Ina's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

a random survey but wacky


Name: Ina

Age: 21

Birthplace: tree

Birthday: november

Current Location: world

School: gone 4 good

Eye Color: beautiful

Hair Color: also beautiful

Right or Left Handed: both

Shoe Size: 36 (EU)

Skin Type: fabulous

Single?: no?

Pepsi or Coke: Only mathematical water

MCDonalds or Burger King?: Borgir Kong

How many pairs of shoes do you own?: Idk. I use the same 2 until they turn to dust.

Do you smoke?: nah. It stinks like rats.

Have you ever stolen from a friend?: yesh. a pencil sharpener. :')

Do you do drugs?: nah. I do me.

Do you drink?: ye. in special occasions. i luv chery liquor

Do you shower daily?: [REDACTED]

Chocolate or Vanilla?: Strawberry

Do you want to get married?: I am, to Uchiha Madara.

Do you want to have kids?: gotta restore the clan somehow

Future Job: rich

Favorite Sport: badminton & volleyball

Do you get sea sick?: i don't remember. But Ig? I have motion sickness.

Do you believe in yourself?: ALWAYS. IT'S MY NINDO, DATTEBAYO!

Do you think your attractive?: Bitch I'm fabulous!!

Do you like thunderstorms?: yes! they're amazing displays of natural art.

Do you sing?: yes. I sound like a car crash.

Do you play an instrument?: Yesh. The flute.

Are you a health freak?: no. But I'm a freak.. I'm a weirdo...

Are you scared of the dark?: no. darkness fears me.

Do you get along with your parents?: yes. :> luv them

Sibblings?: yes. :> luv them

Pets?: YES! I LUV THEM! My dawg and my birb.

Number of Tattoos: none

Number of piercings: earrings? do they count? ever since I was a kid.

Number of Cds I own: OVER 9000 // jk, idk. maybe 20 or 30 or smth

Style: medium rare

Fruit or Vegetable: fruit. wild berries especially.

Short or Long Hair: long. it's growing, all right?

Best Friend: (all around me are familiar faces...) jk it's JESUS

Coolest Friend: the fridge

Prettiest Friend: me of course

Weirdest Friend: also me

What would you like to get pierced?: i have earring holes since I was a kid

Have you ever stolen from a store?: nah. they give me stuff for free bc I'm too fabulous

Have you ever been kicked out of a store?: nah bc I will speak to the manager

Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?: never. Uchiha Madara would kill me. lol. 

Have you ever turned down a dare?: yes bc it was stupid.

Have you ever kissed a boy on the lips?: why wouldn't I kiss my husband?

Own a stuffed animal?: i have a whole village of them

What grade are you in?: none. i'm no longer a student. i'm 2 busy being rich.

Number of past things your regret: 1. Not seeing the first Sonic movie at the cinema.

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