about me spacehey survey

About Me

Time Started: 3:24pm

Name: not gonna say my real name

Nickname: i use the name Natalie cuz its from a killers song lmao

Birthday: 17 april

Place of Birth: hospital

Hair: dark brown short scene hair

Eyes: brown/ greenish

Height: 5,4

Left or Right Handed: right

Religion: not religious 


Season: winter

Month: december

Holiday: christmas 

Place you've been to: Ibiza 

Music genre: emo, pop punk, screamo

Colour: red

Animal: coyote

Food: cinnamon roll

Drink: bubble tea

Television show: never have i ever

Ice Cream flavour: strawberry

Movie: corpse bride


Have You Ever...

Kissed in the rain: no

Stripped for somebody: no

Skinny dipped: no

Gone out with somebody because you felt sorry for them: no

Lied to your boyfriend/girlfriend: no

Cheated: no

Lied badly to a friend: yeah

Fallen inlove: no

Done something you badly regretted: yeeeeeeeeeeah

Gotten somebody in heaps of trouble to save yourself: idk

Bought something you didnt even want: yeah

Broken somebodys heart: no

Had your heart broken badly: no

Been rejected.. Don't lie nowww!!: no

Rejected somebody for shallow reasons: no

Pretended you were friends with somebody you hated: no

Do You...

Have your licence: no

Own a car: no

Have any pets: yeahh

Have any siblings: yeah

Smoke: no

Drink often: no

Go clubbing: no 😭

Have one night stands: noooo 😭😭

Often lie: yeah

Swear: yeah

Have a job: no


Longest relationship: never been in one

What's you natural hair colour: brown

Do you wear contacts/glasses: no

Ever kissed a stranger: no

Hardest time you've gone through in your life: dont wanna say

Have you ever betrayed a friend: yeah

Can you speak another language: sign language and learning Portuguese 

Who was the last person you went to dinner with: my family 

Do you get along with your parents: not rlly

Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you: no

Person you'd consider to have the best relationship with: no one

Do you go gym: no ew 

Do you find it hard to be honest: yeahhh very

Does your bedroom have a theme: no

Do you like taking pictures: yeah i love to

Ever been extremely jealous of somebody: uh huh

Ever wanted what you cant have: smiths refrence ;/

Favourite perfume/cologne: whatever my ibiza scented ones called

What country do you wish to visit most: brazil 

Do you wish you could have a specific person back in your life: maybe

Would you ever dye your hair red: totally

Can you draw: yea

Last person you kissed: no one 😭

Last person who told you they cared for you/loved you: i dont know

Are you missing anybody: no

Do you have a crush on anyone: no

Dream job: bassit in a famous band

Wish you were.....: at a bmth concert 💔

What are you doing tomorrow: seeing my cousin

Have a deep dark secret?????: yea

Time finished: 3:35pm

Take this survey -> https://www.pimp-my-profile.com/surveys/view.php?id=52027

2 Kudos


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