About me survey

All About Me In 80 Questions!!!!!! by jasmineelliott
name: Emalee
nickname: Ema, Em
age: Under 15
b-day: Oct. 6th
birthplace: Hospital
current location: USA
eyecolor: Hazel
hair color: Light brown, I think
peircings: No
tattoos: No
boyfriend/girlfriend: No
siblings: 5
color: Pink w/ orange, green, red, black, purple
music: Hard rock, nu-metal, pop punk
sport: None
holiday: Halloween
food: BBQ
number: 111 or 11
movie: Scream
celebrity: Chad Michael Murray
place: The beach and cemetery
drink: Mtn dew & sweet tea
day of week: Saturday
month: October
city: None
animal: Cats
time of day: None
smell: Perfume? Or cologne
t.v. channel: None
song: A ton
This Or That
hugs or kisses: Depends
pepsi or coke: Coke
mcdonalds or burger king: McDonalds
chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
lover or fighter: Lover(?)
friends or family: Family
love or money: Love
listen to someone talk ot talking: Either way
personality or looks: Both
magazines or comics: Magazines
pop star or word up: None
are you in luv: No
have you ever been in luv: No
ddo you believe in love at first sight: Yeah
longest relationship: None
kiss on first date: No
ever cheated on someone(be honest): No
do you do drugs: NO!!!
do you drink: NO!!!
do you have any regrets: Yes
want to get married: No
want kids: No
do you believe in yourself: Yeah
last movie you saw at the movies? was it good: I don't remember
can you handle the truth: Yes
biggest fear: My mom/j
most missed memory: My old house
first thought waking up: I dont know
how do you want to die: Old age
do you get along with your parents: Yes
do you swear: Not really
do you have a pet: I have 4
have you ever passed out: Probably
do you party: No
do you get good grades: Yes
Do You Believe In
god: No
religion: No
aliens: No
ghost: Yes
afterlife: Yes
myself: Yes
karma: Yes
magic: No
In a Boy
eye color: Blue or green
hair color: Black or brown
short or long hair: Depends
height: Idk, taller than me but not 2 tall
peircings or tattoos: Yes
just cute or sexy: Both..?
hobbies: Listening to music and playing videogames
one girl man: what
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