worker solidarity

ive noticed this growing sentiment in leftist circles recently, that basically goes "you should never befriend your coworkers because they can't be trusted no matter how much you may like them." it's completely antithetical to the ethos of leftism and worker solidarity.

the-restaurant-i-work-at is having its 50 year anniversary, which means a full house for the three days that the event is going on. the kitchen was chaos, servers were overwhelmed, hosts were having to take on every job under the sun, all the while the management got to stand around and talk to customers like it was a regular wednesday. by the end of the night we were achy, drained, and ready to get the fuck out of there. but, we couldn't. because a certain number of management were having cocktails at a table.

and do you know what happened while we were all scrambling to close the restaurant? we vented to each other. we helped each other out. we took on tasks that aren't in our job descriptions because it could help out a coworker. we cracked jokes about the owner. most importantly, we bonded as fellow workers.

i went out after work with all of the hosts and the remaining servers to wingstop, and when they gave me a ride home we bumped old 2010 white girl pop and sang poorly.

am i saying you have to do this? no. am i saying every coworker is a friend? no. but what i am saying is that unions don't form from distrust. capitalists would love nothing but to watch as workers isolated themselves from each other if it meant never hearing the words "we deserve more."

unionize. befriend. watch each others backs.

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