Disgusting creatures we have on this app/site

Lmaooo apparently hypersexual kids are getting blamed for being groomed... 

As a hypersexual kid myself (saying that because I am basically immune to grooming by now.) that is the most disgusting take I've ever heard. 

You do realise that the cause of hypersexuality is rape or sexual assault? Not always, of course, but that's the common cause. 

Also people who say "you want the old web, this is the old web" are also kinda weird. That still doesn't excuse the porn and gore on this website.

The fact people say it's the kids fault for being groomed are actually disgusting. 

"You can't be groomed online!" Lies. There are many ways to be groomed online. 

"Delete this! You are getting hate!" Dude y'all are arguing with air because I don't even read the comments on this blog. 

It doesnt matter what a child does or says. It's a child. They weren't asking for it. 

366 Kudos


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al3afy(FREE PALESTINE)'s profile picture

Id argue that it can be even easier to get groomed online bc ppl think that the anonymity of the internet protects them from consequences which is why this website should have more moderation when it comes to ppl posting weird ass stuff

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totally agreed. I don't agree with the gore posting, not very many people do and I think for that reason OP purposely misunderstood the hypersexual bit of the post and is looking for something to complain about <3

by Rosesofblood; ; Report

"which is why this website should have more moderation when it comes to ppl posting weird ass stuff"

yeah... this is the reason why bots were REALLY bad at the beginning of this sites existence. It's still a thing from time to time still, but it's become MUCH, MUCH better than the beginning.

by Duffin; ; Report


charlie_teh_unicorn's profile picture

that's terrible dude. i'm sorry people always end up being shitty on the web :(

hopefully things do end up better here.

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charlie_teh_unicorn's profile picture

that's terrible dude. i'm sorry people always end up being shitty on the web :(

hopefully things do end up better here.

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Free the Nerd

Free the Nerd's profile picture

True! I was nearly kidnapped after being groomed. Its definently not a joke and is never ok to post NSFW content, unless you put WARNING: PORN!

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Sopard's profile picture

I think it needs to be restated, regardless of who gives the sexual advances. MINORS. CANNOT. CONSENT. If an adult thinks a minor makes a good sexual partner, that is the adults fault fullstop.

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GIRLKIZZER>_<'s profile picture

As a hypersexuality child myself, I hate it when people say its my fault if I'm ever being groomed, I was never r*ped or etc, but my mom was (a few times) so it kinda just got passed down to me mentally. Even as a hypersexuality child, I taught myself to never act on it.

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𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖙𝖟's profile picture

Victims are NEVER to blame and it is always the responsibility of the adult to not be a sick fuck and leave the damn kids alone.

However, as an adult, I can't stress enough how important it is for you guys to have some common sense and protect yourselves a bit. I was groomed countless times on the internet before internet safety was really like a thing and I'm so fr when I say that minors should NOT be publicly talking about their hypersexuality and kinks and shit so openly. That puts a target on your back as unfortunate as it is. Even as an adult I keep that shit private because no one wants to know those details about you unless they wanna prey on you. The older you get the more it'll make sense. Mfs with takes like mine aren't trying to blame you, they're trying to PROTECT YOU

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This, 100%. It's very dangerous to post these things with so many creeps around. The shame falls 100% on said creeps, but it's much better to avoid crossing them completely if possible. Speaking from experience as well: sometimes people and situations are way more dangerous than they seem to be at first. There are some really sick individuals out there, and they will try to take advantage of you in any way they can.

by lenoro ♰; ; Report


Mars's profile picture

people are putting in way to much effort to try and proove this bs i acceptable, im a hypersexual, and i find it fucking disgusting, the first time i ever got groomed was online. people need to stop with the excuses

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Hanya.bored!!'s profile picture

I hate when people blame s3xu4l assault/harass/gr00ming on the victim, it's just so stupid that ppl can't even think about it for a second that the assaulter/harasser/gr00mer is the problem, doesn't matter if it's online or IRL.

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Hanya.bored!!'s profile picture

This is my first time hearing those stuff happening in this site omg, I'm sorry for anyone that happened this to them 3.

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glennquagamama's profile picture

Good thread and all, and this is very off topic but I h8 those people that say they’re “hyper sexual” but they’re literally like 12. you’re not hyper sexual. you’re going through puberty and it’s your hormones.

