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Category: News and Politics

Modern Trans Movement and Transexuallity - What I Have to Say About It

     I think transexuality can be explained by science, and I totally respect actual trans people... But I do not agree with the recent trans ideology. 

     Well, first let me explain my first statement. The belive that you actually are in the "wrong body" and the desire to do some changes in yourself and present as the oposite sex is explained by neurological biology. I'm not any expert to explain you those things, so here's a video os Robert Sapolsky, a Standford professor, explaining it. And this video is from 2010 I belive (Also I think it can also have to do with trauma).

     What is completly ridiculous is this new ideology created in recent years that.. You can  be whatver you want! It does not work like that. Personally, I don't really belive in gender in the way that you can identify with anything, it really is a social construct like the people that belive in this say. I think there is two sexes, male and female and those are what i refer to as "genders" (Of course intersex people also exist, but later on they decide with parts they keep and all, but that's a small minority and I'm not talking about it).

     Another... absurd belief is that kids... KIDS are able to choose if they wanna have life changing  surgeries and to take hormones and hormone blockers that will leave permanent effects on their bodies. In my opinion a person should only transition, in that way, after they turn 25, when they are fully developed and mature... maybe 21... after some certain years of being socially transitioned and with some kind of diagnose so there's certainly that that person isn't fucking up their life. You may say it doesn't happen but there are more and more people detransitioning and figuring out... it is not reverseble. Kids don't have the maturity to do such things! Kids still haven't figured out the world, they aren't educated, they can't understand what they are doing, they will chage a lot until they are fully grown. And I just don't think kids should be exposed to gender questions or even romance related things, let 'em be kids! Run around, ride their bicicle, draw, play games with friends... Leave them alone, both sides of this. Kids need to grow up to develop their own opinions.

     The trans people who feel depressed shoudn't think that all they need is to be the gender they wanna be, because that will never happen and it's not  a healthy way of living, you'll always be sad if you think like that. You should just go to therapy. "But doctors say you shoud-" Of course they do! They gain money from that, they gain money from your transition. The insitutions and people who research gain money from all of this, one way or another... they do. 

    Another topic that I find concerning is... the bathrooms. Bathrooms where both sexes are allowed is a normal thing, and I do not condone that. It is common in small restaurants to have those, but that is a situation where you know there are gonna be people from both genders. It is not viewed as some kind of excusive place for a group of people. But when a, lets take for example, a trans women who never transitioned and looks like a man, or that is in the beginning of their transition, is at the womens bathroom, that is what I do not accept, because you're letting the women there, who thought that was an excusive place for them, uncorfortable. Your happines or feeling of being included or whatever, does not give you the right to upset every women in the bathroom and just cause disruption, because, guess what, the world does not revolve around you. I seriously just see these people who complain that someone was unconfortable by the way they were using public places as narcisists and selfish people, spoiled people who never felt the slightest disconfort or disavantage. Grow up.

     No matter how hard they try, trans people will never be like the opposite sex they were born in. And they must accept that and many of them do accept that fact, but that's something people are ofrgetting. Something that this new trans movement supports is that trans people are just like the others in matters of gender... No, they aren't and they'll never be the same. Let's now take, for example, a trans man. They'll never ever be a man like the others. They will not experience how it is to go throught male puberty or how it is to be raised a boy, etc. They will share their expiriences with other trans people but they'll never be intirelly like a regular guy.

     There are trans women and trans man, different from the others. But that doesn't mean they don't deserve the same rights, just try not to include yourselves with the other groups of people because we have different experiences and different stories, and we fight for different reasons. Trans people are awsome, they are so sweet, at least the ones I meet, but the general trans community should aknolege they aren't like the "cis" people, and that a women that is naturally... well, a woman, is not the same as a trans women, and that it will never be. 

     Before calling be transphobic, I am clearly not hating on trans people, I am just calling out this new ideology and I could go on for hours on end about how so many things of this are wrong. I also just acknowledge trans people exist and are valid.

     Kisses to everyone, have a great day, I'd be more than happy to talk about this and discuss if you disagree. 

Small edit: My first language is not English. I apologise for the mistakes.

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Duosonic's profile picture

yawn yawn same talking point boring ahh post.

also, this post reminds me of this:

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θΔ solar_system θΔ

θΔ solar_system θΔ's profile picture

Ok, there’s like a lot to unpack in this but I want to focus on the kid part of it because, well I’m a trans kid. And what I can tell you with 110% certainty is the following:

(Section 0 is my experience and personal knowledge, all other sections are from recourses)

A, section 0) I can not have surgery. Getting surgery can be very hard for adults since there’s a long process to make sure it’s right, and it’s pretty much completely off limits for minors.

A, section 1) According to “Transgender and non-binary people typically do not have gender-affirming surgeries before the age of 18. In some rare exceptions, 16 or 17 year-olds have received gender-affirming surgeries in order to reduce the impacts of significant gender dysphoria, including anxiety, depression, and suicidality. However, this is limited to those for whom the surgery is deemed clinically necessary after discussions with both their parents and doctors, and who have been consistent and persistent in their gender identity for years, have been taking gender-affirming hormones for some time, who have undergone informed consent discussions and have approvals from both their parents and doctors, and who otherwise meet standards of care criteria (such as those laid out by WPATH).”

Source article for reference: (look under “What is gender-affirming surgery? Can minors have “the” surgery?”)

A, section 2) furthermore, only about 1% of patients who underwent gender affirming surgeries (GAS for short) regret having surgery. According to NIH: “A total of 27 studies, pooling 7928 transgender patients who underwent any type of GAS, were included. The pooled prevalence of regret after GAS was 1% (95% CI <1%–2%). Overall, 33% underwent transmasculine procedures and 67% transfemenine procedures. The prevalence of regret among patients undergoing transmasculine and transfemenine surgeries was <1% (IC <1%–<1%) and 1% (CI <1%–2%), respectively. A total of 77 patients regretted having had GAS. Twenty-eight had minor and 34 had major regret based on Pfäfflin’s regret classification.”

