this entry's also kinda rushed cuz it's REALLY late and i need to go to bed
my day: not too good
today's classes/events and my comments:
1st period/studio art: i've missed the bus every day this week and today wasn't an exception. today's art class was fun, we did a blind contour drawing exercise. lots of laughs. i felt kinda lonely by the end of class but it wasn't too bad
3rd period/seminar: we had 1/3 returns so i stayed in my 1st period for an extra 45 mins; i didn't really have anyone to talk to so i just drew and did my work. in 3rd, i talked a bit with my science fair partner and then we just did our own thing. i didn't really have anyone to talk to either so i just tried to sleep.
5th period/spanish + 2nd lunch: nothing too eventful during spanish either. we did listening activities (which is a bit difficult for me bc i have some kind of auditory processing disorder). lunch was very fun today, im very grateful for my friends
7th period/english: i didn't fall asleep in this class for once. i did better on my assignment than i expected (18/20) so that's a little highlight of my day.
after school: i was originally gonna go to key club but i went to art club instead. i regret it tbh, key club had a card making activity today while art club did basically nothing. i also tried to make a friend in art club cuz we had common interests but i kinda messed up with mentioning mha memes i found funny and later going back to that by basically asking "do u wanna make a spotify blend?" they said no which is fine, but did i come off too strong??? i wanted to learn about their music tastes cuz they had vaguely mentioned it but apparently people consider that "very intimate"?? i don't think i can count on us becoming friends at this rate. it's worse bc they're a sophomore while im a freshman..
ive been trying to text the guy from my last 2 entries less bc im kinda scared of seeming overconfident/overbearing. plus im 60% sure that he has a gf and 4 other girls besides me like him. i don't wanna be a homewrecker or anything so im gonna try to back off.
overall rating: 2.3/5
this rating is very stressed about schoolwork and other social aspects.
songs that i enjoyed today:
- home is where the haunt is - american football
- mine to miss - american football
countdown until my birthday: 11 days
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SPOTIFY BLENDS ARE INTIMATE?? that's news to me what the sigma
IDK???? ive had tons of people ask me to make spotify blends when i first meet them but i guess some people DO consider it that way??
by jordan; ; Report
bro... spotify blends r cool though... maybe they just have UNFIRE MUSIC TASTE
by sydney🍉; ; Report
nah they mentioned that they listen to vkei
by jordan; ; Report
off topic but i need to get into vkei...
by sydney🍉; ; Report
i don't listen to much of the genre but it does sound cool.
by jordan; ; Report
i got bored off the malice mizer album i tried to get into a while back, i just find it kind of repetitive. i also just don't love most male vocalists and i haven't found a vkei band with a female lead vocalist
by sydney🍉; ; Report
but all the j-fashion nerds love vkei... so i have to get into it.... SIGH
by sydney🍉; ; Report
by jordan; ; Report

by sydney🍉; ; Report
by jordan; ; Report
by sydney🍉; ; Report