T̶Y̶S̶O̶N̶  's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey


about everything!

[ A Last time for everything.. ]

Last book you read : does a booklet count? The new policies at work. EXCITING!!

Last movie you saw : err  im watching a movie called Missing right now

Last song you heard: This n That by That Kid Kearve (essshhayyyy lad)

Last thing you had to drink : 15 minutes ago or somethin

Last time you showered : yesterday

Last thing you ate : tim tam

[ Fashion ]

1. Do you wear a watch : sometimes. The batteries flat right now

2. How many coats and jackets do you own? About 6???

4. Most expensive item of clothing : no joke a pair of overalls, 120 bucks i got  5 years ago

5. What kind of shoes do you wear : skate shoes and my clapped out Vans mostly

[ Friends ]

1. Do your friends 'know' you : i guess somewhat. But i dont think they get me

2. What do they tend to be like : fun  …sometimes painful.

3. Are there traits in you that are universally liked : im funny and i can drive lol

4. Are there people that you tell everything to : ya,  Lu

[ Other ]

1. Favorite band ever :all time? Ill never get sick of  Amyl and The Sniffers

2. Most listened to bands : Korn, Bizkit, Amyl, Simon & Garfunkel, Silverchair recently too

3. Do you find any musicians good-looking : Wes Borland love of my life (yes even now)

4. Can you play an instrument : HAHAHA  no.

5. Type of music listened to : nu metal, 60s + 70s folk rock, rock, hip hop

6. Type you never listen to : techno, radio pop.

[ Stuff ]

1. Do you own any plaid clothing : yes

2. Do you own Converse shoes : yes

3. Do you own Saucony shoes : nooope

4. Do you own old school Nikes : noo

5. Do you wear tight pants : fuck no

6. Is there more than one zipper in your pants: haha no

7. Do you know what a squatter flap is : ??? no

8. Do you own a messenger bag: no but my friend Clare does and its real cool

9. Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest :i dont own a MESSENGER BAG

11. Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth : i mean theres suspenders.. Theyre called braces too ha

12. Do you have short, shaggy hair : short yea, i make that shit shaggy on purpose tho cause its dead straight

13. Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches : doesnt even exceed 0.1cms its so flat

14. Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon: LMAO thats actual funny but no

15. Do you think Mohawks are "neat" : depends on who and if their style is authentic ya know

16. Is your hair black or red : neither, its brown

17. Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye : yes but i havent dyed my hair in about 2.5years

18. Do you own a bandana : yeah

19. Do you wear plugs in your ears: no

20. Are you amused by safety pins: kinda

21. Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute : yes haha

22. Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them: yes

23. Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London : nooo that shits expensive now

24. Do you enjoy leopard print : not on myself but in a 80s hair metal kinda way its cool

[ Habits/Beliefs ]

25. Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything): not right now but in general yea

26. Are you an anarchist : theoretically yea, but i dont think it would truly work but i dont like how controlled we are by government and shit

27. Does the American flag anger you : americans as a whole piss me off.

28. Are you "working class" : yes

29. Do you dislike "preps" : yea lol

30. Do you dislike Hot Topic : we dont got it here but from what ive seen i think alot of their stuffs pretty tacky

32. Do you smoke cloves : no

33. Are you a thin waif : n o

34.Are you vegan/vegetarian : no, but i think people who are are pretty solid

35. Do you think meat is murder: i do, but i think some shit people do when theyre going to eat an animal is pretty sadistic and fucked up

36. Do your nighttime activities usually involve drunken underage vomiting: i dont throw up and im legal so

37. Have you ever slept in an alley or park: noope

38. Do you wash your hair less than once a week: nah i need to wash it every day or two

39. Have you ever gone a week without a shower: no way

40. Have you ever been avoided due to your odour : i sure fuckin hope not

41. Do you know who Jack Kerouac is : no

42. Do you like Mr. Kerouac : nooo sorry

43. Are you a member of the Make out Club : i didnt even know that was a thing

44. Do you say "rad" : no not really

[ Other ]

Name : Tyson

Do you like it : its alright. Kinda boring.