Source here:

B, section 0) you cannot just go in and get hormones or hormone blockers, it doesn’t work like that and both me and my mother had to talk with my then therapist and someone who specializes in trans youth over the course of several months to see if hormone blockers were right and setting up appointments, etc. They will start you with just hormone blockers (at least in my experience) which are entirely reversible. If I got my implant removed I would go back to puberty exactly how I was before.

B, section 1) backing my experience up, according to Mayo Clinic: “In most cases, to begin using puberty blockers, an individual needs to:

- Show a lasting pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria.

-Have gender dysphoria that began or worsened at the start of puberty.

-Address any psychological, medical or social problems that could interfere with the treatment.

-Be able to understand the treatment and agree to have it. This is called informed consent.

Puberty blockers are not recommended for children who have not started puberty.

In most cases, youth aren't old enough to get medical treatment without a parent, guardian or other caregiver's permission. This is called medical consent. For those who haven't reached the age of medical consent, a parent, guardian or caregiver often needs to agree to the use of puberty blockers. Parent and family support and encouragement also has been shown to be an important part of boosting mental health and well-being throughout this treatment.“

they will start you with just hormone blockers (at least in my experience) which are entirely reversible. If I got my implant removed I would go back to puberty exactly how I was before.

Source article: Puberty blockers for transgender and gender-diverse youth - Mayo Clinic

C, section 0) I and my mother will have to talk a lot more with a therapist and someone who specializes in trans youth to go on T. Going on T would be less reversible, hence having to wait a lot longer and more therapy and specialists.

C, section 1) according to planed parenthood: “If you’re 17 or younger, you need your parent or guardian’s consent to get gender-affirming hormone replacement therapies (HRT) like testosterone and estrogen. However, some states are trying to pass laws blocking people under certain ages from getting HRT, even with parental consent. Contact your nearest Planned Parenthood health center to find out what’s happening in your state. 
For now, you can legally get HRT across the United States on your own if you’re 18+, or with a parent’s consent if you’re under 18. But access isn’t just about the law:
* Some health care providers require both parental consent and a minimum age requirement for people younger than 18. For example, some Planned Parenthood health centers only provide HRT to patients who have parental consent and are at least 16 years old, while others only provide HRT for ages 18+. Other doctors may prescribe hormones to patients who are 12 and up with parental consent.
* You might be required to get a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria to get gender-affirming care, or to get your care covered by your health insurance plan. The doctors who make these diagnoses factor in your age and how long you have known your gender”

And according to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: “In most places in the United States, you will need permission from your parent or guardian to do a hormonal or surgical transition before you are 18. You may also need to talk with a mental health professional and get a letter of support before starting treatment. This may involve multiple counseling sessions.”

Source articles:
planed parenthood- I want to transition. How old do you have to be to get HRT?​​​​

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists- Health Care for Transgender and Nonbinary Teens | ACOG
(Look under “Whose permission do I need for a medical transition?”)

D, section 0) it’s also important to remember that many trans youth will not do any of these, and instead transition socially. There’s many reasons for this from unsupportive parents/guardians to just not feeling the need to do so.

I could blab a lot more about other points but I have a limited amount of energy and I’ve reached that for today.

Also open to discussions, and others experiences since they’re not all the same!

Stay safe, drink water, eat, maybe take a mental health walk, etc. take care of yourselves and thank you for reading my rant <3

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onyi's profile picture

You fundamental understand on trans people and trans history is incorrect.

I'm not going to reply to ever bit of nonsense, but holey hell this isn't a new ideology, trans people have existed for thousands of years just not in western culture. Two spirit people have long existed before America was invaded. A lot of us have felt like this for years but didn't have the language understanding or safe space to express ourselves. There is a plethora of older queer people coming out as nonbinary because they have always felt like this but never had the correct way to express it.

Secondly kids getting surgeries? I don't know what right wing conspiracy theory you have fallen into but this is a bogus-crux transphobic people lean on isn't real. It's a straw man, it doesn't happen. Really look into it, and when you do find sources, fact check them. There is a few small outliers, but nothing more.

I understand what you are trying to say, society shouldn't have these labels of gender or expectations but guess what we live in the real world and society does. This fallacy you have of that 'trans people shouldn't exist', is disgusting and insulting to all trans people.

I'm not going further engage with this post or yourself.

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...what? you missunserstood what ideology i was talking about. fundamentally, i was only refering to... maybe you could say this new "woke" thing.

i think surgeries can be very dangerous, because you're taking parts of your body, genitals and also breasts, that are totally healthy and are there to regulate your hormones. and if adults wanna do that, i don't care, but childreen often don't know the consequences of those surgeries, and they have no real understanding of life. yes, there aren't kids doing sugeries, but i've at least seen a couple 16 years old, what i already disagree with because there are so many immature 16 year olds. the problem is that people are defending it.

"This fallacy you have of that 'trans people shouldn't exist', is disgusting and insulting to all trans people."
...???????? i even started my blog by saying i belive in transexuality. giving the scientific reason behind it. Personally i belive in science, and to my knowlage science never truly explained non binary genders or whatever, just that one's gender isn't related with it's sex. Transexual people are valid and i respect them for all they fought, i know the minimum about lgbt history.

by Margarida; ; Report


SHEEPSTER's profile picture

at the end of the day, is it really that deep?

