A-2-Z About Me Survey
Name: Castiel
Nickname(s): Cas
Age: 18
Birthday: November 8th
Birthplace: New Jersey, USA
Current Location: New Jersey, USA
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'0"
Weight: Wouldn't you like to know?
Lefty or Righty: Lefty!
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
What Do You Drive: Nothing.
Screenname: hydromaniac
Color: Robin's egg blue!
Number: 12
Band: Nirvana
Music Genre: Grunge!
TV Show: Torchwood
Movie: Airplane! (1980)
Actor: Idk... Misha Collins or Mathew Baynton?
Actress: Martha Howe-Douglass, probably.
Kind of Movie: Good ones.
Cartoon: MLP:FiM
Sport: Soccer
Fast Food Restaurant: Wendy's?
Food: Chicken parm.
Ice Cream: Chocolate/vanilla.
Cereal: Puffins.
Candy: Hershey's.
Drink: Milk.
Alcoholic Beverage: I'm 18.
Quote: "
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: Yes.
Have any pets: Bird.
Have a job: Yes.
Have a cellphone: Yes.
Have any special talents or skills: I think?
Have any fears: LOTS.
Have a bedtime: Not really?
Sing in the shower: Of course.
Want to go to college: Yes.
Get along with your parents: Yes!
Have any piercings: No.
Have any tattoos: Nope.
Swear: Yes.
Smoke: Nope.
Drink: Nope.
Do Drugs: No.
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: Yes.
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: No.
Are you single: Yes.
Are you in a relationship: No.
Do you have a crush on someone: No, I don't think so?
Ever been dumped: Yes.
Ever dumped someone: No.
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit.
Black or White: Black.
Lights On or Lights Off: Depends on the outside.
TV or Movie: Depends.
Car or Truck: None.
Cash or Check: Cash.
Rock or Rap: Rock.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both!
French Toast or French Fries: French Fries.
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries.
Cookies or Muffins: Depends.
Winter Break or Spring Break: Winter Break.
Hugs or Kisses: BOTH!
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: Yes!
Smiled for no reason: Sure.
Laughed so hard you cried: Yes.
Talked to someone you don't know: I have to. :(
Drank alcohol: Yes.
Done drugs: No.
Partied 'til the sun came up: Yes.
Gotten a ticket: No.
Been arrested: No.
Been convicted of a crime: No.
Been in a wreck: Yes.
Been out of the country: Yes.
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: YES.
Ever TP'd someone's house: No.
Ever egged someone's house: No.
How many languages do you speak: Three.
Who do you compare yourself to: Everyone!
Ever regret anything: YES.
Do you like being tickled: Not really.
What are your goals: Survive, primarily.
Are your fingers tired: A little.
Are you tired of this survey: Yes.
Are you happy: Idk.
Take this survey -> https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=1901
The ultimate Life, Love, Sex, Drugs, Music, Friends, Enemies, Family & Secrets Survey
In one word, describe your life from day 1 up until today.: Wild
In one word describe how you want your life to be from today on.: Better
Do you believe in god or a higher power?: Yes
Do you have a lot of regrets about your life?: YES
Would you consider yourself a leader or a follower?: Follower
Have you ever truly been in love?: ...With a celebrity...
What do you think real love is made of?: I'll get back to you on that one.
In one word describe your worst break-up.: Sleep
Do you think it's possible to remain friends after a break-up?: Yeah! :)
Do you believe in soulmates?: I'd like to!
How often do you have sex?: Never
Have you ever had a one night stand?: No
What is the most sexy body part of a man/woman?: Their heart :')
Do you enjoy porn?: No
Do you regret anyone that you've ever been sexual with?: No, I've never been.
Have you ever done any drugs?: Medication, sure.
If so, how many?: Idk man I just take it.
How old were you when you tried your first drug?: Started my anxiety meds at 7
Do you have a drug of choice?: All of them (I need them)
Have you ever been to drug/alcohol rehab?: No
What music genre is your favorite?: GRUNGE :3
What song/band do you listen to when you are upset?: Nirvana
What song/CD is most likely to be playing when you get in your car?: "Get It Together" by Beastie Boys
What is the last CD that you listened to?: "Seattle Grunge Live" by Various Artists
Who do you think is the best musician ever?: Depends
Whats your best friends name?: Irl? Aristeus
Do you trust your friends?: I should hope so.
Whats the craziest thing you've ever done with a friend?: Took railroad spikes
Do you ever spend the night at your best friends house?: He's spent the night at mine?
Have you cried with any of your friends?: YES.
Whats your worst enemies name?: I can't tell you that.
Why is that person your enemy?: Abuser.
Do you hate anyone?: Yes.
Were you friends with any of your enemies at one time?: Yes.
How far would you go/have you gone to get revenge on an enemy: No comment.
Who raised you as a child?: My parents.
Do you have siblings? If so how many?: Two (one of them is actually my friend so like)
Do you get along with your family?: Usually.
Do you have any/want to have children?: Not really? Kids are mean to me.
How do you feel about Abortion?: Pro-Choice.
Tell me about your deepest, darkest secret.: It's one of my secrets (I guess) but I can't ride a bike.
Can you keep a secret that someone tells you, or do you have to tell someone?: I can keep it unless I have to say something.
If one of your closest friends confessed to you a serious crime that they commited, would you snitch or stay silent?: Depends on that crime.
Have you lied about how many people you've had sex with?: I've joked about it.
Would you honestly tell on a friend if it got you out of trouble with the law?: Depends.
Will you repost this survey so you can find out a few interesting things about your friends?: Maybe, maybe not.
Take this survey -> https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=18860
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Soccer is the best sport !11!!111!
thx for listing the survey thingy at the end there btw
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