Nicknames : Ty

Screen names: mm caltexcowboy  

Birthday : 20 Feb 2006

Sign: Pisces

Location : Sydney

Status : single

Crush : dont got one

Natural hair color : brown

Current hair color : brown, i wanna bleach it all tho

Eye color : blue

Birthplace : Sydney, ive never moved 

Shoe size : 42eur

[ Family ]

Parents : fucked if im putting that on here

Siblings : 1 sister, not putting her name on here 

Favorite relative : the only family i have is my sister and parents, but when i was a kid it was my uncle Ash

[ Favorites ]

Number : 32

Color : dark blues and greys

Day : Thursday cause i dont work Thursdays and its late night 

Month : January

Song : America by Simon and Garfunkel

Movie : Almost Famous, Clueless, Superbad,  Juno

Food : i dont really have one, i like sushi i guess

Season: Spring, but late in the season ya know

Sport : i dont have one

Veggie : broccoli or spinach

TV Show :does the TRAINWRECK: woodstock 99 documentary count?? PEN15, and i wouldnt say its my favourite but i like watching 16andPregnant haha

Radio Station : triple m (rations, man)

Store : the op shop honestly

Animal : cat

Flower : i dont know ones that smell good

[ This or That? ]

Me/You : you (the person who completed this before me i mean.. Shes got good taste)

Day/night : day

Aol/aim : RIP both

CD/cassette : cassette

DVD/VHS : dvd

Jeans/khakie: jeans

Car/truck : as in car or ute? Depends, usually car. Skyline R31s

Tall/short : tall

Lunch/dinner : Lunch

Lipstick/Lip gloss: neither

Silver/Gold : silver

Alcohol/Weed : ive only smoked weed once so alcohol i guess

[ Love and Relationships ]

Do you have a bf/gf : no

Do you have a crush : no

How long have you liked him/her : NA

Why do you like this person : NA

Are You Addicted To The Net?

#1 Your friends ask you to go to a concert of a really wicked band but you have someone to meet on the net! You:

a). Say no way I am giving up a No Doubt concert to meet someone! I have to meet them!

b). E-mail your friend and tell him/her that something mega important is here and you will have to meet another day.

c).Blow off your friend completely and go. You're not up for c-sex tonight anyway.

#2 If your internet was taken away you:

a). Cry endlessly and save up for a comp and internet yourself and work your but off!

b). Try your very best to get it back but accept it if it's gone!

c). Oh well the only thing it's good for is finding good guys and porno pics!

#3 You have a big test the next day. You tell the person you're chatting with you can only stay for 10 minutes you end up staying:

a). 30 minutes to 1 hour or 2 hours

b). 15 minutes maybe 20.

c). 5 minutes if you flunk another test you're not allowed out on dates for a week!

#4 To you a definition of the internet is:

a). The best thing ever invented, it enlightens the soul and every person should have the internet!

b). Something cool and fun and a great way to make friends!

c). Whatever. Usually nerds use it and you ONLY use it when you're feeling like using a guy for          something low and gross.

#5 You usually are on the net for:

a). 4 hours a day or maybe more.

b). 2 hours maybe.   (you probably dont believe me right? Its true)

c). Like 5 minutes to see if that hot guy e-mailed you. And check if anyone hot is in the chat!


Mostly A's!

You are obsessed! You have to lay off the net for a bit! It is great but no it doesn't enlighten the soul. Get off the computer for enough time in a day to check in with your real life. Kay?

Mostly B's!

You're cool! You are on the net the right amount and you are not obsessed or anything you just think the net is cool and fun which is cool also!

Mostly C's!

You are a stupid net user! You don't appreciate the net! You think it's dumb! But it's really you that's dumb! Give it up with the c-sex too! It's a low and dirty girlfriend! You know you are much better than that! I hope!

music stuff
1. what's your favorite band or artist?
Amyl and The Sniffers!!!!!

2. what's your favorite album by your favorite artist?
Their self titled album (Amyl and The Sniffers) 

3. is that your favorite album of all time?? if not, which one is ? I wouldnt say its an all time favourite but its really hard to pick one. Uuuuhhhhh…  Best Buds by Mom Jeans maybe???? 

4. what's your favorite song by your favorite artist ?
I have 2! Maggot and Caltex Cowgirl

5. is that your favorite song of all time?? if not, which one is ?
I'm sorry i really love music i cant pick just one.  Caltex Cowgirl is definitely one of them, but Flower Power by Greta Van Fleet Me and Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin are also my favourites

6. what's your favorite genre ?
mmm. I like alot of stuff. 60s folk rock, rock n roll, blues, nu metal, hip hop

7. do you prefer listening to albums or playlists ?
Playlists mostly

8. do you use spotify, yt music, itunes or something else?

