fleeing the country?

so I live in the usa, and if the tangerine wins the election then me and my family will flee the country. my parents have been talking to me about it and we haven't chosen anywhere to go. if anyone has any good places let me know? my brothers trans and autistic and I'm aroace.

my dad says his job will be fine (he works remotely anyway) and I'm also going to be fine, though posting will slow down.

don't be worried about us, if you have any good suggestions please let me know! thank you!

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fbijailhouse's profile picture

unfortunately the political tendencies that give rise to someone like Trump potentially becoming president are present in most of the world right now

even if you figured out where to go that is more protective of queer/minority/disability groups, it's more than likely that place would see the same sort of rhetoric arise that allows people like Trump to gain power

i can't say whether moving away from the US is a good decision or not, as that is a highly personal decision, but in my opinion, it's not going to result in much permanent safety

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I understand. I think even though it won't help much, the small bit that it can do for my family will go a long way

by ramune; ; Report

i definitely understand that. do whatever you need to do to keep you and your family safe!

by fbijailhouse; ; Report

Dana Scully

Dana Scully's profile picture

LOL bye then, good riddance. Try North Korea! Maybe then you'll realize what a privelege it actually is to live in America.

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i never said I wanted to leave. I find it great being able to live in a good place like this. but if project 2025 actually gets put into place, I will not be able to stably learn at school. I will not be able to access tools to get an abortion. I will not be able to live in my own shoes knowing this country does not see me for who I truly am. I am also disabled. I will not be able to move around this country if project 2025 passes. maybe think before you speak, please. you have no idea how hard this is for me.

by ramune; ; Report

LOL aww, poor baby can't get an abortion to murder her child. How tragic. Trump doesn't even support project 2025. Y'all are so fucking dramatic istg.

by Dana Scully; ; Report


petpassive's profile picture

same here, still doing research on politics of other countries but it seems like potentially Spain or Germany may be alright if you're willing to learn or know the languages, altho Spain I've heard can be very hard to get residency in and you can't become an actual resident for 10 years and giving up us citizenship, as well as harder to get a job for someone not fluent in spanish

Germany may be one of the best for left-leaning, easy to get around, job opportunities and such but that is from anecdotal evidence from friends, both who lived there and visited, and family members living around eu but me personally I'm gonna be looking into Germany more

also heard Germany is more heavily taxed tho ? so tell them to look into income taxes but i think it doesn't apply if they work outside of Germany

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thanks for the info! I know a bit of Spanish so spain seems like an option but the 10 year residency thing definitely concerns me... my father took german in high school but I doubt he remembers any lmao. thanks again, I'll make sure to do some more research

by ramune; ; Report