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Category: News and Politics

Another blog post about Palestine.

Today, a little more than 9 months after Israel began its genocide against the Palestinian people (especially those living in Gaza), war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is speaking to Congress in an attempt to get more people to support his genocide. Even though the media is going to be focusing heavily on what Netanyahu has to say, I am here to talk about what the people have to say. Right now in D.C, there is a massive protest against Netanyahu and the settler-colonial state of Israel going on. We must not ignore these protesters and the message they are attempting to spread, nor must we ignore the fact that more than 40,000 Palestinians have been massacred by the Israeli military. Here is a recent livestream of this protest: https://www.youtube.com/live/vutEfVEMJNk?si=OGFFcZJVN1_Gx01N.

We must also not ignore the fact that Democrats and Republicans are both pro-Israel. In this tumultuous time, it is easy to forget that neither party, at the end of the day, cares about the common person. Politicians in both parties can talk all they want about wanting a "peace" and a ceasefire, but until these politicians actually do something, their words are nothing but lies. Actions speak way louder than words, after all. Trump, Biden, Kamala- none of them will do anything to stop Israel's genocide because at the end of the day, it benefits them. Imperialism, war, genocide, colonialism, capitalism, etc. all benefit politicians. 

Free Palestine. Remember the thousands of Palestinians that are dead, and fight like hell for those who are still living. Take to the streets, speak out about Palestine, call your representatives- do whatever it is you need to do to make sure people are still thinking about Palestine.

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