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Literally??? Why tf does it bother people so much
How is someone’s identity bothering you

by Arthur Schneider; ; Report

no, it isn't, why does anything need to be deep? i just want people to feel safe and do the right things for themselves.

by Margarida; ; Report


🍓🍮✮𝕲𝖊𝖒𝖆✮🧃🍰's profile picture

For me it is a "negative" situation that developed during childhood or in some life situation.

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WeaponsOnSight's profile picture

im surprised you haven't gotten doxxed yet, and these comments and replies are a hot mess

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Andre's profile picture

Vi que você é de Portugal, que tristeza deve ser viver em um país falido. De qualquer forma gostaria de introduzir uma recomendação de um livro do então ministro da fazenda do governo Lula, Fernando Haddad, já que você se interessa tanto por filosofia (duvido muito, você provavelmente parou na idade média quando resolveu estudar) vou estar indicando uma livro sobre o que você chama de "biologia neurológica":

O terceiro excluído: Contribuição para uma antropologia dialética

O interesse pelo o estudo neurológico começa desde de Freud e é entendido pelo mesmo que a ciência não poderia explicar ou instrumentalizar algo que não existe por exatidão, quero dizer, nem foi Freud que viu isso mas sim os psicanalistas Deleuze e Guattari no seu livro "Anti-Édipo".

É engraçado como você mesma admitiu sequer entender do assunto, mas te esclareço, a ciência da qual você busca sustentar nem é tão cristalina e intocável como você tentou parecer ser, desde do iluminismo a ciência vem sendo criticada, então por favor quando responder a este comentário não sustente falácias da "autoridade".

Outro ponto do qual me fez rir bastante do seu texto, você diz respeitar mas você claramente não lê o que diz, parece que seu texto funciona em um fluxo odioso da sua consciência ignorante, leia suas frases:

"crença absurda é que as crianças... CRIANÇAS podem escolher se querem fazer cirurgias..."

"Na minha opinião, uma pessoa só deve fazer a transição, dessa forma, depois de completar 25 anos..."

"As pessoas trans que se sentem deprimidas"

"Você deveria apenas fazer terapia."

"não é um modo de vida saudável..."

"O que é completamente ridículo é essa nova ideologia criada nos últimos anos..."

"Não importa o quanto tentem, as pessoas trans nunca serão como o sexo oposto em que nasceram."

Com essas frases você termina o texto com:

"Pessoas trans são incríveis..."

Eu nunca vi alguém ser tão cínico como você, é uma pitada de psicopatia e uma falta de tato na escrita que, por si só nesse texto, ele não tem uma coesão natural, claramente vejo uma pessoa má intencionada no seus pensamentos, é tanta contradição que a única reação que eu tive lendo isso foi dar risadas.

Eu não vim aqui te chamar de transfóbica, você já é, não preciso deixar isso claro. Vim te avisar que você é burra mesmo, uma burra patológica daquele que mesmo apresentando argumentos sólidos, não ficará apta para um senso crítico, nem vale a pena debater quando você mesma não é fiel a ti mesma, isso reflete em seu texto.

Você busca inventar situações da qual você assume uma performasse hostil, ditando ainda o que você acha certo ou não com a sua opinião, faltando com a sua parcialidade e agregando ainda mais um discurso que flerta com a ignorância, você buscou levantar uma pauta como a do banheiro, inventou uma possível situação apenas para ser hostil, que patético, é tão falacioso que se a gente dialogar sobre isso vamos chegar a lugar nenhum.

Se você estudasse pelo menos um pouco da filosofia contemporânea e não vivesse em 1800, quando a biologia surgiu, talvez, só talvez sua crítica seria válida se você buscasse acertar o alvo da pauta da construção social, criticando o mundo masculino e criticando o patriarcado, mas eu não estou aqui para ensinar ninguém, muito menos refutar sua ideia estúpida, já indiquei 2 livros e uma análise do mundo atual, acho que já é o suficiente, desenvolva um senso e tato na suas escritas e siga o conselho de Lenin:

Estudar! Estudar! Estudar!

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Olha, se eu estivesse minimamente interessada em filosofia brasileira da treta, eu pedia. Se esse ministro fosse realmente brilhante, e se o governo brasileiro de esquerda (e qualquer um que alguma vez governou) tivessem gente brilhante, então o país não estava na situação em que estava. E digo isto até do governo do meu país e muitos outros. Não interessa quem for, de políticos vai sempre defender uma ideologia específica, e desde o início, a intenção é essa.

Eu sei de onde vem a psicanálise e neurologia, as origens, etc. muito obrigada. E quanto a esse livro, obviamente não iria ler um livro pura e simplesmente para lhe responder, tentei pesquisar algum artigo sobre a discussão da transexualidade e era tudo aparentemente brasileiro, mesmo pesquisando a inglês. Pode não significar nada, e talvez até seja claramente discutido o ponto, admito, não fiz uma pesquisa brutalmente extensa, mas ainda não me explicou o quais são esses tais tópicos e pontos e argumentos...

Eu não preciso de mencionar nomes e livros, para me sentir superior. Quando se tratam de assuntos de que não precisam de provas científicas, e admito que me faltaram as fontes numa coisa ou outra, mas não ando por aí a mencionar nomes importantes como se isso tornasse o meu ponto mais válido ou bem fundamentado, sem sequer mencionar qual parte da teoria, observação, o que seja, é que é aplicável ou relevante.

Claro que a ciência é criticada! Tudo é, sua excelência! Tudo o que alguma vez é, foi e será está sujeito à crítica. Não é novidade, constata o óbvio aqui. E não percebo de que falácias fala. Aliás, segundo este argumento, o seu também estaria a ser posto em causa. A ciência avança, é posta em causa e por é vezes incerta, e isso aplica-se a qualquer ideia, inclusive às que você defende.