9. name an underrated band and an overrated band!UNDERRATED- Labi Siffre Suzi Terry Jacksand The Velveteers, i recently seen them open for Greta Van Fleet, they were GNARLY!!!
OVERRATED (my fav discussion) Chapell Roan System Of A Down Taylor Swift (obviously) Mitski Marylin Manson 
10. name an underrated album and an overrated album!! 
UNDERRATED- Seasons In The Sun by Terry JacksOVERRATED- I tried giving Chapell Roans recent album a listen but its… really not good
11. name an underrated song and an overrated song!!
UNDERRATED-  A Simple Desultory Philippic by Simon and Garfunkel!!! ONE OF MY FAVS BY THEM!! Counting On Me by KornOVERRATED-  Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit… its not BAD but its definitely not worth 449 MILLION streams

12. what's your most guilty pleasure song ?
Treat Me Like A Slut by Kim Petras LMAO

13. if you were in a band, what would you name it?
DEPENDING on the genre, for a indie rock band i like ‘The Rhylies’

14. what's your favorite band name ? (not your favorite band's name, your favorite name a band has)
Greta Van Fleet, Silverchair, Led Zeppelin

15. what band/artist have you been listening to the longest ? The b52s, been listening to them all my life and i still listen to them!

16. what's the newest band/artist you started listening to ?
Late November and The Velveteers

17. what's the reason you usually start listening to a new band/artist ? (e.g friends suggest them, a song of theirs trends, etc)
 theyre opening for someone else at a gig, seeing their albums at the record store, knowing one of their songs and just getting more into them, sometimes spotify recs in playlists and stuff

18. be honest, have you ever started listening to a band because a member of it was hot ?
I was gonna say no but i mean… theres Lars Ulrich 

19. what's a band/artist you didn't like at first but you like now ?

20. what's a band/artist you used to like but don't anymore ?
Fall Out Boy. theyre just annoying to me now

22. what band/artist do you think has the coolest aesthetic/style ? 
Greta Van Fleet, and 1990s Limp Bizkit

23. how many concerts have you gone to ?
Idk. like 13 or somethin??

24. what's your favorite concert you've gone to ?

25. if you could go to a concert of any band/artist ever, which would you choose ?
Id of loved to of seen Janis Joplin and Simon and Garfunkel man. I wishhh

26. do you care more about lyrics or sound ?
It depends, for heavier stuff its more about the sound but for the softer and older stuff its gotta sound good but have good lyrics 

27. would you listen to a band with a bad singer if every other member was amazing ?
Lol that also depends

28. favorite game soundtrack ?
I dont get game soundtracks… isnt it just sounds??

29. favorite movie soundtrack ?
Juno and Almost Famous

30. are you active in the fanbase for any bands/artists ? 

Yeah, most of my favs!

31. do you ever zone out and imagine epic amvs/edits to a song ur listening to ?
YEA. i used to make edits in 2019 of imallexx and stuff so

32. have you ever talked about a band/artist so much all your friends started associating anything to do with that band or artist with you ? 
Yeah alot of stuff over the years lol 

33. what band/artist gets too much hate ? 
Olivia Rodrigo tbh. I like her, some people just hate on her to hate on her to seem cooler but they probably got shitty music taste. 

34. what band/artist doesnt get enough hate ? 
I need people to hate on chapel roans music more PLEASE

35. do you have any songs so strongly associated with something/someone that you cant think of anything else when you listen to it ? 

36. how many band tees do you own ?(bonus for you emos: how many of them are black ?)
I have no clue 

37: do you collect vinyl or cds ? 
Yes, vinyl for 6 years and CDs all my life but i recently got rid of alot of them 

38. do you own any band merch apart from tees, vinyls or cds ?
Some posters but ive sold off anything that isnt vinyl or clothes, i find it useless

39. what's a band/artist that you like that youve never met anyone else who's a fan of it ?
Labi Siffre and Terry Jacks

40. what are you listening to right now ? 
Nothin. But i last listened to Choking by The Velveteers

41. whos ur musician celebrity crush ?
No one is actually a crush honestly. Fred durst and wes borland maybe

42. do you watch recordings of live performances ?
Only janis joplin, shes a raw talent

43. have you ever purposefully tried to look like a musician you liked ? (eg dyeing ur hair like theirs, copying their style, etv)
Style yes lmaoo 

44. have you ever been compared to any musicians ? if you have, do you see it or not ?
No i dont think so

45. have you ever had a music related username on any site ?
Almost every username ive ever had ha

46. favorite lyrics of all time ?
‘Freedom is just another word for nothin left to lose’‘So i looked at the scenery’‘If i never loved i never would have cried’

47. favorite album cover ?
Issues by Korn. idk i just like it. Theres probably ones i do like better but just cant think of right now lol

48. have you ever listened to an album just because the title or album cover looked cool ?
Absolutely!! Thats a big part of record collecting for me

49. favorite song title ? (not title of your favorite song, favorite title a song has)
Shred Cruz by Mom Jeans (gaahhhhh i love this song)

and last but not least50. worst song youve ever heard ? like a song that made you want to claw ur eardrums out and hit every nearby speaker with a sledgehammer until they were shattered to the point of being dust 
Any song like God Is A Freak by Peach PRC. its awful i cant stand it. That tik toky radio pop shit.

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