holidaygirl1225's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

🎄 Have you ever? survey 🎄

reposting this in my bulletin too!!

smoked a cigarette? no

smoked a cigar? no

done drugs? no

drank alcohol? i've had a few sips of spiked eggnog and HATED it...... normally i like eggnog

been in love? i think so

been dumped? once

shoplifted? no

been fired? no

been in a fight? no

snuck out of your house? nope

been arrested? nO?

made out with a stranger? ew no

gone out on a blind date? no

lied to a friend? yes 😔

had a crush on a teacher? noo ewww

skipped school? no 😭

slept with a co-worker? gross . no

seen someone die? came close

had/have a crush on 1 of your myspace friends? nah

been to Canada? no , but i want to

been to Mexico? no

been on a plane? yes!!!

thrown up from drinking? no

eaten sushi? YES MM YUMMY 

been skiing? i tried to go to practice skiiing and i got so anxious i panicked and cried

been in an abusive relationship? it's hard to tell from my point of view.. i can justify anything + don't know what counts what doesn't but...... i would say yeah i have

taken pain killers? yes LOL

love someone right now? not sure.... my heart belongs to her though

laid on your back & watch the clouds? yes my name is Sky!!!

made a snow angel? who do u think i am OF COURSE I HAVEEE

used a fake ID? no

watched the sunset? yes

touched a snake?   YES I LOVE THEM

felt an earthquake? yes it was so scary it woke me up and i cried

been tickeled? yes </3

been robbed? no thank god

been misunderstood?  Yes.

won a contest? yes

been suspended from school? no

had detention? no

been in a wreck? kind of? it was just a fender bender

had/have braces? yes i looked so cute

had a one night stand? no ew ew ew

danced in the moonlight? yes

hated the way you look? Every day

witnessed a crime? i don't think so?

had deja vu?  all the time i have deja vu futuristic prophetic dreams /srs

stripped for someone? no omg gross

walked barefoot thru the mud? yes

been lost? yes 

been to the other side of the country? everytime i've moved it's been back and forth across the country

swam in the ocean? yes

felt like you were dying? Yes Oh My God

pole danced? no and i will Not

played cops & robbers? yes

cried yourself to sleep? not to sleep but i've cried, stopped crying, and then slept so

done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? yes :(

made prank phone calls? yes it was fun

caught a snowflake on your tongue? YESS

kissed someone in the rain? no lol

blowed bubbles? yes

told a stranger you loved them? no

had a wish come true? yes!!!!!!!!!

jumped off a bridge? n... No?

kissed a fish? No . Do they want me though

ate dogfood?  thought about it

sang in the shower? yes lol

had sex in the woods? no

had sex in the park?  no

had sex in the car?  no.

had sex in the pool?  no.

sat on a roof top? yes 

worn the opposite sex clothes? yes but i wait for the day a pretty girl lets me wear her sweatpants while we kiss

had sex at a church? NO EW OH MY GOSH NOOOO???

screamed at the top of your lungs? yes !!!

stayed up all night? yes . then i went to bed

didn't take a shower for a week? no

climbed a tree? Kind of?

believed in ghosts? yes

been streaking? no 

been skinny dipping?  no

been to jail? no !!

been told you were hot by a complete stranger? i've been told i'm cute or pretty or beautiful by strangers but not hot

been pushed into a pool? nah 

played chicken? uhhhh i think so?

broken a bone? no

been easily amused? Yes.

caught a fish, & ate it? i tried but  i don't like meat so i'm ok with that

made a (p-word) video? Absolutely not i think that type of content is immoral and should not exist

had nude photos taken of you? ew gross

laughed so hard you cried? yes

cried so hard you laughed? yes

caught a butterfly? yes

mooned/ flashed someone? nope

had someone moon/flash you? yeah but it was an accident so

licked a cat?  no

forgotten somone's name? All the time

went scuba diving/snorkeling? No i  am scared of the ocean

bitten someone? yeah but only for fun

been kicked out of your house? nope

Listening To: Stella Brown - Jelani Aryeh

Mood: Sleepy

5 Kudos


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https.spence's profile picture

totally stealing this quiz :3

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DO IT !!!

by holidaygirl1225; ; Report

i also have a bunch of quiz results here if u wanted more :o

by holidaygirl1225; ; Report


Yaria's profile picture

Wait a minute you touched a SNAKE??? WILLINGLY???

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I mean they're really really cool but I'd be shitting myself ngl

by Yaria; ; Report

yes i did his name was pretzel and he was so cute and small and sweet to me!!!!!!

by holidaygirl1225; ; Report

omg now I wanna pet him forget what I said he seems friendly

by Yaria; ; Report