Freedom is dead (in america)

Today I picked up a brand new 2024 Subaru Impreza, sheer amount of cameras, screens, and papers I was FORCED to sign agreeing to insane amounts of data collection was vile. 

"I'm sorry sir but you must sign this now and you can opt out later"

Then they go and make it near impossible to opt out of course. I have taped, examined, flipped open every small tab and cap for any more "bugs"...

When I was being show the car I was harassed about setting up my phone. They only let up trying to "set it up" (get the spyware right) once I presented my phone which is UNABLE to interface (bc fuck new phones) as I've pulled the GPS and other tracking hardware out of it.

No CD player, oh you want one? 300 dollar upgrade.

One cigarette lighter (without the coil mind you)

a total of 6 physical buttons for AC (symmetrical on each side I never have a passenger tho so..)

and another 6(?) buttons for Media Home Phone etc. Two knobs for volume and tune. THAT'S IT

need to adjust sound equalizers? use the fucking touch screen

Need to switch to heat? touchscreen

turn off traction control? touch screen

literally everything? touch screen

No wonder car crash incidents seem to be rising (I have no proof or source just opinion if I'm wrong pls pls tell me and i can edit this part!) these new cars make you scroll like its fucking tik tok.

Not to mention. THE CAMERAS!!! there are so fucking many Jesus. the amount of tape I have put on this car. Camera on back, i know how to back up. 3 on windshield, I know how to fucking brake. INSIDE on rear view, for the love of god leave me alone. Still trying to figure out this opt out bullshit. Been going in circles on the fucking phone.

yeah sure record my convos and arrest me for my "anti government" opinions. Sure record where i live, record where i work, record my fave place to eat idfc i guess. Just sell it to data brokers who fucking cares

give my info to police with no warrant idc! i don't need privacy idfc

Jesus Christ we live in a militaristic police state. Everything records, everything collects, and if you want to say No thanks! They make it HELL to opt out.

5 Kudos


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L3fty's profile picture

This is why I am buying older and used cars from henceforth.

Should probably check out what could be in my current car too. It's a 2015 model so I bet it's got something

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yeah my 2012 fiat i built myself fucking died recent and i got a 2024 subaru impreza for 15k (cosmetic damage so big discount) but CHRIST its filled w tech man. I opted out of their tracking shit never connect my phone via bluetooth but i need to disconnect the mic and cameras still, trying to figure out what will void warranty w the company still ugh... for now i got a no talking in my car rule

by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report


joint's profile picture

i sometimes think about how disturbing it is, but no one else around me thinks it is, so i just ignore it. i hate that my phone has a camera on the front and the back. i have been wanting to figure out a way to cover them. i have also considered getting a flip phone. you said you pulled the gps out of yours? how does that work and where tf do i sign up

but even then by being a phone it will always have a microphone and pull targeted ads. flip phone wouldnt do that

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I googled it for my phone model
My phone is also on a linux OS and a light goes on when the mic or camera is on and since its open source OS I actually trust it when i press mute.
I have 90% of features disabled on my phone i use it purely to text talk and sometimes YouTube (Though typically i just put YouTube videos on disc and watch on my TV)

by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report

I also uae fire fox browser with startpage search engine to basically squash all ads and tracking

by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report


Judah's profile picture

god i hate touch screen cars. never going to buy any. if they junk all the non-IOT cars in existence fuck it, i'll collect a bunch of scrap and learn to make some kind of mad maxian nightmare SANS 'net

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15k was too good of a deal for a 1 mile on engine car from a dealership sadly so i rly couldnt say no but i figured i could disable it all somehow ugh

by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report

u gotta become a hax0r!!

by Judah; ; Report