pyrope's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

about me servey thingy i took cuz i wuz bored xD



name:: pyrope

nickname:: dont got 1 xP sum peepz have called me pyro 4 short in the past tho,, so ig that counts!!! xD

how old are you:: 15 yearz old !!!!

zodiac sign:: aquarius !!!

current location:: the usa, where exactly? im not fukin sayin !!!!

eye color:: dark brown, borderin on black

hair color:: dark brown

hair type:: greasy, dandruff filled, mid length, straight hair xp

hieght:: 5 feet, 3 inchez

your heritage:: white people.......

shoe's you wore today:: sneakerz that i struggle with tying ToT

your weakness:: procrastination & self sabotage (>.>;)

your fear:: nevr b-ing ble 2 do things i liek doing,,,, liek,,, being forced 2 nevr hav fun T-T

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no

do you want to:: noooooooooo

goal you would like to achieve this year:: procrastinate slightlly less xD

first thought when you wake up:: check my phone &/or laptop 4 new notifs xp

who is your bestest freind:: haha,,,, skip,,,, i skip this question,,,,

when is your bedtime:: whenevr i feel liek it on the weekendz !!! on weekdays its around 11pm :p

your most cherished memory:: sooo many memories,,, its rlly hard 2 pick,,, mayb that 1 birthday when my parents let me get a buncha things from toysrus !!! 

pepsi or coke:: i nevr have had pepsi b4 so coke ig xp

mc dondalds or burgerking:: bk !! luv their chicken friez

what is the last song you sang:: terrible things !! itz been kinda stuck in my hed lol

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: not rlly :p

what is your biggest pet peeve:: makin really loud chewin noises,,, ewwww

do you drink:: nooooo

ever been drunk:: noooooooooo

do you smoke:: nooooooooooooooooooo

do you "SMOKE":: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

do you sing:: sometimez hehe 

what color underwear do you have on::weird question,,, tan :p

do you want to go to college:: i guess,, mostly just cuz i have to tho

have you ever been in love:: yeah,,,, if fictional characterz count,,,, lol

do you wnat to get married:: not rlly

do you believe in yourself:: not rlly,,,,,, (>.>:)

do you believe inothers:: nope lol 

do you like thunderstorms:: yes,,, assumin im inside,,, the sounds are kinda nice 

do you play an instrument:: yep, keyboard + harmonica,, cant play the keyboard well,, but i can play it at least xD

what do you want to be when you grow up:: an animator,,, maybe,,,, not 4 sure lol

how many CD's do you own:: 3, rlly wanna get moar tho!!!

how many DVD's do you own:: A LOT !!!! i gotta whole hamper filled with them !!! cuz i ran outta room in my makeshift shelf thingy made of milkcrates xp

how many tattoo's do you have:: none !!

how many piercings do yo have:: none !!

how many things in the past do you regeret:: A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


drink:: milk ^_^

place:: my room Xp

song:: triple baka, mostly just 4 sentimental value xD

movie:: a tie between athf colon movie & lalaloopsy girls xD

moment:: idk??>>?? what does "moment" even entail anywayz?!?!

color:: neon green !!! specifically #00f900 !!! (which iz the color im writin in rn!!! hehehe xD

meal:: eggs benedict !!! yummmmmmm ^_^ 


what is todays date:: 6/3/2024

what time is it:: 9:30 pm

what are you listening to:: my fan blowin air on me

do you love someone:: do fictional characterz count,,,, hehe

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: noooooooooo

does someone love you:: it doesnt feel liek it T-T

is it raining:: nope :p

how many myspace spacehey friends do you have:: 49 

are you happy:: yep !!!


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