(IMPORTANT) what is happening on brazil about abortion and how the politicians are criminalizing ABUSED MINORS

Currently in Brazil there is a bill that equates abortion as a crime, minors can receive up to 6 to 12 years in prison and those over 20 years of age receive longer sentences than rapists and abusers receive.

heres more:

The Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday (12) the emergency regime for Bill 1904/24, by deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ) and 32 other parliamentarians, which equates abortion of gestation over 22 weeks to murder. Urgent projects can be voted directly in the Plenary,

without first going through the Chamber committees.

The author of the urgent request and coordinator of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front, deputy Eli Borges (PL-TO), defended approval. "Just look for the World Health Organization (WHO), [from 22 weeks] it is literally child murder,

because this fetus is fully capable of living outside the mother's womb", he stated.

Representative Sâmia Bomfim (Psol-SP) criticized the approval which, according to her, criminalizes children and adolescents who are victims of rape. She stated that more than 60% of victims of sexual violence are under the age of 14. "A child is not a mother, and a rapist is not a father", he said


According to Sâmia Bomfim, a raped girl would be imprisoned for 20 years while the rapist would be behind bars for 8 years. "The parliamentarians' batteries are focused on this girl, removing her from the status of victim to put her in the dock," she declared.

Voting procedure 

Representative Fernanda Melchionna (Psol-

RS) criticized the fact that the vote was carried out symbolically, without a statement from the parties. "We think that this emergency regime needed to be registered, because it is a huge attack on Brazilian girls."

Deputy Chico Alencar (Psol-RJ) stated that the projects to be voted on need to be announced in advance.

"I went back there, when I came back I was informed that a project had been deliberated on its urgency without almost anyone noticing", he criticized.

According to the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira, the symbolic vote was agreed by all party leaders during a meeting this Wednesday (12). "We called Pastor Henrique Vieira [deputy] three times

Psol leader] for guidance", he stated.

Find out more about the processing of bills

Source: Câmara de Notícias Agency


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Criança não é mãe e estrupador não é pai!!!! ✊️

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