The Incredibly Long Survey About You (question/tag thing)

haii! I saw someone else do dis & thought it looked like fun (changed a couple of the questions slightly though) >^.^<

(will add link 2 the questions at the end)

I have also done an about me/intro blog post but this has some more specific stuff & seems pretty in-depth so I figured I'd give it a shot :3

♡ Name: Jake (but I also go by August)
♡ Age: 26 :((
♡ Gender: pfft, who has a gender these days?? (trans-masc non-binary)
♡ Birthday: March 28
♡ Hair colour: currently black with a rainbow fringe
♡ Eye colour: idk it changes
♡ Nationality: Australian

♡ Colour: maroon
♡ Food: cake!
♡ Drink: I can pretty much only drink cola & water now so :/
♡ TV show: I don't think I have one at the moment. I had HEAPS as a teen but now I struggle w/ tv :((
♡ Movie: According to Greta!!!!! but also rlly love Ghostbusters (all except the girl one), To Save a Life, Emo the Musical, Signs, The Sixth Sense, & a few others
♡ Song: Russia Privjet by Basshunter
♡ Artist: *shrug*
♡ Place to be: in my house :3
♡ Stuffed animal: I have this teddy with antlers & a lil santa hat, his name is Wilfred after Donna Noble's grandfather
♡ Pet: I don't have any now but my cat, his name was Lynx
♡ Person: I'm not rlly a people person
♡ Game: 7 Days to Die, Serious Sam, Unreal Tournament, World of Warcraft, and silly little search & find games
♡ Clothing brand/Style: ahh, I'm not really a brands person, but my style is a mix of emo, scene, and grunge depending on my mood

♡ Hair colour:
♡ Eye colour:
♡ Tattoos:
♡ Piercings:
♡ Body type: re all of the above: whatever works for them & makes them happy is good. Being friends with someone is based on vibes & compatibility. I'm not gonna say I won't be friends with someone based on how they look or express themself as long as it isn't hurting anyone!!
♡ Do they have to be rich?: no
♡ Do they have to be popular?: no. in fact, people who aren't popular are usually much cooler
♡ Personality or Looks?: personality is WAY more important

♡ Pepsi or Coke: If I need a caffeine boost, Pepsi. But otherwise it literally does not matter.
♡ Vanilla or Chocolate: Depends on the context!
♡ Black or White: Black!! I won't wear white clothes AT ALL, they stain way too easily >:(
♡ Cats or Dogs: Cats!!!!!
♡ Sink or Swim: take some action!!! don't let the undertow grab hold!
♡ Lake or Ocean: Lake :) (oceans have sand, ew)
♡ Night or Day: Night :')
♡ Half Full or Half Empty: well that depends on the context I guess
♡ Desktops or Laptops: I currently have a laptop!
♡ Playstation or Xbox: depends what u wanna play! they both have pros & cons tbh & I think ppl need to stop acting like it has 2 be 1 or the other!!
♡ Summer or Winter: Winter!!!!!!!
♡ Cold or Warm: cold! but not too cold bc my hands stop working :(
♡ Cowboys or Indians: um... that's so random. cowboy's, I guess?
♡ Lover or Fighter: fighter >:)
♡ Car or Truck: trucks!! (they transport stuff & keep the world running)
♡ Cup or Glass: cup! I hate drinking from glass unless I have a straw >:(
♡ Fork or Spoon: uh, depends on the context? forks for fork food, spoons for spoon food (ice cream, cake, desserts)
♡ Walking or Running: walking! idk how ppl run for fun... like how do u not pass out??
♡ The Fast or The Furious: I am slow & cranky so I guess furious lol

♡ Soup: "ew" (and also that time at school camp where we had to have soup for dinner & I threw up)
♡ Wardrobe malfunction: but wardrobes aren't robots, they can't malfunction
♡ Heaven: There Is a Hell Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let's Keep It a Secret.
♡ Hell: where I'm headed after some of the jokes I've made
♡ Cucumber: my dad's ex-girlfriend (she used 2 bring us home-grown cucumbers & they we da BEST)
♡ Salad: fingers
♡ Big Mac: a beautiful orange cat I know
♡ Sexy: the time I wrote "Davey Havok is schexxi" on my hand when I was like 13 & my dad saw it and lost his shit & I was like "it just means he's rlly cool!"
♡ Pirates: "I've got a jar of diiiirt"
♡ Significant: otter (yes, the animal. they're not purple btw!)
♡ Beautiful: a song but which one depends on my mood (options are Beautiful in Blue by Alesana, Beautiful Place by Good Charlotte, A Beautiful Lie by Thirty Seconds to Mars, You Are so Beautiful by Escape the Fate, & probs a few others)
♡ Lion: MUFASA
♡ Blues Clues: the blue dog
♡ Rainbow: asdf movie or just queer stuff
♡ Cloud: um. the sky?
♡ Rapper: yikes idk. Lady Sovereign
♡ Gangsta: 's Paradise babyyyyy
♡ White and Nerdy: they see me mowin' my front lawn
♡ Lollipop: suckin' too hard on ur lollipop OHH, love's gonna get u down
♡ Wave: ocean
♡ Fad: the lollies!
♡ Aliens: exist
♡ Ghost: Halsey
♡ Survey: "ooh, is it a fun one?"

