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Category: News and Politics

FUCK FASCISM, or: what my first blog entry definetly shouldn't have been but here we are.

I cannot believe this is my first blog entry, but alas here it is.

So, this morning, i was scrolling peacefully through Spacehey, like one does. And then, because the universe likes to do petty things like this to me, and i forgot of the account i made here for ten months, i remember that oh, there’s. a group section. So i click on it, and start snooping around. I’m not even searching for anything in particular (well, no, actually, i was hoping to find some sort of wuwa community. Didn’t find it, by the way) but certainly not. this. And by “this” i mean a group called Fascism. I stop, and i stare at it, because what the fuck. I am VERY tempted to hope and pray and whatnot that its just…bait. As in, someone making that group to try and fish out actual fascists and report them. A bit…convoluted, but i could get past it. Turns out i was. wrong. There’s only one member and on their profile they happily call themself a fascist. 

I repeat, because i need to verbalize it: what the fuck.

I almost choked to death on a fucking cookie and reported the group, but hey, if anyone felt like doing a favour to the world, i do encourage findinf that group and reporting it. <3

6 Kudos


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✧*̥˚ ryha11a *̥˚✧

✧*̥˚ ryha11a *̥˚✧'s profile picture

crazy peeps find this site and assume they can get away with whatever bc it isn't as moderated as other sites

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litterally :D like oh, a site less moderated than usual lemme just forgo all human decency and disgerard rights<3

by Rac00n_; ; Report

probably edgy teens all of em

by ✧*̥˚ ryha11a *̥˚✧; ; Report

hope they are, at least it means there's still a chance of them growing into more sensible adults.

by Rac00n_; ; Report