second to last one(another quizz)

The Incredibly Long Survey About You (T.I.L.S.A.Y.)


Name: CJ Harts

Age: OLD.

Sex: big dicked man

Date of Birth: 12/7/????

Hair Color: dark brown

Eye Color: black

Race: blackie

Favorite. . .

Color(s): orange

Food: ;}

Drink: CUM

Television Show: moral orel

Movie: where the dead go to die

Song: laydown(demo 2021) I LOVE THIS SHIT

Artist: Lil darkie

Place to be: my bfs house

Stuffed animal: Kai dont tell anyone else

Pet: popsicle hes a snick


Game: MINECRAFT!!!<333

Clothing brand/style: Scenecore/alt

What do you want in the opposite sex?

Hair color: blondeΒ 

Eye color: my bfs eyes

Tatoos: matching I BEG

Peircings: none

Body Type: idk why would iΒ 

Do they have to be rich?: no

Do they have to be popular?: no

Personality or Looks?: idcΒ 

This or that?

Pepsi or Coke: i dont like either

Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla

Black or White: white =}

Cats or Dogs: cats<3333

Sink or Swim: swim

Lake or Ocean: neitherΒ 

Night or Day: night i hate the sun

Half Full or Half Empty: half empty

Desktops or Laptops: laptops

Playstation or Xbox: 3ds

Summer or Winter: fall

Cold or Warm: freezing

Cowboys or Indians: COWBOYS YEE HAW!!

Lover or Fighter: fighter

Car or Truck: plane

Cup or Glass: shot glass

Fork or Spoon: knife :3

Walking or Running: flying

The Fast or The Furious: i wanna be fucked my the furious

What do you think of when I say. . .

Soup: cum

Wardrobe Malfunction: i can find one of my clothes

Heaven: nope


Cucumber: ;}

Salad: sometimes

Big Mac: meat ;}

Sexy: my bf

Pirates: me

Significant: other

Beautiful: my bf isΒ 

Lion: ew

Blues Clues: my childhood

Rainbow: homosegual

Cloud: rain

Rapper: lil darkie

Gangsta: violent j

White and Nerdy: my bf hehe

Lolli pop: hyunho koo

Wave: emoji

Fad: what

Aliens: are real

Ghost: are weird

Survey: thats what im doing

Do you or have you ever had. . .

A piercing: i have 5

A tattoo: nope

A sibling: i have 2

Parents that are still together: no

A boyfriend/girlfriend: YES MY HUBBY

A husband/wife: YES

A child: kris mclean

A really wild party while your parents were away?: no why would i

An alcoholic beverage: yep

A pet of your own: my snick an spidor

A house of your own: no i have no moneys

A car of your own: nooo :[

An iPod: i use to

Do you. . .

Smoke: no

Drink: yep

Do drugs: use to

Hug on the first date: yep?

Kiss on the first date: idk

'Do it' on the first date: GROSS NO.

Shower Daily: not always

Brush your teeth daily: noper

Keep your room clean: never

Do all your homework: who does

Plan on going to college: i doooo

Do you believe in. . .

God/Heaven: no

Satan/Hell: maybe i am a satanist

Ghosts: yes

Aliens: OF COURSE im friends with one

Witches/wizards: im a warlock so yea

Magic: i do black magic

Big Foot/Sasquatch/Abominable Snowmen: no

The past life: HELL YEA im a therian

Global Warming: why wouldnt iΒ 

Humanism: idk what thaat is

Scienceology: no gross

Hinduism: sure

Buddism: yep

Taoism: i have know ide what this is

Wiccaism: yeppers


What's your middle name?: jayde

Have any Nicknames?: yep Vozz/Vozzy

What is your favorite name?: Vozzoth its so :3

What do you wish your name was?: CJ or Vozzoth

What is your favorite season?: fall

Do you drink alot of water?: yes like a 40 a week

Do you have a pet?: yep ma snick an spidor

Do you have a computer at your house?: yep

Do you live in an apartment, house, trailor or other?: Apartment

Favorite place to chill?: the creek by my house

Favorite place to visit?: the jail my dads in

Ever have an imaginary friend?: i have DID so yea /j

If so, what was their name?: idk

Ever eaten something really disgusting?: yes bugs

Do you work out?: everyday

Have you ever gotten arrested?: twice

If so, for what?: :3

Have you ever cheated on someone?: no i would never

Has anyone ever cheated on you?: too many times

Have you ever kissed a stranger?: no

Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: my boyfriend

have you ever gotten drunk?: like once

Could you ever be a vegitarian?: i have in the past

Can you sing?: i like to think i can

Can you dance?: fuck no i can barely walk

Can you draw, paint, color well?: very good :]

Do you have a job?: kinda

Do you like tape?: yes for bdsm

Do you like glue?: noooooo

Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?: it will take awhile but yes

How did you like this survey?: it was cool :3

Take this survey ->

2 Kudos


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REX /(^ x ^)\

REX 	/(^ x ^)\'s profile picture

Nice survey Lol

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