As minhas frases não desrespeitam ninguém, só se for os que acreditam em tal. Durante anos, décadas, as pessoas trans aceitavam-nas, aceitavam a realidade e estava tudo bem, mas hoje quer-se tudo. Além de que, certos excertos que você utilizou como exemplo, não fazem sentido nenhum, já que são até tirados de contexto e nem sequem para exagerar o que disse ou fazer um ponto servem. Termino assim o texto pois quero mostrar que eu reconheço muito bem o trabalho que essa comunidade teve ao longo das décadas. Por exemplo: muitos direitos que homossexuais têm, devem-se aos impulsos que essa comunidade deu para protestar e advocar por direitos iguais.

Pois, e digo já que a minha reação foi o mesmo, especialmente quando citou Lenine. E no português escreve-se Lenine, não Lenin. Presumo que isso foi uma tentativa de escrever em português... Já agora, tem alguma noção do que é psicopatia? Hoje em dia é tão fácil de acusar alguém e chamar alguém do que se bem entender, sem real fundamento ou entendimento dos próprios termos utilizados. E eu tenho senso crítico, tanto que admito os meus erros e considero as outras opiniões antes de comentar. Também não recorro a insultos pessoais para fazer um ponto, não o acuso de burrice mas de mal aproveitamento, ignorância e insegurança, pois alguém que se mostra tão odioso não pode possivelmente acreditar completamente no que diz, certamente tem dúvidas, mas não admite. Mas como vem de um país que baniu o "X" (antigo twitter) com medo de opiniões exteriores, não espero muito mais (E desde mais explico que, faço tais comentários, porque você próprio fez o mesmo com o facto de ser de eu portuguesa).

"...performasse hostil."
Primeiro de tudo... performasse? levou-me algum tempo a perceber que se refere ao vocábulo "performance". Tive realmente de depois pesquisar mas pelos vistos, é palavra brasileira. O qual é o significado de tal expressão? Podia dizer que, a seu ver, fui hostil, mas porquê utilizar essa outra palavra? Performance usa-se ao se referir ao que fez por exemplo um atleta ou um artista durante uma competição ou apresentação. Claro que é a minha opinião, disse o mesmo, eu "acho" isso! Você acha o que quer achar, sem problemas absolutamente nenhuns. Muitas coisas se acham, e isso é uma opinião. E pensar que tal é tal por aí em diante. Não inventei a situação. É algo real, e existem inúmeros relatos de tal pelas redes sociais e até por gente com que se fala, é o que está à nossa volta! Se escolhe ignorar isso... bem, isso é consigo. E estaria disposta a dialogar se você estivesse, sem golpes baixos como ao recurso do insulto ou à tentativa de se fazer parecer muito sábio. Você simplesmente conseguiu mostrar-me a sua infantilidade.

Eu estudo filosofia, de vez em quando pego num livro ou outro e interesso-me por debater mas a vida não é teoria, e não se tem certezas com a simples teoria, e sim mais com experiencias, reflexão e observação, e isso é uma verdade. Na escola não se aprende simplesmente com textos, e se aprendeu assim, tenho pena. Nas escolas aqui fazem-se experiências, e aí revelam-se pormenores dos quais não estão escritos.

" você buscasse acertar o alvo da pauta da construção social, criticando o mundo masculino e criticando o patriarcado..." (e penso que queria escrever "puta da construção")
O senhor vem, falando de ideias antigas do século XIX que supostamente tenho, quando vossemecê fala do comunismo e de ideias desse exato século? Um bocado hipócrita da sua parte, não é?

"...muito menos refutar sua ideia estúpida, já indiquei 2 livros e uma análise do mundo atual, acho que já é o suficiente"
E você por acaso leria algum livro indicado por alguém que o desrespeitou, insultou e humilhou (ou pelo menos tentou)? Tu és o que não tem contacto com a realidade e o mundo fora dessa tua bolha, de pessoas, ideias, comportamentos, etc. Fazes-te de culto, de intelectual, vêem-se muitos como tu. No geral, esse ultimo parágrafo... não parece que o leu depois de escrever percebe?

E eu estudo. Adoro estudar. agradeço já pela preocupação.

E saliento aqui que, eu falo português, não brasileiro, e como reconheço essa diferença, não lhe vou corrigir a maneira de escrever certos vocábulos, a conjugação dos verbos nem a utilização da adjacência verbal, mas fique sabendo que eu compreendo como se dirigiu a mim. Foi com desrespeito. Eu tratei-o por "você" e "senhor" (sinal de mínimo respeito, que talvez até possa ser visto como sarcasmo por si) e não o insultei em aspetos em que você não me tenha insultado primeiro, por isso, não me venha aqui falar que eu lhe fiz algo, e que estava inocente. Paguei com a mesma moeda.

Pensei primeiro em ignorar, já que conheço os métodos de ridicularização de gente com as suas ideias de cor, e já quase parei de responder. Mas não resisti, vendo as balbúrdias para aqui escritas, visivelmente escritas num momento cheio de raiva e de certo estava um pouco levado pelo momento. E admito que aqui não sou inocente de ter emoções! Uma irritação coçava me, por ter, tão deliberada e inexplicavelmente, ofendido a minha pátria. Enfim, sei que a minha responda foi longa, mas porque estes argumentos são feitos de modo a que ela saia dessa forma, outro daqueles métodos que eu já decorei...

