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Category: Quiz/Survey

YAY FIRST BLOG!! did a survey i saw ppl doing



name:: Izaac

nickname:: idk my family calls me wheezy (asthma lolz)

how old are you:: 17

zodiac sign:: libra i think

current location:: my bed

eye color:: dookie brown

hair color:: bright red rn

hair type:: wavy ig 

hieght:: 5'8 i think maybe 5'7

your heritage:: english (help need out)

what's your middle name:: dont have one

shoe's you wore today:: big fuckass stompers

your weakness:: being productive

your fear:: being productive

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no???

do you want to:: wut ?

goal you would like to achieve this year:: no idea lol i had a new years thingy and cant remeber whats on it tho

first thought when you wake up:: i dont wanna be awake

best physical feature:: my lip ring

who is your bestest freind:: xeno

when is your bedtime:: dont have one it fluctuates too much 

your most cherished memory:: my memory not great soz

pepsi or coke:: PEPSI!! idc

mc dondalds or burgerking:: well id say mcdonalds but boycott :/

singel or group dates:: wut?

what is the last song you sang:: idk some greenday song my dad had on in the car lolz

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: depends on wether theyre being weird or cocky about it tbh

what is your biggest pet peeve:: judgy ppl

do you drink:: yaa

ever been drunk:: ya lmao

do you smoke:: ig lol

do you "SMOKE":: not so much

do you sing:: yee love it

what color underwear do you have on:: like green or blue idk

do you want to go to college:: NOO!

have you ever been in love:: dont think so idk

do you wnat to get married:: maybe 

do you believe in yourself:: i do believe in fairies i do i do

do you believe inothers:: what like if they exist?? maybe ig

do you like thunderstorms:: if im inside, yes, if im outside, no

do you play an instrument:: bass guitar (not good tho)

what do you want to be when you grow up:: a sexy beast

what country would you like to visit:: well idk just anywhere around europe cos me and my bestie are gonna travel and stuff in a gap year maybe

how many CD's do you own:: lemme check... 9 in my room

how many DVD's do you own:: i have 7 in my room rn

how many tattoo's do you have:: 2 and planning to get more

how many piercings do yo have:: oh god lemme count... 10 yay!!

how many things in the past do you regeret:: a lot 


shoes:: my big fuckass boots

radio station:: if i had to chose probs radio x


car:: idk man not a car person

place:: bed

song:: match into water - pierce the veil 

movie:: suicide room

moment:: idk what this means aahh 

color:: like green or red probs

meal:: comfort mean - pie, hashbrowns, and sweetcorn


favorite eye color:: idm

favorite hair color:: any, i like hair dyed fun colours tho

short or long hair:: longer defo

height:: doesnt matter

body type:: idk man

does ethnicity matter:: ? nope lmao

piercings:: yes

tattoos:: yes


do you think you are attractive:: sometimes yes sometimes no

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: ig lol

would you like to be someones fantasy:: ?

hunter or hunted:: weird questions

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: closed lol who kisses with eyes open???

a little or a lot of tongue:: stop omfg

older or younger:: WHAT?? thats crazy what are these question

lights on/lights off or candle light:: who cares lol 

do you like to cuddle after:: dont remember lol i think i just eat after

do you like to cuddle in general:: ya its cool lmao


what is todays date:: 13/06/2024

what time is it:: 18:53

who are you thinking of:: noone in particular

what are you listening to:: the noise of my parents watching tv

do you love someone:: ya many people

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: wtf does this have a dif meaning i just dont know of or something

does someone love you:: i think so

is it raining:: it is actually i just love england

how many spacehey friends do you have:: 23 rn i think ?

are you happy:: no lol got meds for that


Take this survey -> https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=34598

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