Mark's profile picture

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Category: News and Politics


If your going to discuss the allegations, of my name. Please do it here. 🤪🤪

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putridcorpse's profile picture

If some yall come from that bulleting thinking Mark is weird, yeah he is a little bit, but I'm saying myself one of his trusted friends that he was indeed JOKING. Not only he blocked her after implying that he actually didn't want to see that, but by the way he was texting her most people with some internet knowledge can tell he was doing it for the purpose of satire, things like the all caps with exclamation marks and the emojis prove this statement. Mark may have a peculiar sense of humor that can be considered rancid and of bad taste, but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy, my bro's just a little weird. I declare Mark innocent and free from the allegations

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kusaba's profile picture

May be hard to see to some, but I think it's pretty obvious Mark was being satirical, nobody uses all caps, exclamation points, and "" while being 100% serious. Sure, it is a VERY weird joke, inappropriate for sure. I am NOT arguing that. I am however saying that Mark may be a weirdo with a strange sense of humor, but he is NOT attracted to 13 year old girls.

TLDR, Mark IS a weirdo (sense of humor,) but not the kiddy diddler kind.

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also, if you think i can be sure hes joking, I know mark irl too. that might make it more obvious if you actually know him

by kusaba; ; Report