About Me quiz

Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me

Height:: 5'2"

Weight:: 105

Right or left-handed:: Right

Heritage:: A mix of European

Are you in love?:: Yes

How do you alleviate stress?:: Talk with friends, RP, read, draw

Do you swear?:: All the time

If you could have any job, what would it be?:: Artist or volcanologist

What are your favorite sports to watch?:: Football, ice skating, swimming

What was your first car?:: Saturn Aura

What kind of car do you have now?:: The same Saturn Aura

Were you popular in high school?:: No but everyone knew me

Do you like thunderstorms?:: Yes but no severe

Is the glass half empty or half full?:: 2 times too big

Best places you have ever been?:: Castaway Cay, Baltimore

Favorite food?:: Pasta, gator tail

Least favorite food?:: Bleu cheese, olives

What type of music do you dislike most?:: Country

Do you take illegal drugs?:: Nope

Do you believe in love at first sight?:: Yep

If you're not in love now, have you ever been?:: I am now

Are you a risk taker?:: Maybe

What do you think about most?:: Whatever my current fixation is

Ever cheated on a b/f or g/f?  Be honest!:: No, but I've been cheated on

Have you ever been to jail?:: Nope

Do you wear contacts or glasses?:: Glasses

Hugs or kisses?:: Both, depending

Living arrangements?:: An apartment with my husband and a cat

What is your bedtime?:: ... 2 AM at the earliest

Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?:: Boxer briefs are most comfy

Piercings/tattoos?:: Ears pierced, I want tattoos

Biggest pet peeve?:: Not using your blinker, cracking knuckles

I have low tolerance for people who:: Don't raise their kids, are bigots

Do you sleep with the T.V. on?:: No, I play a relaxation thing

Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom?:: Had one during a few points in my life

Can you handle the truth?:: Sometimes

Hair color?:: Brown naturally, red right now

What are you afraid of?:: Centipedes, being abandoned

Will you have sex with any pretty little thing or does it actually mean something?:: I like the idea of being wild but I never could

Friend you've had the longest?:: Met one friend when I was 4 so 26 years

Early bird or night owl?:: NIGHT

Best advice you've ever received?:: I have no idea

Favorite quote?:: Do no harm but take no shit

Favorite type of music?:: Rock

Biggest weakness?:: I'm extremely forgetful and can't be on time to save my life

Biggest fear?:: Drowning

Are you close to your parents?:: Yeppp

Any brothers or sisters?:: Nope

Have a religion?:: Not really, but was baptised as a baby

Views on politics?:: Fuck it all

Worst habits?:: I pick at my lips and cuticles

What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?:: Ride a train through the mountians

Where do you picture yourself in five years?:: Hopefully in a bigger apartment or house, doing art

Are you laid back or high strung?:: Varies

Do you like to try new things?:: Sometimes

Is family important to you?:: No because mine sucks

Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:: Pessimistic

Have you ever been engaged?:: Yeppp 

Favorite places you've been?:: Myrtle Beach

Are you a procrastinator?:: Yes

Fly or drive?:: Either!

Favorite pasttime?:: Reading fanfiction, RPing

Longest relationship?:: Been with my husband since 2010~

Biggest mistake?:: Going to college

Craziest thing you've ever done?:: Uhhh I have no clue

Like to party?:: If the party is like 4 friends, yeah

Drink a lot (of alcohol)?:: Had maybe 4 shots my whole life

Set your own path or follow the crowd?:: My own

Like kids?:: Not really no

Dunno why some of these are so similar but whatever I was bored lol

2 Kudos


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