♡ A piercing: my ears are. I got my lip pierced once but the person who did it skipped a step & didn't give proper aftercare info so it got infected & I had to get it removed (she put in a short bar instead of a long one)
♡ A tattoo: nope :(
♡ A sibling: kinda, but not until I was an adult
♡ Parents that are still together: pfft, my parents split when I was a toddler
♡ A boyfriend/girlfriend: have had 3 relationships, none current
♡ A husband/wife: pfft no
♡ A child: PFFFFT NO
♡ A really wild party while your parents were away: nope, all my friends lived too far away & my dad never left me home alone until I was like 17 :(
♡ An alcoholic beverage: yeah lol
♡ A pet of your own: no, just the ones we had when I was a kid. I'm renting now so I'm not able to have a pet :(
♡ A house of your own: not likely in this lifetime :(( but I'm trying to save
♡ A car of your own: I don't drive : )
♡ An iPod: yeah, I had a gen 4 touch & a gen 6 touch (I still have them. the gen 4 died last year, I'm still using the 6)

♡ Smoke: no
♡ Drink: yeahh
♡ Do drugs: nah
♡ Hug on the first date:
♡ Kiss on the first date:
♡ 'Do it' on the first date: re the last 3, I don't date, and even if I did it wouldn't depend on the number of dates, it would depend on the person bc some ppl I'm comfy with & some I'm not
♡ Shower daily: yeah
♡ Brush your teeth daily: most days (sometimes I physically can't, like if I have a headache. but as long as I can I do)
♡ Keep your room clean: uhhh, sometimes? my room as a kid was a nightmare, and one of the rooms in my unit is a disaster, but most of it's pretty tidy
♡ Do all your homework: nah I was always terrible at homework
♡ Plan on going to university: probably not, it's expensive & I can't really go out much anyway

♡ God/Heaven: nope lmao
♡ Satan/Hell: no
♡ Ghosts: maybe
♡ Aliens: yeah, I guess
♡ Witches/wizards: idk
♡ Magic: I think everything has an explanation
♡ Big Foot/Sasquatch/Abominable Snowmen: I believe there are explanations for these things, like something existed at some point that made them a thing
♡ The past life: I'm not sure
♡ Global warming: obviously
♡ A religion: nope

♡ What's your middle name? Augustus
♡ Have any nicknames?
not currently
♡ What is your favourite name?
I don't have one
♡ What do you wish your name was?
idk. I wish I'd picked something less boring (my middle name is fine, but the rest is boring)
♡ What is your favourite season?
♡ Do you drink a lot of water?
ah, not a lot, but I try to drink an average amount when I remember
♡ Do you have a pet?
no, I'm renting so I can't :((
♡ Do you have a computer at your house?
I have a laptop
♡ Do you live in an apartment, house, trailer or other?
a unit
♡ Favourite place to chill?
at home
♡ Favourite place to visit?
ah, idk. I don't like going places ♡ Ever have an imaginary friend? yeah I guess.
♡ If so, what was their name?
uhhh, Sam, Hollie, Charlie, & a few others I don't remember
♡ Ever eaten something really disgusting?
was forced to eat meat loaf as a kid, so yeh
♡ Do you work out?
♡ Have you ever gotten arrested?
♡ If so, for what?
♡ Have you ever cheated on someone?
♡ Has anyone ever cheated on you?
uncertain... one of them might have, but we're not sure ♡ Have you ever kissed a stranger? no
♡ Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
♡ Have you ever gotten drunk?
♡ Could you ever be a vegetarian?
Yeah, I have been mostly vegetarian since Jan 2019 except for a few exceptions or times I had no choice
♡ Can you sing?
♡ Can you dance?
I say yes, some say no
♡ Can you draw, paint, color well?
ah, depends. I can do some stuff, but not like super detailed stuff.
♡ Do you have a job?
technically yes, but it's complicated
♡ Do you like tape?
for some things
♡ Do you like glue?
I hate glue so much but it is a necessary evil
♡ Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?

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