𝖘𝖍𝖒𝖎𝖊's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

spacehey survey <3

Copied from kaiden :3

Part 1: SpaceHey

Q1. How did you find out about SpaceHey? 

A: I might've seen an advertisement for it on tik tok or Instagram tbh

Q2. What made you join this site?

A: I like the idea of older social media, blogging, and personalized profiles

Q3. Do you have prior experience with forums/blogs? If so, what was it?

A: nuh uh 🤓

Q4. What inspired your layout? How much time did you spend on it? Are you satisfied with the result?

A: I spent about 2 days on it. find the overall layout didn't take too long; no more than 2 hours maybe, and I spent the rest of the time discovering accessories, music, blinkies, stamps, etc. I like it. I think it's cute, but it looks incomplete and can be improved.

Q5. Did you befriend anyone? Can you name who?

(you may just name people you find to be cool!)

A: I have! I mostly friended people with cool layouts and my new friend Cam imed me. we talked for a while and she's really cool. I should see how she's doing.

Q6. If you had a possibility, how would you make the site better/change it?

A: I'd add a feature where you can save everything about your profile andd make the layout affect every part of the page including blogs and bulletins. maybe a setting to change the background of the whole website for you or simply just a light and dark mode. I haven't checked if it has that but I don't think it does.

Q7. What is your overall experience with SpaceHey? How would you rate it?

A: it's great, maybe an 8/10

Part 2: The User

Q1. How do you like to be called, including pronouns? Any additional nicknames? Is it your real name or just username? If it is, what are the origins?

A: uhh shm, shmie, shama. it's a nickname I made up as an online alias but my full name is shamara

Q2. If you know, what is your Zodiac Sign, MBTI, enneagram, ect..? Do you believe and/or are you into topics like these?

A: I'm either an Aries or a Pisces. I was born right down the middle of the two so it's hard to tell because both are visible. I don't know much about MBTI, but apparently, I'm an enfp-t, I used to not want to believe zodiac signs but when they're accurate, I can't help but to.

Q3. What are your hobbies and what do you like spending your favorite time on? Are there any that you want to pick up but don't have the motivation/time? If you are an artist, share some of your art here if you want!

A: I used to draw a lot. but now I just doodle from time to time. I also enjoy making films but I'm not a very good storyteller or writer so it'd be awesome if I could partner up with someone to write the story and I would draw it out and shoot it. I also really love karaoke!

Q4. Do you remember what was your first fandom? Tell us about your experience with said fandom!

A: uhhh does gacha count? I was really heavy into making gacha movies as a kid but if not that, I'd have to say GORILLAZ!! I love them sm and I remember when I first found out who they were the summer after 8th grade. I heard about a thing called G-bitez and I was looking for a new show to watch. when I looked it up on YouTube, however, a bunch of music was coming up and I got confused. then I saw Rhinestone Eyes on there and realized I had them on my playlist and I refused to believe that song was made by some band called "Gorillaz" wth. but as I was watching the music videos, I really enjoyed the artwork as well as the music and immediately became their biggest fan. it was when DARE started to play that i realized I had heard them before on Just Dance and a few of their other songs. I went to one of their concerts later that year... no, the year after.

Q5. Let's stay positive! What things do you like about yourself?

A: I'm really hot on a good day, a few of them actually. I think I'm really sexy and silly (when I feel good)

Q6. What's your relationship with the current world? Do you like it, or do you hate it? Why? What would you like to change about it?

A: I feel disconnected from the world. I dissociate a lot and I feel like I don't appreciate it enough. I know there's a lot of bad stuff going on but either I'm too distracted or out of it to notice it too much, or it's just not happening that much around me. I used to feel like I was missing out on a lot of fun things, but then I realized these are big city dreams I have and there are fun things to do where I live if I pay attention and invest myself into them. I tried to take control because I thought the only thing holding me back was me and sometimes that was in fact the case. I now realize the other thing that's holding me back is a variety of things at times. sometimes it's my parents, sometimes, it's my friends' parents, sometimes it's idk.. the weather, the vibes, my tiredness. there's just so much out there and I'm hoping everything will work itself out knowing it takes a little effort and i gotta find where at, usually on my own.

Q7. What aspects in friendship/relationship are the most important to you? Do you have any red flags that you try to avoid in people?

A: i just think its important that we click, relate, and can laugh together. if they like me and i like them is all that matters to me. i avoid anyone who i dont enjoy talking to orr.. who pmo for no reason. some people just irritate me with their presence and there's probably a reason for it. i learned it;s okay for me not to likepeople. i dont have to fake anything but i also try not to be rufe about it.. which is sometimes really hard. but not the case with everyone.

Q8. What things make you happy? It doesn't have to be anything major; even small things can count!

A: i like when i notice small things in the world.. like silly small mistakes that people make or their reaction to something. or when someone does something only a tiny bit embarrassing and thinks nobody saw it. i saw it. i know. but its only funny if nobody else saw it or pointed it out.

Q9. Are you currently looking for friends? What about a romantic partner?

A: I'm not sure about looking for friends. i already have enough and to make any more would be a little stressful atm but i enjoy talking to people here in blogs or bulletins about specific topics. or even in ims but i dont like it to feel forced. there are cool people here tho so sometimes i do enjoy getting to know them.

Q10. Do you have any advice for people?

A: take your time. pay attention to what you're doing and where you'e going. if not for your future or safety, then just do it for the moment.


Name 3 random facts about yourself!

1.i have way too many social media accounts

2. I'm excited to become a senior in highschool

3. and.. i.. uhhhhhhhh have been growing out my locked hair for about 5 years

0 Kudos


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