Uma boa noite, tarde ou dia, dependendo do que for para si.

by Margarida; ; Report

"então o país não estava na situação em que estava." a mídia falida de Portugal segue bem a cartilha colonizadora até hoje né? que patético sinceramente, você está falando de um governo que foi eleito 3 vezes pelo povo brasileiro, posso dizer que você tá sozinha nessa amiguinha ;)

"mas ainda não me explicou o quais são esses tais tópicos e pontos e argumentos..."
Para deixar claro, não entendi muito bem sua ênfase no ministro, eu só fiz uma indicação do livro dele que respondia o seu texto estúpido e dei as devidas informações para facilitar sua pesquisa, você começou a bater em um espantalho por escolha sua, não minha. Aqui vai uma pequena sinopse: O livro se destaca por sua crítica ao pensamento binário e por sua proposta de uma abordagem que reconheça e integre as contradições como parte fundamental da experiência humana.

"Eu não preciso de mencionar nomes e livros, para me sentir superior." quem interpretou isso foi você, inclusive fico até lisonjeado, muito obrigado!

"admito que me faltaram as fontes numa coisa ou outra, mas não ando por aí a mencionar nomes importantes como se isso tornasse o meu ponto mais válido ou bem fundamentado, sem sequer mencionar qual parte da teoria, observação, o que seja, é que é aplicável ou relevante." eu vou pegar essa parte aqui e te dizer que a maneira que descreveu a teoria é simplesmente cientifica, sabe o Descartes? então é dele que você tá falando e está sustentando como um argumento intocável, eu sabia que você iria, alguma hora, utilizar o argumento em que "a ciência dos sentidos não pode ser contestada!" eu avisei isso no meu próprio texto KKKKKKK bem sinto eu lhe dizer que você vê os movimentos políticos de forma instrumentalizada, tenta provar seu ponto em alguma prova cientifica na qual você pode se beneficiar para ser transfóbica, é engraçado que você mesma disse que eu estou jogando sujo mas quem tá sendo falaciosa aqui é você.

"A ciência avança, é posta em causa e por é vezes incerta, e isso aplica-se a qualquer ideia, inclusive às que você defende." Isso depende na verdade, o seu erro é esse, enquanto as pessoas buscam fundamentar os argumentos na qual se chega numa síntese final, você posta vídeo de um biólogo raso falando temas complexos em 6 minutos. Eu citei Lenin justamente porque é preciso estudar esses temas pois são complexos demais, não se resume na sua fantasia de banheiro ou que merda seja que você tentou delirar em seu texto.

"as pessoas trans aceitavam-nas, aceitavam a realidade e estava tudo bem, mas hoje quer-se tudo." olha como você prefere criticar pessoas ao invés da realidade, você ainda não quer ser chamada de psicopata, ora sustente o que você diz e não seja covarde, você tá sendo ridícula.

"Hoje em dia é tão fácil de acusar alguém e chamar alguém do que se bem entender, sem real fundamento ou entendimento dos próprios termos utilizados." Eu vi alguns do seus comentários dizendo a mesma coisa, se você se preocupa com isso que tal você desenvolver uma escrita melhor? acho que se você tivesse mais tato talvez ninguém tiraria essa conclusão de ti, você conseguiria mascarar melhor sua transfobia assim, fica a dica!

"E eu tenho senso crítico, tanto que admito os meus erros e considero as outras opiniões antes de comentar." isso não é ter senso crítico, isso só é uma desculpa para ficar "em cima do muro" e poder destilar seu ódio a vontade.

"Também não recorro a insultos pessoais para fazer um ponto, não o acuso de burrice mas de mal aproveitamento, ignorância e insegurança, pois alguém que se mostra tão odioso não pode possivelmente acreditar completamente no que diz, certamente tem dúvidas, mas não admite." olha eu lhe garanto que meu texto onde falo que você me tirou risadas não apresentar se quer alguma insegurança, muito pelo contrário, eu não estaria te chamando de burra patológica atoa.

"Mas como vem de um país que baniu o "X" (antigo twitter) com medo de opiniões exteriores, não espero muito mais " Ata, muito democrático o Elon Musk tentando passar por cima da lei se recusando a banir 7 contas nazistas do twitter.

Segue aqui um link da natureza desse site, agradeço ao Alexandre de Moraes em banir essa merda de rede social:

Isso é liberdade de expressão para vocês de Portugal? por isso que vocês defendem tantas politicas anti-imigração.

"...performasse hostil." Aqui eu queria dizer que você mascara seu ódio, escondendo sua real intenção com o texto.

"Não inventei a situação. É algo real, e existem inúmeros relatos de tal pelas redes sociais e até por gente com que se fala, é o que está à nossa volta! Se escolhe ignorar isso... bem, isso é consigo." Invento sim. Você criou uma situação para dar de exemplo para sustentar o seu argumento, você literalmente fez isso. Agora, se sua tentativa de criar uma situação para se parecer com uma situação real ainda sim se encaixa em você criando uma situação em seu texto. Indo agora no assunto sobre o banheiro, eu via mais como uma tentativa de crucificar um movimento inteiro (Movimento Trans) apenas se baseando numa situação tão irrelevante como essa, as pessoas entram ali apenas para fazer suas necessidades básicas e pronto, que mal tem isso? Quer dizer, eu sei a sua intenção então para mim não é um mistério você pautar uma coisa tão irrelevante assim para justificar sua transfobia.

"Eu estudo filosofia, de vez em quando pego num livro ou outro e interesso-me por debater mas a vida não é teoria, e não se tem certezas com a simples teoria, e sim mais com experiencias, reflexão e observação, e isso é uma verdade." você realmente vive no iluminismo né, KKKKKKKKKKKKK. Aquela velha história onde o homem cria o "método de formiga" apenas para saber se o tronco de uma árvore serve como matéria-prima para sua produção em massa e garantir seu monopólio nessa sociedade. Vou te indicar novamente para você dar uma oportunidade para o outro lado da moeda, não é você que adora ler uma opinião contrária? Então busque ler "Fenomenologia do espirito" ou então um livro brasileiro, que tal? "A vida não é útil". Me desculpa mas eu não estou aqui para te ensinar, se quer buscar entender um tema complexo vai por conta própria, não sou o seu professor.

