sp_eaches's profile picture

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Category: Life


Idk if this is just me, but this is the most active summer i've ever had like ever (ToT)

Even before covid, I never really went out and was kind if a NEET!!

This is mainly bcuz I tend to move schools a lot, but over the past year, I'm really thankful to have made such an active friend group!!

So active that im going to somebodies place like once a week!!!


My friends invite me so often and its so casual that it feels weird to say no!

And it's not like I dislike hanging out with them, its just that we're a month into summer and I still havent gotten used to being so active (;゚∇゚)

And thats not it either!!! Cuz my fam isnt used to me being out so often as well!! 

My fam can't afford allat gas money, so everytime I have to ask for a ride there and back so I can even go (o;д;)o

My friends are all so nice any everyone and their parents r all so open to driving me but I just feel like such a bother!!!!

Is this a common summer experience or sum??? Do yall not just chill at home all day?? Do yall swim a lot during the summer?? Or am I just really fucking dramatic ○| ̄|_

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