Copy and paste and put in your answers!
- Last beverage: waterrrr
- Last phone call: my mama
- Last song you listened to: life goes on - the Sundays
- Zodiac sign: aquarius
- Height: 5’5” or so
- What are your three favorite colors: green, pink, and electric blue
- Piercings: only my ears (sad face)
- Tattoos: None yet
- Believe in luck? Yes, or fate.
- Believe in love at first sight: Nopeee
- Believe in Heaven: idkkk :3
- Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? yawpp.
- Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? perhaps...
- Did you ever fail a driver’s test? I acc passed the first time
- What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? WINGGGSSS
- Last thing you spent money on? Ross
- Do you like the snow? yes I love the snow too much
- Do you like the outside? Love it.
- What makes you happy? So many things. Way too many to list here.
- Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? oh 4 sure
- Ever been outside your home country? when I was 3, PHILIPPINES
- Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? yeah, most of the time it was to Florida, I think maybe Nashville too
- Are you afraid of the dark? nah
- Do you believe in true love? oh for sure, and I'm full of it
- Do you wear make-up? yup, love to makes me feel very confident and cute
- How many windows are open on your computer? TWO
- Who last texted you? my bestie
- Who did you last text? my bestieee
- What are you craving right now? milkshakeee
- Would you live with someone without marrying them? yeah
- What’s irritating you right now? the bom bom bom in my ears
- Do you want any pets: yes ofc, a cat preferable
- Do you want to change your name: Ive always thought about Astrid
- Lost glasses/contacts: Yes ofc, any glass or contacts user has
- Been arrested: Nope
- Milk chocolate or white chocolate? I hate chocolate chocolate so imma say white
- Twirl or cut your spaghetti? BOFFEM.
- Do you type fast? Yep.
- Do you sing in the shower? Uhm duh!
- Have you dated someone twice: Nopeee
- Moved out of town: Yes when I was 13, about an hour away
- Where is your favorite place on earth? idk if I've found it yet
- What’s your favorite thing about yourself? My willingness
- Something you hate to do? The dishes.
- What would be the best gift ever? handmade gift
- Do you wish on shooting stars? I do.
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