"(e penso que queria escrever "puta da construção")" Não? o que significa "puta" em Portugal primeiramente? Segundo, "PAUTA" é uma palavra que significa "assunto" "tema" "tópico" "TEMA DA CONSTRUÇÃO SOCIAL" entendeu?

"O senhor vem, falando de ideias antigas do século XIX que supostamente tenho, quando vossemecê fala do comunismo e de ideias desse exato século? Um bocado hipócrita da sua parte, não é?" Primeiramente não me chame de senhor, eu não sou velho ;), segundo que minha ironia se referia ao fato de que suas ideias são bastante retrógradas, ou seja, o seu texto facilmente poderia ser lindo no século XIX. Ao comunismo, eu nem se quer falei dele KKKKKKKKKKKK tipo eu literalmente só citei uma frase do líder da revolução soviética, nem comunista eu sou KKKKK.

"E você por acaso leria algum livro indicado por alguém que o desrespeitou" Sim. Se eu estou tão errado ao ponto dessa pessoa me ofender, com certeza eu proferi palavras absurdamente burras que merecem seu devido "corretivo" (gíria aqui no Brasil para quem é ignorante e precisa ser corrigido na base do diálogo da elite libanesa, outra gíria que eu não vou explicar, fico devendo essa.)

"Tu és o que não tem contacto com a realidade e o mundo fora dessa tua bolha, de pessoas, ideias, comportamentos, etc. Fazes-te de culto, de intelectual, vêem-se muitos como tu. No geral, esse ultimo parágrafo... não parece que o leu depois de escrever percebe?" Sério, que trecho cafona, que texto ruinzinho. Realidade todo mundo vive, assim como também vivemos numa bolha, vai falar agora que você não filtra pessoas do seu ciclo que você quer por perto e pessoas que você não quer por perto? Não seja mentirosa amiguinha KKKKK. Acho inclusive muito interessante como você tenta se pagar de "vivida" aquela que sabe da realidade das coisas, existe algo tão cafona quanto isso? sério mesmo que coisa constrangedora.

"Eu tratei-o por "você" e "senhor" (sinal de mínimo respeito, que talvez até possa ser visto como sarcasmo por si) e não o insultei em aspetos em que você não me tenha insultado primeiro, por isso, não me venha aqui falar que eu lhe fiz algo, e que estava inocente. Paguei com a mesma moeda." Pode ficar tranquila, como venho dizendo acima, você continua sendo uma burra sem cura, uma burra patológica que nunca vai se permitir de obter mais conhecimento porque tem preguiça ou porque não compreende nada que lê, é uma analfabeta funcional. Estou pouco me importando com a maneira com que você me trata, você é patética de todos os jeitos.

"visivelmente escritas num momento cheio de raiva e de certo estava um pouco levado pelo momento." Olha, se fosse ao caso, eu realmente nem me daria o trabalho de escrever tamanho texto, eu apenas te chamaria de conservadora filha da puta.

Termino aqui dizendo, vai estudar para não passar vergonha ao debater certos assuntos, de verdade. Leia o que eu te indiquei. Se não for ler, tudo bem, quem vive na eterna ignorância sempre será triste com a vida, isso é escolha de cada um e não vou interferir nisso ;)

Passar bem! já que esse mundo é passageiro mesmo.

by Andre; ; Report

Ministro Haddad mostrando como amar as pessoas.

by Andre; ; Report


by Jack jackotte; ; Report


Anarion998's profile picture


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dizzy!'s profile picture

"Fucking hate being online" good, delete your account now

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Donii's profile picture

As a trans person, I think you might be fear mongering with this when you probably don't mean to be. Most trans people don't believe kids should transition, a child doesn't even have the option to do so, the most one could get are puberty blockers and to get that, you'd need extensive therapy and a psychologists recommendation. Idk where people get the notion that we want kids to mess with their genitals or whatever

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literally!!! I think OP has such an online view of trans people, it seems like they've never met a trans person irl. it's upsetting that someone who has the ability to sway so many peoples opinions with a post like this can have little to no knowledge on what, for example, trans healthcare, is actually like outside of the very select view they get from the internet.

by aisling_mp4; ; Report


WISH's profile picture

I am nonbinary but I don't have much experience with the medical side of it so what I'm saying here is anecdotal at best; do take this with a grain of salt

Coming into this comment section as a trans adult who has not transitioned and is seeing a lot of discussion about the "life changing surgeries" point and I feel a need to mention the fact that even as a trans person who is explicitly a man or a woman you don't necessarily need to medically transition to pass or even be valid; there are a number of non-invasive ways to get to where you want. I do want to look into my options at a point when my plate is clearer but as it stands I haven't done anything invasive even as an adult and I'm doing fine, and many trans people I've spoken to haven't engaged with, or don't plan to engage with, any medical options concerning their gender. The trans people I've interacted with define themselves less by their dysphoria and more by their euphoria; I don't experience dysphoria, but I've found my identity because being that, something other than the label I was forced into, gives me euphoria

Not to mention the other point that people have been making, which is that you're not getting anything for transition until you're 16 or even older, and from what I have seen of the trans experience of actually getting into the position where you even can transition, the process is incredibly hard and adversarial. I hear more about the system for trans healthcare pushing back against trans people than pushing for them, and though that isn't a universal experience, even people of good faith can make this process much harder for someone who needs this and needs it badly. There's also enough trans people I imagine you can ask that will say that the biggest thing to help their mental health has been transitioning, or at least that it's been a start; if someone has gender dysphoria, an illness, the way to cure it is often transition

