. Would you rather have a million dollars or a million followers?   Dollars
  4. Would you rather have no internet for a year or no phone for a year?   No phone
  5. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?   Fly
  6. Would you rather have free travel for life or free food for life?   Food
  7. Would you rather be famous for something bad or never be famous at all?   Never be famous
  8. Would you rather never be able to watch TV again or never be able to listen to music again?   NEVER WATCH TV
  9. Would you rather have unlimited time or unlimited money?   Unlimited money

Fun Facts About You

  1. What’s a random fun fact about you?  I am pigeon-toed
  2. What’s the weirdest fact you know?  That your nose hairs will wiggle for a certain amount of time after you die
  3. Do you collect anything?  Music and if I'm playing a game, I collect in-game objects
  4. Have you ever been on TV?  No
  5. Have you ever broken a bone?  Fractured my toe
  6. Have you ever been in a fight?  No
  7. What’s your most-used emoji?  JOY
  8. What’s your favorite app?   Discord
  9. Do you play any instruments?   Guitar and Ukulele
  10. What’s something you wish more people knew about you?  That I've changed my outlook on drugs-- looking at you, best friends

Travel & Adventure

  1. What’s the farthest you’ve traveled from home?  About 1,350 miles. From Michigan to Florida
  2. Where would you love to travel next? I don't love to travel.. So...... : |
  3. What’s the best vacation you’ve ever had?   Up north to Cheboygan to visit my best friend for a month
  4. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?   Drinking 4oz of cough syrup and skinny dipping in a gravel pit. I couldn't walk, but I could swim. Oh wait, this is stupidity
  5. What’s one place you’d never want to visit?   HELL
  6. What’s your dream travel destination?   I don't often think about travel so I don't know
  7. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?  With others
  8. Do you prefer road trips or plane rides?   Road trips, I'm scared of heights and have never been on a plane.
  9. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?  An Orange orchard in Florida

Closing Thoughts

  1. What’s one thing you’re grateful for today?  I'm still alive
  2. What’s something you’re looking forward to this week?  To be healed
  3. What’s something you learned today?  How to router a keyhole
  4. What’s one thing you’d tell your younger self?  Not a damn thing, figure it out
  5. What’s something you want to achieve by the end of the year?  Successfully selling woodburned art on Etsy

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