cry mercy!'s profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

another survey

All About Me!!!!!!


name: emily

nickname: mercy

age: x

b-day: xxx

birthplace: LA

current location: my house

eyecolor: hazel

hair color: brown but i wanna dye it black

peircings: 4x lobes, 1x helix, 1x tragus, 1x conch, 1x industrial, nose, bellybutton

tattoos: im way too indecisive

boyfriend/girlfriend: gf ;]

siblings: i dont like them very much, soooo


color: black

music: alt rock & emo

sport: lifting HEAVY

holiday: halloweeeeeen

food: shrimp pad thai

number: multiples of 4

movie: But I'm A Cheerleader!

celebrity: who cares?

place: england

drink: vino

day of week: saturday maybe?

month: october

city: SF

animal: cats!

time of day: when every1 else is asleep

smell: rain on the coast

t.v. channel: piracy ;]

song: happiness is a warm gun

This Or That

hugs or kisses: idk

pepsi or coke: water tbh

mcdonalds or burger king: subway

chocolate or vanilla: i dont care as long as it has hazelnuts or pistachios or s/t

lover or fighter: luvr4ever

friends or family: friends

love or money: can i have both?

listen to someone talk ot talking: both!

personality or looks: both.

magazines or comics: magazines

pop star or word up: 


are you in luv: <3

have you ever been in luv: </3

ddo you believe in love at first sight: no

longest relationship: over a year

kiss on first date: yes!!

ever cheated on someone(be honest): no


do you do drugs: drugs are not cool! they're fun, but they're not cool!

do you drink: [see my answer for drugs]

do you have any regrets: so many

want to get married: probly not

want kids: def not!

do you believe in yourself: what does that even mean?

last movie you saw at the movies? was it good: barbie & yesss

can you handle the truth: i think so

biggest fear: my parents reading my journals

most missed memory: hanging with friends b4 the plague :[

first thought waking up: "ugh i gotta pee"

how do you want to die: painlessly

do you get along with your parents: as long as i dont tell them stuff, very much

do you swear: fuck yea

do you have a pet: my kittycat!!

have you ever passed out: idk

do you party: not nemore :[

do you get good grades: yea

Do You Believe In

god: no

religion: no

aliens: no

ghost: no

afterlife: no

myself: idk

karma: no but also most ppl don't know what karma actually is

magic: depends on how u define magic

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