- Last beverage: water
- Last phone call: my mother
- Last song you listened to: Don’t Trust Me -3OH!3
- Zodiac sign: Scorpio
- Height: 5’6.50
- What are your three favorite colors: pastel pink, red, black
- Piercings: septum & gauged ears
- Tattoos: rainbow astrology tat on ear
- Believe in luck? Yes
- Believe in love at first sight: yes (pheromones exist and that’s how we choose mates, sooo)
- Believe in Heaven: no
- Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? …yes
- Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? Yes.
- Did you ever fail a driver’s test? Haven’t taken one yet.
- What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? Spicy & creamy plant based Katsudon
- Last thing you spent money on? Makeup
- Do you like the snow? I love snow, I just don’t like how bad the sting is when I hold it.
- What makes you happy? My favorite shoes, games, people, etc
- Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? Yes.
- Ever been outside your home country? Nope! :P
- Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? Longer than 24 hours, even.
- Are you afraid of the dark? Depends.
- Do you believe in true love? Why not?
- Do you wear make-up? Very rarely. I have dermatitis so my skin is very sensitive.
- How many windows are open on your computer? Usually 2 and more.
- Who last texted you? My mom
- Who did you last text? My mother
- What are you craving right now? Spicy katsudon
- Would you live with someone without marrying them? yeah?
- What’s irritating you right now? My own irrationality to food
- Do you want any pets: I have too many already
- Do you want to change your name: yes. Just my middle and last name.
- Lost glasses/contacts: y e s. Usually when I go swimming at a relatives house.
- Been arrested: Never
- Milk chocolate or white chocolate? Chocolate milk.
- Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl.
- Do you type fast? Very
- Do you sing in the shower? Very quietly.
- Have you dated someone twice: were exes for a reason, no.
- Moved out of town: multiple times in my life.
- Where is your favorite place on earth? My future home, ig. Currently? With my cats. They’re coming with me to my future home tho
- What’s your favorite thing about yourself? My angst, logicality, persona.
- Something you hate to do? Anything that involves germs.
- What would be the best gift ever? Money or something hand made
- Do you wish on shooting stars? Used to when I was little, now I just feel like it’s a waste. I’m too emo, ik.
MySpace Survey
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