Language Learning

I have been studying spanish, both informally and formally, for twelveish years. But this year I decided to actually double down and get serious about it. I do daily lessons and occasionally practice reading, but not much else. I feel my reading and comprehension has definitely improved, but my speaking, listening, and writing for sure need growth. 

To this end, I am going to start writing these infrequent blog posts in Spanish, at least as much as I can, to try and get more practice and experience. I have also heard that talking to yourself and recording it then listening back can help, which I'm also going to try, even though I, like most people, hate the sound of my voice. 

Feel free to message me or leave comments if you have any other tips or advice when it comes to learning a new language. 

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Hola ¿Como estas?

by Queenofmylife_14; ; Report