All About Me In 80 Questions :D

All About Me In 80 Questions!!!!!! by jasmineelliott <-- very cool :3


name: clementine

nickname: dont have any :<

age: 15

b-day: may, 22

birthplace: the trash

current location: My room

eyecolor: Blue but hey look grey

hair color: atm dark brown with stripes of platinum blond 

peircings: ears and nose

tattoos: i had two smalls one but they fadded :< (stick & poke thingy)

boyfriend/girlfriend: no one

siblings: sister and brother (younger)


color: Black 🖤

music: i couldn't chose a fav :(

sport: i don't have a favorite :(((

holiday: Halloween

food: spicy instant noodles :D

number: 7, 77, 777

movie: no fav :<

celebrity: Mana samaaaaa

place: My bed

drink: tea & rockstar energy dinks

animal: bats, ducks & lambs

smell: roses, vanilla, cherry blossoms

song: again no favs :(((

This Or That

hugs or kisses: uh none?

pepsi or coke: Coke

mcdonalds or burger king: McDonalds cuz i never had burger king before e ;-;

chocolate or vanilla: both :3

lover or fighter: heh?

friends or family: friends

love or money: ermmmm depends :3

listen to someone talk ot talking: Listening

personality or looks: Personality

magazines or comics: actual good magazines


are you in luv: no

have you ever been in luv: no

do you believe in love at first sight: uh idk

longest relationship: never been in one

kiss on first date: nah

ever cheated on someone(be honest): No and would neverrrr


do you do drugs: 1 time ;-; (i was sad)

do you drink: when im really really sad

do you have any regrets: Too many to count

want to get married: idk

want kids: no

do you believe in yourself: nope

can you handle the truth: yes

biggest fear: people hating me

most missed memory: i aint tellin u >:(

first thought waking up: i wanna die 

how do you want to die: idk but ill prob end up kms

do you get along with your parents: no non nonon nononono

do you swear: rarely

do you have a pet: ye

have you ever passed out: all the time, idk y but i faint like everymonth

do you party: no

do you get good grades: straght A'sssssss :3

Do You Believe In

aliens: probably

ghost: yeah

myself: nope

karma: ye

magic: maybe??

In someone (everything just idc lol )

eye color: idc

hair color: idc

short or long hair: idc

height: idc

piercings or tattoos: idc

just cute or sexy: idc

hobbies: idc


4 Kudos


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