i think my gf is breaking up with me

we havnt talked in 2 days.

i honestly have no idea what to do

i genuinly think i lover her and i care about her so much and i dont want this to end

i messaged her and asked if everythings okay wiith us but she left me on delivered, i dunno what to do she is like- my whole world 

im really scared 

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from one person who overthinks to another i don't know well & am simply stumbling upon on the internet, i would say to possibly give her time. schedules can end up being complicated; i have a friend i haven't talked to in months since they graduated, yet i still see them active sometimes. at first, i internalized it heavily-- now, i understand and have come to terms with the fact that they aren't mad at me for anything in particular, sometimes life can just get complicated and prevent you from talking to someone you want to converse with. obviously, this isn't the same for you-- our lives are different. i do hope she isn't planning to break up with you, and if she has planned it by not taking to you about it thats somewhat of a low blow. if someone wants things to end, no matter how they do it, i personally believe they should be very upfront when it comes to the matter. i hope you get a response from her soon, & i also hope you know its very valid for you to feel the way you do-- both stressed & simultaneously the affection you hold for her. as someone who has just learned they can really feel things, of sorts, i don't want you to come out from this experience if anything were to occur and to close your heart because of it. although i don't know you, its obvious your heart is in the right place. you're very much deserving of love & that communication, and i really do hope its just a case of your girlfriend being busy and not wanting to break up. regardless, make sure to take care of yourself.

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thank you, that seriously did help, i appreciate it

by xXlionelXx; ; Report

its no problem! im glad my words were able to stick with you. do take care ^_^

by ethernet; ; Report