On the point of "you can['t] be whatever you want" I think it's important to note that as someone who has only experienced So Much there comes a point where you can't understand the identities of people and at that point I've been able to simply sit back and understand. The idea of "gender binary" is one that's not necessarily shared among all cultures; some of the cultures of the world have an idea of gender that is foreign to how we understand it; I can think of the two-spirit and māhū off the top of my head. I'm not going to speak for these people as I am not these people but I think even outside of the fixation on genitals there is a lot of open interpretation for gender that does exist and has existed for a while

Gonna end this comment here because there is something I do want to continue with but it's a bit more rant-y than the rest of this. I'm not the best at explaining these topics but wanted to bring up why I see the world how I do

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This part is less of a rant and more of a ramble actually. Probably going to talk a bit about my experience being aroace and a bit more about realizing I was nonbinary

I'm also going to mention something that's a bit closer to me and falls outside of the concerns of gender and more into the concerns of sexuality but relates to this worry of "kids learning too young", which is that an experience I've seen queer people speak on on occasion and seen within myself is that the ideas of being cisgender and heterosexual were forced on them, and this is an experience I share in the context of sexuality so I'm going to share that

I am aroace, as in "doesn't experience sexual or romantic attraction". I can still love, but my love is not romantic. I do not feel love in the traditional sense, and I am not attracted to people at all. These are things that are spoken of to me even by other queer people that I simply do not comprehend even though according to many heterosexual people, at least the ones I've had to live with, that "everyone experiences this"

I vaguely remember being very young and being asked by my parents to flirt with a girl; I didn't even understand what they meant at that point much less why I would. My parents would block out scenes of people kissing in movies and I simply wouldn't understand why, thinking it was cruel at best that they'd deny me a part of a movie that they wanted me to watch. My experience at a young age with relationships was at best "all the cool kids had this friend they were closer with. I should too". I think at a point I got in trouble in middle school because I had kissed a classmate of the same gender (as I knew at the time) unprompted, and I remember just not processing the weight in that action. I'm saying of this all just to say a combination of "I didn't understand anything relating to the heterosexual experience" and "I was frequently told in my youth to be someone I couldn't be and didn't understand why"

I also vaguely recall my experience in learning I was nonbinary and strangely enough that discovery came from my time in one of the worst communities I have ever had the dishonor of engaging with, one that I will not give credit because I don't think it's worth the time. It was through there that I got to play around with my identity a bit and thought up the idea of a being without a gender tagged onto them; the idea of a "blank slate" that I can see traces of still in my identity as I've discovered it. No one ever helped me through this; in fact, I feel like if I opened up about this, I would've been shunned. I simply sat by and figured myself out in the background, and only learned about the terms nonbinary and aroace a year later, after I had entirely disengaged with that community. I don't think I even predisposed myself to LGBTQ+ media or communities at all beforehand

I think what I'm trying to get at here is primarily that from my experience I think kids should understand at the very least that it is ok to be what they'd like, to open their minds up to what could be. There are a lot of ways that people interpret themselves and they shouldn't be shunned by society; instead, they should be respected or at the least understood. I don't think people should be pressured into figuring things out but I also think the floor should be opened early for people to at least try things out because this is something that is going to matter to these people for their entire lives

I'd also like to append to that fact by mentioning the important fact that queer kids, and kids in general, are probably more predisposed to straight and cis people forcing their gender ideologies on them as opposed to queer people forcing these ideologies. There are many ways to understand your identity and people should not be boxed into only a few ways of loving and a few ways of being. I talk about this in the lens of sexuality because that's the societal pressure I've experienced but it applies just as much to who you are as who you love. The only person who can really decide who you are is you, and people can try to shape that lens but you are the only one who can have control over whether that works

That's how I've seen the world at least. I wouldn't know, it's only hurt me

by WISH; ; Report


b9ruci's profile picture

Trans dude here, I wasn't raised like a boy... nor like a girl... I was just raised as a child, no gender roles like "clean and cook", I literally just played with whatever and didn't give two shits about it, so now I dont belong neither with the girls nor the guys? I realized I was trans when puberty hit and my body went girl mode, which I am now correcting by going through male puberty by increasing the testosterone in my body to a regular dude's level.
I do share most experiences with guys, besides helicptering my shlong, which guys with pps are unable to do.
Being raised like a boy is so subjective, are we talking about the boys that went to the coal mines at 10, the ones who went to war at 15 or the ones who play fortnite. All of those are guys, all of them display different kinds of masculinity, all of them don't share the same experiences, ideals, lifestyles and body types, a boy raised by his sisters is not a boy the same way either boys are? please make it make sense.

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b9ruci's profile picture

Trans dude here, I wasn't raised like a boy... nor like a girl... I was just raised as a child, no gender roles like "clean and cook", I literally just played with whatever and didn't give two shits about it, so now I dont belong neither with the girls nor the guys? I realized I was trans when puberty hit and my body went girl mode, which I am now correcting by going through male puberty by increasing the testosterone in my body to a regular dude's level.
I do share most experiences with guys, besides helicptering my shlong, which guys with pps are unable to do.
Being raised like a boy is so subjective, are we talking about the boys that went to the coal mines at 10, the ones who went to war at 15 or the ones who play fortnite. All of those are guys, all of them display different kinds of masculinity, all of them don't share the same experiences, ideals, lifestyles and body types, a boy raised by his sisters is not a boy the same way either boys are? please make it make sense.

