Transgender debates in schools

I've always been baffled by LGBTQ+ debates in schools. Most of the time it's something to do with the rights of these individuals, and what ones they should and shouldn't have. This is extremely harmful. In my own school before I left, we only ever had one class on transgender individuals in the entire five years I went there. Our teachers showed us a video of a man after top surgery, to which everyone started making vomiting noises and exclaiming how disgusting it was to look at, and then we had a discussion about what transgender people should or should not be able to do. We were also provided with an overwhelming amount of false information, such as transgender women being predators "more often than you'd think". This all came from a school that constantly claims to be inclusive. I vividly remember yelling over the wall of hatred and misunderstanding, trying to explain that transgender people are harmless. This was to no avail.

I understand that there are examples of trans people that are harmful to others, I could name a few but I won't so as to not spark any unnecessary debates. I will however say that that is such a small amount of us. We are simply trying to live our lives. It's difficult enough with the astounding expenses of trying to transition, overwhelming amounts of dysphoria, and constant social stigma. We do not also need that in our learning environment. 

There is no need for debates on whether or not transgender people deserve rights. As I said earlier, this is incredibly harmful for many reasons. It teaches people from a young age that they are allowed to judge our freedom and have the right to take it away. It also invalidates the transgender experience and make it seem as if it's a choice that comes with consequences. This was never a choice. Our freedom should not be determined by uneducated children, or even resentful bigots. I do not see a single transgender individual in power over basically any country. How are our rights supposed to be fairly fought for if there's no one there who understands and has first hand experience? This brings me onto my next point.

Not only are there debates about us in schools, but also in government. I find it absolutely astonishing that individuals such as our previous prime minister claim that they are "protecting women" by preventing transgender women from entering ladies bathrooms. They hardly show any other kind of care for women other than "protecting them" from nonexistent predators. This is simply an excuse to be transphobic and prevent us from living our lives in peace. Transgender debates in politics are overall ridiculous. I do not believe you should base your voting on which person says what about transgender people. We are not a threat. We do not deserve to be undermined and ignored. The only time we are ever relevant is when we are accused of doing something wrong or whether or not we even deserve to exist. I personally find it disgusting.

Sorry I went on a bit of a rant there! I really just wanted to explain my feelings on this matter because it's been bugging me for ages. If you're going to try and explain why my points are invalid or why we are in fact criminals, please don't bother as it will not spark anything from me.

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spike's profile picture

like honestly u don't see these arguments really happening at schools about other groups and it is so annoying hearing people go on about how these strangers are protecting trans people for themselves in case they detransion in the future so they shouldn't be allowed to transition at all. or how some trans people are bad so all of them are

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Monste's profile picture

yeah honestly those people opposing transgender rights deserve to die ill be the Martyr in the future who was ahead of her time

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Honestly you're not even wrong, I understand that some people don't understand transgenderism but when it gets to the point of just being a bigot because you're stubborn just die at that point!

by ✮˚.⋆Lime!; ; Report