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Category: Quiz/Survey

SpaceHey Survey☃️

THANK YOU USER @letterkenny !!!!!!!!!!!!!

PART 1: SpaceHey

Q1. How did you find out about SpaceHey? 

A: It's a LONG story ASFKL? I was trying to make my google doc diary look cuter, and there was this Deltarune rp account on another website that had a lot of stamps and blinkies posted. I thought "HEY I want some of those" since they reminded me of the Spamton Sweepstakes, so I went hunting. I found a post on here that compiled a large list of links that had stamps and blinkies, and so I made an account :3

Q2. What made you join this site?

A: my previous home-site got a lot of changes and removed basically everything everyone liked about it. that site was my childhood and i was really upset, and so SpaceHey had a lot of the same features with some extra bonus stuff!!

it's been hard rebuilding from the ground up though.. I feel lonely here lol

Q3. Do you have prior experience with forums/blogs? If so, what was it?

A: uhhmm not really? I used to write fanfiction but I think that's it

Q4. What inspired your layout? How much time did you spend on it? Are you satisfied with the result?

A: NOELLE'S BLOG FROM THE SPAMTON SWEEPSTAKES..... I wanted to theme my account around her bc i'm a kinnie nd i love her so it seemed like an obvious choice. I spent maybe 8 hours yesterday on it? i'm not entirely done, but we're close!! and I do like it a lot!! it's so cute AUGH

Q5. Did you befriend anyone? Can you name who? 
(you may just name people you find to be cool!)

A: i have people I talk to, i'm not sure if we're friends though?
I'll just list some accounts that I regularly interact with :3

izzy | ariz | Laphnebug ^-^ | ☆⦻𖦹Rudy°‧★🍉

Q6. If you had a possibility, how would you make the site better/change it?

A: i would optimize the HTML editors UIFSJKL i know it's supposed to be an old web thing but it's really frustrating editing in your profile AND in the blogs, all the text is small and crammed together... some color coding would be nice i think

and i'd like a posting feed that's the same thing as bulletins but you don't have to click onanthing LOL

Q7. What is your overall experience with SpaceHey? How would you rate it?

A: I LOVE IT HERE IT'S BEEN GREAT!!! I feel like it's been better then most other experiences I guess because I can count on one hand the amount of gore accounts i've seen. 9.5/10 yaaasss

PART 2: The user

Q1. How do you like to be called, including pronouns? Any additional nicknames? Is it your real name or just username? If it is, what are the origins?

A: my name is sky, but some people call me millie, sapphire, noelle LOL there's a ton and i have a LOTTT OF NICKNAMES as well like sky plue or sky pie. none of these names are my real name but noelle is so close to my real name that i don't even want to use it

my pronouns are she/her but i'm also okay with they/them as well!!

the name sky has a really long backstory, but basically my friend was putting name colors to steven universe OCs. there was a bit of a character limit if i recall so i told her to name me Celestial Blue Pearl or Sky Blue Pearl. I wanted it to be related to the sky since my oc was gonna be my friend Moonstone's pearl. she picked Sky Blue Pearl and I haven't really changed it since? i used to hop around between names every couple of years

Q2. If you know, what is your Zodiac Sign, MBTI, enneagram, ect..? Do you believe and/or are you into topics like these?

A: LIBRA SUN TAURUS MOON SCORPIO RISING BABYYYY!!!!!! my mbti is also infp and my enneagram is 2w1 or 6w5. i'm not sure which and when i tried retaking the test it tried to make me put in an email :[

i think there's SOME truth to them, but not a lot since everyone is so different you can't catergorize it very accurately. i go through phases where i'm into it and out of it lol i think they're really fun

Q3. What are your hobbies and what do you like spending your favorite time on? Are there any that you want to pick up but don't have the motivation/time? If you are an artist, share some of your your art here if you want!

A: I LOVE BALLETTTTTT i love dancing it is my whle life and i love story ballets too and creating my own choreography UGHH its so fun

i think i'd like to learn how to code'web design, i was really averse to it for reasons, but it's kinda fun :o

here's some art i guess since i do pixel art:

i made this for christmas last year. basically, you would be able to decorate a tree with some lights, ornaments, toppers, etc!! it was a really fun idea but i didn't finish it. the ornaments are all based on me and my friends. the topper on that tree says That for a REASON OKAY. it's the acronym of our server 

Q4. Do you remember what was your first fandom? Tell us about your experience with said fandom!

A: it was either mlp or steven universe? mlp is the reason i started drawing. a lot of people would post these MLP speedpaints they made with bases and MS paint to youtube with a nightcore song over it. i wanted to do that too so i downloaded some bases and made a LOT of ocs.

steven universe was the first fandom i was active in the community in. i made fanfiction mostly, a little less art. i made some friendswho i still talk to to this day and i think that was the happiest yet also most depressing period of my life. i may have gone through trauma. idk, i don't like talking about :p

Q5. Let's stay positive! What things do you like about yourself?

A: my whole life people have told me i'm sweet and kind and helpful so i guess i like those? one of my more unique traits i guess is that people also tell me i'm determined and that i hardly give up on anything. which always made me happy because undertale but also....

Q6. What's your relationship with the current world? Do you like it, or do you hate it? Why? What would you like to change about it?

A: my world is pretty great and iam very blessed with a lot of things??? but there is also a lot of hardship in the world. so i don't like it or hate it. it just makes me sad. if i could change the world I would have Jesus come back lol

Q7. What aspects in friendship/relationship are the most important to you? Do you have any red flags that you try to avoid in people?

A: i like people where it's like the conversation can just never end, but we can also have comfortable silence. also people who are at LEAST respectful of my faith/religion. and people who are nice i guess?? i don't mind being teased though

i don't really know of any red flags??? i think this is why i get manipulated by someone new once a year

i suppose people who are just rude to everyone, even their friends, or who make too many innapropriate jokes. i don't tend to like confrontational people either but i can deal

Q8. What things make you happy? It doesn't have to be anything major; even small things can count!

A: anything about cats, ballet costumes, ralsei's end battle animation, hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini m&ms, rainy days, wearing a lot of blush

Q9. Are you currently looking for friends? What about a romantic partner?

A: I WANNA MAKE FRIENDS LETS BE FRIENDS PLEASE!!!!!!! i'm kinda looking for romance also but not on spacehey lol

Q10. Do you have any advice for people?

A: read ur bible everyday if u have one. and recognize that the days you live in right now are the days you will be nostalgic for and long for in a year or so


You may skip this one.

Name 3 random facts about yourself!

1. i taught myself to read hanguel !!!

2. me and my best friend have matching lockets with a picture of our names in them. her name is poppy so i have a poppy in mine and my name is sky so she has a cloud in hers

3. my dream role in any ballet is odette/odile in swan lake


Mood: Hungry

Listening To: Toby Fox - Power of NEO


Baby Blue Snowflake

0 Kudos


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