Marshmallow's profile picture

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Category: Quiz/Survey

About Mehhhh


Name: Marshmallow!! (Mars 4 friends :3)

Age: 21

Birthday: September 24

Where I'm From: USA

Heritage: Brazilian and Italian! :3 I only grew up with my Brazilian culture tho. I also only speak English but understand a lot of Portuguese!

Pronouns: Sea/They/He

Hair: Medium-length and fluffy! I dyed it red a while ago and it's hella faded now {*_*}

Piercings/Tattoos: None but I want piercings so bad!! {>_<} Starting with getting my ears pierced!! And maybe lip piercings but not sure if it's a good idea 3x

Height: 5'3 {T_T}


Color: Blue!!! All shades <3

Animal: Eeee idk I luv them all {>^<} I want to learn more abt birds tho!!!

Song: Auughhh this one's so hard.. maybe Doodle by Gramma?

Flower: Tulips have been particularly appreciated recently :3

Scent: Ocean!!

Food: Alfredo pasta xP

Drink: Waterrr (or coca cola :p)

Dessert: Cake!!!! Especially vanilla {^w^}

Snack: Cookiezzzzzz 

Season: Summer!

Quote: Do no harm Take no shit


Who's Your Hero: The cats on my instagram feed

Most Used Emojis: 💀😭😔😦

Hobbies: Art, listening to music, and daydreaming {>u<"} I'm pretty boring

Lefty or Righty: Right handed!

Do You Drive: Yesssss

Have Any Siblings: 3!!! {>0<}

Fears: Heights and the dark

Bedtime: I fall asleep pretty early .-. like 9/10pm (used to be 7/8 pm xP)

Want To Go To College: No!

Fandoms: Creepypasta, Deltarune/Undertale, PPG, FNAF, Omori, and YTTD

Your Anthem: Freak Show by Set It Off :]

This Or That

Fruits or Vegetables: Fruits!!

Black or White: Black

Lights On or Off: Usually off

TV or Movies: TV

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla all tha way!!!

Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes :9

Cupcakes or Muffins: Cupcakes

Winter or Summer: Summer!

Spring or Autumn: Spring {^_^}

Morning or Night: Morning!! I'm an early bird

2 Kudos


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