2000wr 's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

about me but not very interesting


Name: top secret

Nickname(s): TOP SECRET ALSO tho i don't rly have one

Age: 17

Birthday: 02/23

Birthplace: /

Current Location: my beautiful room

Eye Color: brown

Hair Color: black

Height: 5'4

Weight: /

Lefty or Righty: lefty. hopefully that doesn't speed up my death

Zodiac Sign: pieces

What Do You Drive: nothing :///

Screenname: 2000wr. totally didnt get inspo from  https://open.spotify.com/artist/5IpbIczge2iZZKQn50SQxE?si=sTT78xMRRGq_AF7AtOSTNw


Color: black, red, purple

Number: 7

Band: ok so ima fake ik it should b the young veins or panic! but its pierce the veillllll!! love them sm

Music Genre: pop punk

TV Show: rn its supernatural but its usually criminal minds

Movie: mysterious skins

Actor: timothee chalament

Actress: aubrey plaza

Kind of Movie: sad like super sad

Cartoon: happy tree friends, gravity falls, invaderzim

Sport: volleyball

Fast Food Restaurant: /

Food: orange chicken

Ice Cream: strawberry

Cereal: /

Candy: /

Drink: water

Alcoholic Beverage: /

Quote: "i wish i knew how to quit you"

{---Do You---}

Have any siblings: yes

Have any pets: YES 5 CATS N 1 DOG!!

Have a job: i want one

Have a cellphone: yes

Have any special talents or skills: uh ik how to edit 

Have any fears: clowns.. being alone

Have a bedtime: not really

Sing in the shower: ofc

Want to go to college: yess

Get along with your parents: depends

Have any piercings: no :( how many cool points do i lose?

Have any tattoos: nope

Swear: yes

Smoke: no

Drink: no

Do Drugs: no

{---Love & All That Crap---}

Ever been in love: im always platonically inluv

Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: ew no

Are you single: yes

Are you in a relationship: no

Do you have a crush on someone: no

Ever been dumped: no

Ever dumped someone: hm does it count if we both dumped each other

{---This or That---}

Fruit or Vegetable: fruit

Black or White: both

Lights On or Lights Off: on im scared of the dark

TV or Movie: tv 

Car or Truck: car

Cash or Check: cash

Rock or Rap: both

Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla

French Toast or French Fries: ... both are so good

Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberry

Cookies or Muffins: a blueberry muffin will ALWAYS solo any type of cookie

Winter Break or Spring Break: winter

Hugs or Kisses: both

{---Have You Ever---}

Danced in a public place: yeaa

Smiled for no reason: its my fav thing to do

Laughed so hard you cried: yes

Talked to someone you don't know: everyday

Drank alcohol: no

Done drugs: no

Partied 'til the sun came up: no

Gotten a ticket: no

Been arrested: no

Been convicted of a crime: no

Been in a wreck: no

Been out of the country: no

{---Random & Silly Junk---}

Are you a virgin: /

Ever TP'd someone's house: no

Ever egged someone's house: no 

How many languages do you speak: 2

Who do you compare yourself to: pete wentz just cuz

Ever regret anything: many things

Do you like being tickled: no get away

What are your goals: if i talk abt them i wlll most likely give up

Are your fingers tired: no

Are you tired of this survey: noo im learning sm abt myself

Are you happy: /

Take this survey -> https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=1901

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