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internet overdose

internet overdose's profile picture

can’t we just accept groups of people without having to write essays on their validity

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by EmyKillz; ; Report

Fr omg

by Donii; ; Report

Thank you omfg

by Vincent; ; Report

What is that even supposed to mean? I wasn't discussing the validity of transsexuality...

by Margarida; ; Report


Aksel94_'s profile picture

I just have to say one thing, as a trans person myself. the fact that many people think that minors shouldn't get hormones is not a wrong idea, but it's not even totally right, and why you may ask? well, because it depends. it depends from many factors. but in my experience, mainly is mental health.
I had signs of gender dysphoria after a bit I've passed puberty, and let me tell you, it is not a simple thing to go through. I know that many teens are going through this as well, and they may have even more "violent" signs, such as self destructive signs of gender dysphoria which luckily isn't my case. I suppose that you might be an adult, since you said "in my opinion a person should only transition, in that way, after they turn 25, when they are fully developed and mature", the thing you don't understand is that kids (in this case teens) are not stupid. they can realize if their life is miserable or not, don't you think? they know if their depressed, and they do know if they need something. imagine having to wait all these years to get on hormones, which for the majority of trans people saves their lives, is it not unfair? the things I would be able to do by simply looking more like I want to. this thing is not easy to understand if you're not trans. explaining our feelings has never been easy.
now, you might say that there are cases of detrasitioners, which is true. I don't deny their existence, in fact, I think that their existence itself reminds us trans people to think about the irreversibility of hormones and surgeries more: it's a good thing, right? many teens might be confused, and thats OKAY. because confusion is part of being a teen. but, again, I suppose you are not a psychologist. they are the only people that can actually give a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, so, since you are neither trans and neither a psychologist, why would you even care so much?
to put an end to this, I might be getting hormones in two years. I'll be 16 at that point. it will probably put end to a lot problems of mine, I don't see anything wrong with that. the thing that every person should do, is talk about it. talk about their feelings to professionals that can really help them, that's what I think, because it helped me a lot.

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☆Lucky☆'s profile picture

why do cis people think they need/get a say in shit that doesnt affect them. this isnt about you

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nerdyraccoon's profile picture

isn't it illegal for minors to have surgeries and take hormones

where I live u have to be over 16 to take hormones and stuff so I guess it's still a minor but u can't have surgeries until over 18 and idk about other places

also ofc we shouldn't expose KIDS to romance and gender and stuff but teens is fine, they're gonna grow up and be exposed to it one way or another even if u try to hide it away from them.

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Time_Keeper's profile picture


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MrEmo's profile picture

I'm guessing this is transphobic against nonbinary people or neo-genders and all the other stuff

if that's the case all i have to say is lol cope

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Oh how easy it is to slap a "-phobic" label of something instead of actually reading it and trying to see where the other person is coming from.

We just don't think kids should be able to make permenent changes to their bodies, just like kids shouldn't have tattoos. Is that Tattoophobic now? Sorry.

by xXxValentinexXxVenomxXx; ; Report

I wasn't being funny, how is it stupid to think kids shouldn't make permenent changes to their bodies? Like HRT or tattoos.

by xXxValentinexXxVenomxXx; ; Report

thank you spiderlegs residence, it does get tiring to try and educate people on these matters...

by MrEmo; ; Report

Puberty blockers do permenent damage.
Brain swelling, height stunting, hormone imbalances later on etc..

Cis people who are put on it need it for medical reasons, not transitioning.

That's why I'm saying any physical transition steps should be taken at older ages (15+ at least) after professional evaluations.
Before that, you can cut/grow out your hair, dress like your preferred identity etc bc that's all reversible unlike HRT and blockers.

by xXxValentinexXxVenomxXx; ; Report

Still causes stunted height and brain swelling..if you're taking them for 2 years and then stop you just missed 2 years of puberty-meaning you didn't develop properly.

by xXxValentinexXxVenomxXx; ; Report

I mean you can't really just "catch up" on 2 years of physical growth without having to take another form of HRT for your biological gender that's ALSO harmful so it just ends up being a huge mess of medicalization for the patient that could've been avoided :')

by xXxValentinexXxVenomxXx; ; Report

Yeah I guess I agree, but I'm talking about the risk of regret.

by xXxValentinexXxVenomxXx; ; Report

How many trans people actually regret transitioning tho? Out of all the trans people out there, there's rarely ever any regret, and if there is regret? Why exactly stop them from feeling that? In life, you're gonna regret the actions you decide to take, and that's not bad at all. All of your scars and thoughts and feelings from the past are what makes you human. We shouldn't save people from regret if it means taking away their right to do what they want with their own body. I might regret my tattoos in the future, but it'll still be a funny story to tell when I get older!!

by Donii; ; Report

I didn't say it's common, but it's still smth to concider.

by xXxValentinexXxVenomxXx; ; Report

✮⋆˙ Greyson/Bowie ✮⋆˙

✮⋆˙ Greyson/Bowie ✮⋆˙'s profile picture

i mean uhh, as a trans person like…. im aware i haven’t been raised as a boy like, not a single trans person is saying otherwise or anything, and the whole thing about trans woman making cis woman feel uncomfortable is kinda not that true aswel, many people in the beginning of their transition don’t even go to womans bathroom if they identify as a trans woman or to the mens if they identify as a trans man. Like most of us don’t even have the balls to to go into either of them i just hold my piss until i go home.

i do think that recently its a bit like “oh hi there little boy, you like the colour pink right? Oh then you must be trans!!” Especially on the internet it goes a bit like that and if enough people think that sure the little boy will eventually believe he’s trans. But still this does not happen that much and its so difficult to change your name (not even legaly thats even harder and costs a fortune) and most trans people only get hormones after paying like 40/400 euros A MONTH which most can’t really afford without insurance, it takes years of therapy to even be able to get your hands on it so a lot of trans people make sure to atleast 90% sort of know they are actually trans because its a lot to commit to mentally, financially and physically

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