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Category: Life

I need help (tw: bullying!!!)

I need some advice, So on starting school on the fifth (wish me luck) and I don't really know how to like- properly deal with the boys who make fun of me and stuff (This is gonna sound kinda pathetic so don't judge) Last year all I did when people would mess with me is cry, I dunno why I just couldn't help it. But I'm trying to do better this year and I don't wanna look like a wuss or anything. So like- how do I deal with it, why do I say? And how do i stop myself from over reacting and crying like I'm fucking 4

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AshZim!'s profile picture

Well, You should tell your parents about what is happening at school and maybe they can solve it, If it gets in a violence, try to report inmediately.Try to ignore the guys (most of bullies do it for attention, they don't have enough at home) and stay away from them (don't even try to fight or confront them) And stay calm relaxing, doing other things/ thinking in different things and be yourself!

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thank you, it means alot that u took the time to write that out, ill think about what you said, thank you :)

by xXlionelXx; ; Report


mikarin's profile picture

people's always talk ı know sometimes it will be hard but, dont care them.They are just stupid bastars if it comes to physical violence, tell someone or report them. they are a handful of trash. You should be proud of yourself for not being like them. (Btw english are not my first language sorry for mistakes.)

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Thx :)
I really appreciate the advice, ur very nice

by xXlionelXx; ; Report