The Atheist-izing of America Post September 11th, and the locking of potential by modern Government.

Idk why, but I get the feeling that 911 sparked the nihilism of Americans and western society in general. I think the wars that led post 911 as well as 911 itself really took a toll on the western people psyche, to the point that atheistic nihilism rooted itself in the brain of people. it became like a main state to reject society which at the time was Christian in values and tradition. 

I think the war on terror sparked a sort of “Islamophobia” among the normative groups of society that were the main power structure, and backbone of society at that time.

So I think a lot of the youth rebelled extremely, especially in western Society against this power or state that went to war with Islam and terror so hard that they completely relinquished these religious values and completely turned to communism or other socialist or I should say autocratic, human led society. One with no religious guidance as its backbone. 

And so I think that’s where a lot of current tropes and waves of being have catapulted from. Which is this mass rejection of religion specifically Christian religion. It hasn’t really affected eastern religion, specifically Islam, which is why the leftist crowd still holds onto the Islamaphobia insult towards anyone that is supportive of the war on terror or are traditional and want to preserve their society against immigration of people from “islamic” areas. Migrants they call them. 

It’s an interesting footnote of history where we can see and completely understand the current extremist ideology that has crafted itself into the normalcy of western society. The extreme leftist ideology where our people and economic value should rely heavily on catering to those that aren’t even are our own citizens. And I think that the Internet and social media truly allowed tsunamic waves of this kind ideologies propaganda to cloud the minds of individuals, of course through bullying, isolation and demonization of those that do not follow the hive mind of this thinking.

Personally, if you would like to know my views, I’m a humanitarian, but I tend to listen to all sides of every point. So unfortunately, for people who want to paint me a certain way, I am forever “on the fence” as they say, which is high enough for me to look down on all of you who tend to ravage each other on the ground. I am safe and mighty up here. Gives me a clear head in mind, especially in my isolation. 

Of course, we should give helping hands to those who seek safety, but shouldn’t the same ideology still apply to those within our own borders? like the homeless, the elderly, the low income, the mentally ill? Those ravaged by the ills of past sins that still haven’t been answered? People who already belong to our nations? who were born and who earned the title of citizen?

I believe in building infrastructure within our own nations, relying on own selves, and wealth. Which is why nations like Saudi Arabia who have totalitarian government structures, specifically belonging to citizens of that nation, royalty, have been able to garner such incredible societies, for they own complete control of society without rules and regulations to check them. Those regulations of course being the people of that nation. Which is where I find the biggest paradox of morality with modern government. Yes, the “people” own the government, but I believe so many rules and regulations tend to hold back western society and its previous glory like Rome, Greece Britannia. Where we could build such large and incredibly structures, and be giant power houses of the world. 

It’s truly a shame what modern government has done to man, even if it is deemed “safe”. Yet a country with totalitarianism through monarchy, is still considered safe, And utopian to modern society, though it breaks the mold of modern government.

Truly, I believe modern government was made by men who secretly steal the wealth of the lesser knowing through taxation, backdoor deals with corporations, loopholes in the system, and secrecy. Which is why I so admire Saudi Arabia because at least they are honest about their moral corruption.

They do not need to lie about being human. 

I believe modern government worked pre WW2.

And the introduction of the, rather new, federal reserve and banking structure has been a downfall to society ever since. It was the start of global corporatism, of ruling bodies with no borders.

It’s truly terrifying, corporations, and governments structured around that.

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