Rain ♡彡's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

About me survey!! <3

name: Rania/Rey/Ray/Rain
nickname: Rain <3
how old are you: 13!
zodiac sign: Libra lol-
current location: Earth (Sadly)
eye color: Dark brown
hair color: Black! :3
hair type: Wavy
hieght: 5,3
your heritage: Pakistani
what's your middle name: Your mom ^_^
shoe's you wore today: Slippers n sandals n mary janes
your weakness: People being genuinly so kind and sweet-
your fear: alot of shit but biggest one is probably bugs-
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: Nope 0~0
do you want to: Maybe-
goal you would like to achieve this year: Better my wardrobe,room and skin
first thought when you wake up:”ughhh....”
best physical feature: My...figure i guess?
who is your bestest freind: Terra (Earth) and Space :3
when is your bedtime: 9pm for school days!
your most cherished memory: Damn...Probably being at the arcade or beach in childhood maybe?
pepsi or coke:..Hm..coke maybe? (am boycotting tho)
mc dondalds or burgerking: i’d say McDonalds lol. I am boycotting tho
singel or group dates: I dont go on dates lol T-T
what is the last song you sang: She bangs like a fairy on acid - Elita
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: Hm,Honestly yes- also they need to teach me so my guitar doesnt go to waste lolll
what is your biggest pet peeve: People who think they’re cool shit for being rude to teachers or others
do you drink: nope
ever been drunk: no 0-0
do you smoke: No!
do you "SMOKE": Wha-?
do you sing: yh when i feel like it

do you want to go to college: Yep!
have you ever been in love: yes lol
do you want to get married: Sure!
do you believe in yourself:...Kind of?
do you believe inothers: Sometimes-
do you like thunderstorms: YESSSSSS!
do you play an instrument: Learned some in music but i dont actively play any (i do own a guitar tho!)
what do you want to be when you grow up: Most likely an astronomer but also maybe something in the creative field?
what country would you like to visit: Japan!
how many CD's do you own: no idea- i do have one as decor in my room tho!
how many DVD's do you own: no clue-
how many tattoo's do you have: none!
how many piercings do yo have: Just ear piercings! 1 on both ear
how many things in the past do you regeret: alot lol-
shoes: Converse or mary jane’s or heels
radio station: whichever one plays the best music-
drink: Water, mango juice,or mogu mogu or monster energy-
car: Tesla probably 
place: Space...<3
song: UDNTHAVE2KNOW by Marluxium
movie: Coraline!
moment: Getting accepted into the school i want-
color: Light pink and black!
meal: Burger and fries lol >w<
favorite eye color: Any tbh,maybe some dark color as fave tho?
favorite hair color: Black i suppose!
short or long hair: any tbh. Maybe long as fave in gals and short/med in guys or other gendered peeps :3
height: Dont mind but ig maybe 5,9/5,10 as fav. Don’t mind tho
body type: Slim,long. I’d love my partner regardless though <3
does ethnicity matter: Eh i guess not? If i like you then i like you -w-
piercings: sure!
tattoos: i dont mind some but probably not sleeves or too much lol
do you think you are attractive: Some days yes,some days no
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: Yep
would you like to be someones fantasy: i guess?
Nah i aint doing the rest of the section,google it if you want to know the questions 0.0 !

what is todays date: 22/6/24:
what time is it: 6:21 pm:
who are you thinking of: my friends oc- :
what are you listening to: nothing atm! :
do you love someone: my brother ofc!
do you know where your mechanical bull is: Help 😭
does someone love you: I’d hope so- :
is it raining: not currently which is shocking since i live in the uk:
how many myspace friends do you have: Currently 291! :
are you happy: Sometimes -v-:

2 Kudos


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★ BlobFish ★

★ BlobFish ★'s profile picture

That oc’s she thinking about is probably mine- you SIMP-

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by Rain ♡彡; ; Report