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being hypersexual is one of the several consequences of experiencing abuse, you do not know what does it mean and it shows

by :3; ; Report

It's definitely a subjective term. I feel like it's considered more acceptable in some social circles to admit to having sexual feelings if you call them a symptom of trauma, presumably because society so often stigmatises young people's sexualities.

by מרא mara; ; Report


HAЯAKIЯI's profile picture

I feel the idea of people victim blaming a child is bullshit because no one asks for it, that's something many people need to hear, the victims obviously never asked for it, whether it be their appearance or how they are online, it's not right in any way, saying online grooming isn't actually grooming is bullshit as well, because it is grooming, it can cause just as much harm.

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surfwaxcanada's profile picture

Not going to lie this is just concerning. I don't know if you just lack common sense or what but it should be enforced that children shouldn't share such vulnerable information online. Nobody needs to know if a kid is hypersexual, that should be something completely private. Hypersexuality is an unfortunate thing to go through and I hope the best for whoever has to deal with it but you should not be sharing such personal things to the public, especially on a site that has a good amount of adults.
Being concerned for the safety of children online does make you a "disgusting creature". I know you have good intentions but it's insane how many people are agreeing with this. No, you should not blame kids for being groomed, but you should not support them sharing personal information such as that. You cannot deny that openly stating you are a hypersexual minor is seriously the equivalent to painting a red target on your face no matter where you are. It's unfortunate that the internet is so unsafe to a point where this is a concern but it has always been like that and will absolutely continue to be that way. No matter what it is, you shouldn't be sharing such personal info to the public, but this especially. This is ridiculous.

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Adding onto this, I will reiterate that you shouldn't blame kids for getting groomed. But why is everyone so okay with kids being so public about stuff like this? Why is nobody concerned about how dangerous this is? Please use your brains.

by surfwaxcanada; ; Report

Avrie Rae

Avrie Rae's profile picture

AHHH Exactly!!!! Some random 25 year old was being super nice at first until he started talking about me sitting on his lap :((( I have photos of the messages but i'll just type it out to give a prime example of some type of grooming. (User is ColourOfFlames but imma just say 'C' for him and 'A' for me.)

C: "Thank you for the add back love! I hope your having a nice day so far! ️"

A: "Your welcome!! And i hope your having a good day so far too <33"

C: ":3 nice slow day for me! Hopefully the prettyful girl is getting up to more fun than I am!"

A: "Hahah! Thanks! Slow day for me too sadly :')"

C: "Lol no plans tonight too eh? It's wayyyy to hot here today. So imma stay inside where it's nice and cool and watch movies! :3 care to join me?"

A: "Wish i could :((( Sounds fun watching movies!!! But same here, I don't think i've stepped foot outside today."

C: "Best to stay inside! Definitely melting weather out there..."

A: "Exactlyyy, especially down here in Texas."

C: "Ooof! Bet it's stupid hot out there... :( cuddle your brains out during horror movies?"

A: "Horror??? That sound littttt!!! What's your fav?"

C: ":3 you think so too? I would totally make your cute butt sit on my lap while we cuddle! :3 I love all the evil dead movies!"

A: "Thats awesome!!! My fav def has to be the suicide type ones, like that one movie with the girl who haunted her friends/bullies on call??? I cant remember the name :((( But i also LOVE bodies bodies bodies, and also bones and all. Bones and all is such a cute romantic horror movie :333"

C: "I dont think i've seen that one! We gotta add that one to the list while we're cuddling, baby!"

A: " Yeah its a super good movie! Its abt 2 cannibals :))) The end is such a twist, i wouldnt wanna spoil it knowing that i have a big mouth and that i will def spoil it XD"

C: "Add it to the list! Definitely gonna cuddle your brains out during that, maybe even kiss you neck while your on my lap ;)"

A: *Blocked*

And theres a prime example, you can also see that i was being nice, even ignoring the cuddling parts, i said thank you to the compliments as a nice gesture. I know my pfp has me as it, yes i have a mature body, but it doesnt give grown men a good reason to groom a 13 year old. AKA me.

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Roman's profile picture

Honestly it’s sad to see that hypersexual kids and any minor in general are getting groomed in this app, it’s disgusting. If only there was a detection system for it. Is there?

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markie 's profile picture

Blaming kids for crimes adults commit is such a brain dead take this is why so many kids are too scared to tell parents / other figures of authority.

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resideinmind's profile picture

to be honest, myspace was the same way we can't really escape grooming. we can only encourage it to stop occurring.

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¡¡KIOSHY!!'s profile picture

I agree with you..
this is not what i expected when found this website/app

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by KillerCouture; ; Report


ameeXD's profile picture

thats actually insane, i so so agree with you :((

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Kagamine Len

Kagamine Len's profile picture

I agree. Been through a lot too since childhood.

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