cry mercy!'s profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

Myspace survey!



name:: mercy

nickname:: marionette

how old are you:: very old on the inside

zodiac sign:: judas ;]

current location:: bed

eye color:: hazel

hair color:: brown

hair type:: apparently its curly?

hieght:: five feet nothing inches

your heritage:: jewess

what's your middle name:: kezia

shoe's you wore today:: birks

your weakness:: sandwiches

your fear:: people i love dying

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no

do you want to:: not rlly??

goal you would like to achieve this year:: fix at least 1 of my health probs

first thought when you wake up:: i wanna go back to sleep

best physical feature:: cheekbonez

who is your bestest freind:: my cat

when is your bedtime:: never

your most cherished memory:: watching RENT with my bffs

pepsi or coke:: neither tbh

mc dondalds or burgerking:: my parents dont let us eat there lol

singel or group dates:: single bcuz of the plague :[

what is the last song you sang:: sumthin weird like a commercial i think

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: nah

what is your biggest pet peeve:: ppl pretending corona is ova

do you drink:: o yea

ever been drunk:: yes

do you smoke:: no

do you "SMOKE":: huh?

do you sing:: sumtimes

what color underwear do you have on:: pattern girlboxers

do you want to go to college:: technicly yes

have you ever been in love:: ya

do you wnat to get married:: nooo

do you believe in yourself:: idk what that even means

do you believe inothers:: definitely

do you like thunderstorms:: if im inside, yea! i like heavy rain w/o thunder better though

do you play an instrument:: i used 2 play piano but i sucked haha

what do you want to be when you grow up:: artist

what country would you like to visit:: any south american country where i can stay somewhere cold

how many CD's do you own:: like......8? 10? i lost most of em when i moved

how many DVD's do you own:: like 20+ or something, i love dvds haha

how many tattoo's do you have:: none, i cant commit lol

how many piercings do yo have:: ive had 15 total but only have 12 now

how many things in the past do you regeret:: SO MANYYYY. i was into a cult :| i wouldve made mistakes neway, but that made them wayyyy worse


shoes:: steelies out n about, birks at home or if its 2 hot for steelies

radio station:: i dont listen to the radio but i like lofi channels on youtube

drink:: i mostly drink water but i actually really like vermouth for some reason??

car:: i literally cud not care less a/b cars

place:: home w/ my cat

song:: last time i said Happiness Is A Warm Gun but rn im feeling Headfirst for HalosĀ 

movie:: BIAC!

moment:: what does that even mean?

color:: black w/contrast, like neon or white stripes

meal:: sandwiches


favorite eye color:: idc

favorite hair color:: idc

short or long hair:: idc

height:: idc

body type:: idc

does ethnicity matter:: no

piercings:: ya theyre cute

tattoos:: don't mind either way


do you think you are attractive:: kinda? sometimes

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: no

would you like to be someones fantasy:: mmmmmaybe

hunter or hunted:: thats a really gross question wtf

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: i wnna close em but i always forget n then im like "why does everything look so weird" hahahaa

a little or a lot of tongue:: a little

older or younger:: close to me

lights on/lights off or candle light:: lights low

do you like to cuddle after:: yeh

do you like to cuddle in general:: yes <3


what is todays date:: june 9 technically bc it's after midnite

what time is it:: the wee hours of the morning

who are you thinking of:: myself eating a sandwich

what are you listening to:: tv

do you love someone:: yes

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: whats with the mechanical bull questions dude srsly

does someone love you:: yea <3

is it raining:: a lil bit i think

how many myspace friends do you have:: none :[

are you happy:: kinda?


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