
I've never had wine, but the more it ages it tastes better. Doesn't matter that I haven't had it, that's the law of the wine and I trust the words of those drunk on it. 

I wonder if I'll ever have wine, I doubt it. I would swirl it in a glass, the light would slosh alongside the red and turn a brilliant maroon in one corner of the glass, and a shining scarlett in the other. I'd look pretty drinking it, if I just didn't wear lipstick. I think with lipstick it would smudge and look messy. 

Wine just swirling in the mind should be something calming, but I doubt it. Maybe it's to get loopy on the hold of the day, to be aware but not misreble. I've never had wine but it seems like the poets drink so not seem alcoholic but intelligent. So intelligent that you can't bare to ive in a world so stupid so you slip away but not completely. Give in but not give up. 

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